What Is 5G?

5g-network-300x183Last week on our blog, we wrote about how to protect your network’s connected devices, and the importance of good cybersecurity with the upcoming launch of 5G. This week we decided to take a step back and go into a bit more detail about 5G itself. So, what is 5G?

5G is the fifth generation (hence, 5-G) of wireless communications. Right now most cell phones communicate over a 4G network, such as LTE.  5G rollout has already started in certain areas, with nationwide coverage expected sometime next year.

Like other generational improvements, faster speeds are one of the main features of 5G networks, with anywhere from 500mbps-1.5gbps speeds available. But this generation is unique, in that it has a number of other benefits.

  • lower latency
  • lower power requirements
  • increase in number of connected devices

When it launches, unless your device is equipped with 5G technology, it won’t be able to take advantage of these benefits. But most new devices launched after the 5G rollout will come 5G-capable.

So why does this matter? These improvements in communication speed and reliability are able to power a number of cutting edge technologies that will be used more and more frequently in the near future, such as virtual reality, driverless cars, remote surgery, and more.

In terms of security specifically, 5G connectivity will allow more devices to communicate even faster over your home network – for example security cameras, motion detectors, smart home devices, and many more. By involving machine learning and AI, your smart home will be able to learn more about your behaviors in order to provide increased convenience and protection.

If you live in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on how 5G can help protect your home or business, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

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