What Is Remote Monitoring?

laptop monitor-Intel Free PressWhen you picture a surveillance monitoring station what do you see?  Is it a half awake guard staring blankly at multiple monitors?  If that’s the case you can scratch that image from your mind.  The future of monitoring services is quickly shifting and adapting to our society’s need for streamlined and efficient processes.  As surveillance systems migrate from analog to IP with megapixel network cameras, and our world becomes more and more connected through the IoT (Internet of Things), the desire to access and monitor footage from anywhere increases.  This is where the idea of remote monitoring comes into play.

Being able to remotely monitor surveillance footage from virtually anywhere is a convenience that, up until recently, hasn’t been a pervasive security feature.  It differs from alarm monitoring in the sense that a service representative isn’t necessarily waiting around for an alarm to go off, instead they are actively watching live recordings to catch potential disasters before they happen.  In the past a company would typically hire people to monitor cameras on site, which isn’t always the most economical or effective method.  Today, companies are using off-site monitoring services that have the ability to keep watch over multiple facilities 24/7.  In conjunction with that, business owners have the ability to download apps that allow them to access their surveillance footage at their convenience via a mobile device.

At Perfect Connections, Inc. our experts typically recommend a monitoring service as part of a comprehensive security system to help ensure its effectiveness.  Our team of licensed technicians have been providing security solutions to businesses throughout northern and central New Jersey for that past 23 years.  The technological climate is ever changing and we always do our best to stay on top of relevant trends that will benefit our customers.

Remote monitoring allows an individual or group of users to access surveillance footage through a secured network from virtually anywhere via a smartphone, tablet, computer, or mobile device.  Why is this beneficial?  It can help cut down, or eliminate entirely, the need to have an on-site staff staring at monitors, how effective can that be anyway?  According to Doug Marman, CTO of VideoIQ Inc. and founder of Remote Guarding Alliance, “…humans monitoring video screens grow fatigued to the point of ineffectiveness after only 20 minutes…”  Marman argues that the traditional method of monitoring surveillance is at best a practice in “hindsight” strategy.  Meaning by the time a reaction is made the damage is done or the perpetrator has already escaped.

Marman’s system of remote monitoring using a combination of video analytics and audio over IP, or voice over IP (VOIP), decreases response time and increases the ability to monitor a large quantity of cameras at once.  And in contrast to human attention span, video analytics are “100 percent vigilant.”  Marman illustrates the ability to interact with intruders instantly via audio over IP, citing how quick they are to abandon their criminal attempt when someone is calling them out over a speaker on site.  While audio interaction is an intriguing feature that allows for a virtual presence at all times, it may not be necessary depending on your type of business and your security needs.  What matters most is the ability to react instantly, reduce any lag time in response, and prevent false alarms as they typically result in fines and wasted essential resources.

With response time being one of the top benefits of remote monitoring it can also reduce overall monitoring costs, increase scalability options, and send notifications via e-mail or other media.  While the benefits of a remote monitoring system may eliminate the need to hire on-site staff, it doesn’t necessarily mean you should rely solely on self-monitoring.  If you were to take on the task of monitoring everything yourself, your business could be at risk.  Imagine you’re monitoring from a smartphone, it runs out of battery and you don’t have your charger handy.  What if you misplace your smartphone and miss an important notification?  Think about logistics too, as a business owner even you need to get sleep, you can’t be vigilant 24/7.

Having the ability to self-monitor should be looked at as an added layer of security, not your only means of protection.  According to Jerry Cordasco, vice president of operations for G4S Video Monitoring Support and Data Center, “A better choice for remote video surveillance is the use of a professional monitoring facility.”  Having a remote monitoring service provides a virtual presence 24/7 that can access real time footage and initiate the appropriate response immediately.

Security systems can be an effective crime fighters, but what good are they if an alarms goes off and no one is notified or made aware?  What good is a surveillance system that no one is monitoring?  You might get lucky and capture a license plate number that could eventually lead you to the perpetrator after the fact, but by that point the damage has been done.  The goal of a remote monitoring service is to provide timely and accurate responses to disturbances on site.

As a security systems provider, our team at Perfect Connections, Inc. understands the importance of immediate action.  Mere seconds can be the difference between prevention and disaster.  We have been providing comprehensive security system solutions, which include monitoring services, to facilities throughout northern and central New Jersey since 1992.  Every business has different security risks that is why we tailor our solutions to fit your specific needs.

If you live or run a business in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image by Intel Free Press-Flickr-Creative Commons

How to Secure a Parking Garage

Parking Garage-David HilowitzThere are many architectural components to a business facility sometimes that includes a parking lot or garage.  Whether it is attached or detached, near or far from the main building it can be a convenient asset to any business.  It’s likely the place where you and your employees park in the morning and leave in the evening.  At some point in your life, whether you were at work or another establishment, you’ve probably had an uneasy feeling walking to your car.  But why?  Perhaps it had something to do with a perceived lack of security.

A parking lot or garage can often go overlooked when it comes to the security of an organization as it is not necessarily looked at as an actual part of the main building.  Often times organizations focus on protecting the areas people spend most of their time in, their office or interior work destination.  Sometimes a parking lot or garage isn’t even owned by the business it serves but rather an outside property manager.  However, parking destinations can often be high risk areas especially at night.  As a licensed security systems company our experts at Perfect Connections, Inc. assess the security risks of an organization as a whole.  We have been offering comprehensive security solutions to businesses throughout northern and central New Jersey for the past 23 years.  We understand not every business or location is the same, and with different locations comes different security risks.  Our team helps minimize risk by offering tailored security system solutions.

The risks associated with an unprotected parking lot or garage can be mitigated once brought to light.  Speaking of light, it is one of the most important safety factors in parking lots and garages.  As you’ve probably experienced at one point or another not all parking areas have adequate lighting, thus creating dark corners and easy hiding spots for potential criminals.  According to James Marcella, Director of Technical Services for Axis Communications, “The most effective deterrent to criminal activity is a well-lit area, because not only does it increase the ability for natural surveillance, it also improves the quality of recorded images from security cameras.”

Not only is it imperative for patrons to be able to see, but if something were to happen it’s crucial that security cameras record useable footage.  Lighting and surveillance tend to go hand-in-hand.  This means installing light fixtures that will provide ample illumination and an adequate CRI (Color Rendition Index) rating.  CRI ratings quantify the precision a light source has when it comes to reproducing color.  One of the best and overall cost effective options is LED (Light Emitting Diode) lighting.

While lighting is paramount, surveillance is key when it comes to catching criminal behavior, especially in parking lots and garages.  In our current technological environment surveillance cameras and equipment are becoming more efficient and advanced.  For instance, garage and parking lot environments are not exactly the cleanest or protected areas, therefore surveillance equipment has to be able to withstand harsher elements.

Fortunately there are cameras built specifically for such vulnerable settings.  Vandal-resistant cameras happen to be a surveillance solution in volatile areas, providing protection from both human and environmental elements.  They typically come sealed from dust and moisture right out of the box making them durable and increasing their longevity.  This helps cut down on long term costs of repairs or replacements.

Aside from being durable, ease of integration is becoming a pervasive quality in cameras and security equipment.  Today, end-users are starting to migrate from analog camera systems to IP (Internet Protocol) for their image quality, coverage, and scalability.  This opens the door to whole system integration where a garage surveillance system can be on the same network as the business it services, or at least that’s the idea.  With IP and cloud-based surveillance systems becoming more ubiquitous, clearer images and video analytics are sure to play an important role in the security of any infrastructure, including parking lots and garages.  It would help cut down on the need for physical monitoring services as well provide a platform for remote access via a mobile device or computer.

When enhancing the safety of your parking lot or garage it’s important to consider landscaping, signage, cashier booths and pay stations, and alert systems for the patrons.  Landscaping around a garage or lot should be well kept and vegetation should be trimmed low to maintain a clear line of sight.  There should be clear signage that improves way-finding and some that indicates the area is under surveillance.  Sometimes seeing signage is enough to deter criminal activity.  Cashier booths and pay stations are crime targets for obvious reasons, therefore they should be well-lit and have adequate surveillance coverage.  Alert systems can be a helpful added security feature that would notify patrons by text message of any issues or disturbances while they are away.

Whether you are the owner of a parking lot/garage or a patron it is critical to ensure its security.  It’s not just about being vigilant of your property, it’s about protecting you, your employees, and your patrons.  As every location has different risks you should always call on a licensed security systems professional to perform an in-person security assessment.  Our team at Perfect Connections, Inc. has been providing comprehensive security solutions to businesses throughout northern and central New Jersey since 1992.  Our team is skilled at providing custom solutions tailored specifically to your needs.  We appreciate the complexities involved in protecting an organization as a whole.

If you live or run a business in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image by David Hilowitz-Flickr-Creative Commons

Can My Cameras See In The Dark?

West Midlands Police-Infrared FootageNot all surveillance cameras are created equally.  It may seem as simple as selecting a surveillance camera and popping it into place, but what about the external factors that affect the quality of recorded images?  One of the top concerns for industry professionals and end-users alike is a cameras ability to function in the dark or varied light conditions.  Whether you’re using interior or external cameras, their ability to function under varied light conditions is paramount.  Our experts at Perfect Connections, Inc. understand the importance of a surveillance system that doesn’t quit when the sun goes down.  We are a licensed security systems company that has been providing comprehensive security solutions to businesses throughout northern and central New Jersey for the past 23 years.

What challenges do different lighting conditions pose to surveillance cameras?  The most obvious is the absence or lack of light.  Unless your cameras are True Day Night it is likely that they will not be able to pick up fine details in the lack of light.  Another common issue is the effect of light glare.  Problematic glare can come from car headlights to poorly placed exterior lighting fixtures.  Glare will disrupt the sensors in the video camera and the recorded footage can be rendered useless.  It is important to take lighting conditions into consideration when choosing and installing cameras as it will impact the overall effectiveness of your system.  What good is a camera that captures grainy unclear images or blanks out for seconds at a time?

Fortunately there have been vast improvements in the surveillance industry that are changing the game when it comes to light adaptation capabilities.  According to Greg Peratt, Senior Director of the Panasonic Video Solutions Integration Team, there are IP (Internet Protocol) cameras that can capture detailed footage in lighting less than .01 lux illumination.  Lux illumination is the metric measurement for how much light falls on an object.  A measurement of 1 lux, “equals the amount of light that falls on a one-square-meter surface that is one meter away from a single candle.”  Therefore a camera that can capture detailed images in less than .01 lux illumination is not only impressive, it’s advantageous.

Another helpful advancement in the case of low or varied light is the Infrared Cut-Filter Mechanism (IRCF).  This filter is automatically lifted or lowered in front of the camera’s sensor depending on the light levels.  The IRCF helps block out disruptive infrared light that can come from sunlight or certain lighting fixtures and it ultimately improves the camera’s low-light performance.  When light levels are low-typically at night-is when the filter is automatically lifted from in front of the sensor.  Cameras that have this feature are considered to have True Day Night capabilities.

The only hitch with this technology is color is often distorted or lost completely.  However, the camera is still able to capture a clear black and white image and according to Steve Carney it captures an image, “…that is not only vastly more usable but also cleaner without chroma noise.”  Carney points out another differentiator between True Day Night cameras and the impersonators is what happens when the IRCF is lifted or removed.  In a True Day Night camera a piece of “dummy” glass will take the place of the IRCF in order to maintain focus and, “minimize the spectral offset between visible and IR light.”  In other cameras the ability to remove such a filter doesn’t exist, therefore the full spectrum of visible and infrared light cannot be taken advantage of.

Other features to look for when considering Day Night cameras are the shutter speeds and any tinting on the camera housing.  Varying shutter speeds affect the amount of the light that is able to be captured.  The slower the shutter, the more light is captured which isn’t always better.  Often times a camera will come with a domed or “bubble” exterior housing.  These “bubbles” can sometimes be tinted.  Depending on your application you may or may not need tinting; sometimes the tint can have an adverse effect by decreasing visibility and obstructing image clarity.

Whether you are replacing older interior/exterior cameras or installing new, your best solution is to call on the experts.  Every business and facility is different which means each will have different requirements when it comes to day/nighttime surveillance.  Having a licensed security professional do an in person assessment of your facility will help determine what type of camera should be implemented and where.  Our team of licensed professionals at Perfect Connections, Inc. has been providing comprehensive security solutions to businesses and facilities throughout northern and central New Jersey since 1992.  We believe in personalized service that tailors solutions to your individualized needs.

If you live or run a business in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image by West Midlands Police-Flickr-Creative Commons

Making the Switch from Analog to IP

If you’ve had a surveillance system installed within the past decade it’s more than likely that it’s either an analog or IP (Internet Protocol) system.  So what’s the difference?  Analog typically refers to an older technology that doesn’t use Ethernet protocol.  IP includes “IP-addressable items,” the cabling, and network equipment used to connect all components to an Ethernet networked system.  As people transition to a fully digital IP system there is some overlapping of the two technologies creating hybrids.

Making the switch from analog to IP isn’t always as daunting as it may seem and there are options that make the transition easier over time.  Our licensed professionals at Perfect Connections, Inc. have the expertise to address your security needs.  We have been providing comprehensive security system solutions to organizations throughout northern and central New Jersey for the past 23 years.  We understand the complexities of installing and updating security systems including the surveillance equipment.

So why make the switch from analog to IP?  For one, a fully digital IP system will have improved performance over an analog system.  Many IP cameras are equipped with features like, “advanced digital signal processing, optical zoom lenses, wide dynamic range, on-board analytics and auto image stabilizers…” These features in conjunction with high resolution megapixel cameras provide better coverage and the ability to cover more area with less cameras.  Being able to expand or re-configure, also referred to as scalability, comes easily with an IP system.  This is an advantage to any organization especially one that plans on expanding or renovating in the future as the initial investment cost isn’t lost in the process.

With IP surveillance systems comes advanced analytics.  That means footage can be monitored, recorded, interpreted, archived, and retrieved by the central server as well as peripheral devices.  How is this beneficial?  It helps when looking for specific recordings as a search can be initiated versus having to view hours of useless footage.  If an alarm is activated this type of intelligence can be used to zoom in on what is setting it off which cuts down on time looking for what it might be.

There’s also a flexibility that comes with converting to an IP system.  It makes system integration easier when it comes to adding features like access control, alarms, and extra cameras.  You also have more of a reason to store a higher volume of footage with an IP system because the image quality is clearer and be accessed easily.  Having an IP system allows for ease of software upgrades which helps keep it relevant.  In that sense IP is worth the initial up front cost as it is more adaptable to future technologies and won’t require extensive re-cabling and labor in years to come.

Does this mean you have to completely abandon your analog system all at once?  Not necessarily.  As each system is different the only real way to tell what will need to be done is to hire a security systems expert to do an in person assessment of the current situation.  One option might be to use the existing analog equipment and simply add converters to the camera and network switch ends of the cabling.  This creates a sort of hybrid system where you’re using existing coax cable from the analog system but the converters allow you to add IP cameras; they don’t have to rely on your company’s network and can still be recorded on your DVR, NVR, or VMS (Digital Video Recorder, Network Video Recorder, and Video Management System).

The benefit to a hybrid system is you don’t lose out on the initial investment of the original system and it allows for easy add-ons, upgrades and replacements of IP technology.  The other option is to completely remove all analog devices and cabling and start over with a new IP system.  Sometimes IP systems can utilize existing analog infrastructures so that could be an alternative to starting from scratch.  Remember if you have an IT department at your facility it is important to include them in the process to ensure a seamless integration.

Whether you’re looking to upgrade to and IP system all at once or try the hybrid approach it’s key to include a licensed security systems expert from the beginning.  They can help guide you through the process from start to finish.  Our team at Perfect Connections, Inc. have been providing expert security system solutions to businesses throughout northern and central New Jersey since 1992.  We understand that each facility is unique and requires individualized security solutions.

If you live or run a business in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

What Does Megapixel Mean In Security Cameras?

If you’re in the market for a security system a major component you’re probably considering is video surveillance.  While doing a little research you’ve likely come across a plethora of surveillance options with various technological features.  It may seem like a daunting task to choose the cameras that suit your needs, which is why you should always consult a licensed security systems professional.  They’ll be able to assess the security risks associated with your facility and provide optimal solutions.  Our team at Perfect Connections, Inc. has been providing comprehensive security systems to businesses throughout northern and central New Jersey for the past 23 years.  We understand the process and can help you protect what matters most.  Our experts are knowledgeable in all aspects of security system integration including surveillance.  Whether or not you’ve done your own research it’s likely you’ve heard or come across the term megapixel.  What does that mean in regards to surveillance systems, and what are the advantages/disadvantages?

640px-Definitions_of_TV_standards To understand the relationship between megapixels and video surveillance let’s first figure out what megapixel means.  A pixel is a “picture element residing on the image sensor (in a camera).”  The quantity of pixels helps determine the resolution of an image.  All megapixel cameras have a minimum of 1,000,000 pixels which means the image is comprised horizontally and vertically 1,000 x 1,000 pixels.  In recent years there has been an increased demand for megapixel surveillance cameras over the standard definition cameras widely used in the past.  Standard resolution cameras typically have a resolution of approximately 400,000 pixels.

To get an idea of the difference between image resolutions the picture above shows three variations.  The front image shows a standard resolution of 576 pixels, the middle shows an HD (High Definition) resolution of 720 pixels, and the last image shows an HD 1080 pixel resolution.  While most consider all HD cameras to fall under the megapixel category Raul Calderon, senior vice president of marketing for Arecont Vision, says that HD cameras with a 720 pixel resolution are not technically a megapixel camera as the resolution only adds up to 921,600 pixels.  A major difference between HD and megapixel cameras is HD cameras have to comply with set standards whereas megapixel cameras simply refer to the number of pixels.

A major advantage to investing in megapixel camera technology is the ability to use less cameras to cover larger areas.  With standard definition IP (Internet Protocol) or network cameras coverage is significantly limited and typically requires more cameras and cabling.  Megapixel cameras require less cabling and therefore the cost of labor and cabling is typically less than installing standard resolution cameras.  The ability to digitally zoom-in on an image without losing clarity is another benefit of utilizing megapixel cameras.  Megapixel recordings are clearer than standard resolution cameras therefore more consumers are storing footage for longer periods of time, which can be helpful in solving crimes.  They decrease the need for constant live monitoring as the footage can be revisited with ease.  Other benefits include a long lifespan, they conserve energy, and they are low maintenance.

Megapixel cameras not only benefit the owner but different industries as well.  With more quality recorded footage being stored the more the recording and storage industries will grow.  As megapixel cameras become more ubiquitous, technologies used in conjunction with them will grow and change.  For example the types of video displays and lenses will likely become more developed.  While there are many benefits to megapixel cameras the potential drawbacks include initial cost of installation and the challenge of keeping up with the fast paced technological changes.  Fortunately, as these types of cameras become more widely used their pricing will be driven down.  As far as technological advancements are concerned there will always be changes and improvements it’s a matter of security system experts providing ease of integration and updates.

While you now have a little background on megapixel cameras and their advantages/disadvantages, it’s still imperative to contact a licensed professional for your security needs.  They’ll be able to assess the specific security risks associated with your facility and which products will work best.  Our team of experts at Perfect Connections, Inc. have been providing professional service to businesses and facilities throughout northern and central New Jersey since 1992.  We understand the complexities involved in creating a comprehensive security system that is tailored to your needs.

If you live or run a business in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image by Raskoolish at ru.wikipedia-Google-Creative Commons “Definitions of TV standards” by Raskoolish at ru.wikipedia. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Definitions_of_TV_standards.jpg#/media/File:Definitions_of_TV_standards.jpg

Why Alarm Monitoring Is Essential

monitoring centerSo you’ve had home security system installed, everything is connected and ready to be armed.  During the process did you sign up for an alarm monitoring service?  If you didn’t, you’re missing a vital part of a truly comprehensive home security system.  You could be leaving yourself open to risk regardless of your newly installed system.  While having a security system will greatly lessen the risk of a break-in and provide you with a peace of mind, the caveat is what happens if you’re not home when the alarm goes off?  Maybe you have a super vigilant neighbor that would hear the alarm or see a fire blazing, but you shouldn’t rely on that.  At Perfect Connections, Inc. our professionals have been providing comprehensive security systems to homes throughout northern and central New Jersey since 1992.  We offer a wide range of services including alarm monitoring.  We believe to have a truly comprehensive security system a monitoring service should be included.

So what is alarm monitoring?  According to Safewise alarm monitoring can be defined as, “quick and detailed communication between your home security system and the central station of your security provider.”  This means when your alarm goes off someone besides yourself will be notified almost instantly.  How does this benefit you and your family?  This allows whoever is one the receiving end of that communication to contact and dispatch the appropriate local authorities and emergency services.  Imagine there’s a fire in your home and you can’t get to a phone or have trouble getting everyone out safely.  If your fire alarm is tied into your alarm system, when it goes off, the monitoring service will immediately dispatch fire and emergency crews.  This saves you, your family, and your home from potential catastrophe by saving precious time.

In any emergency time is a critical factor.  That’s why having a monitoring service is advantageous.  It cuts down on wasting time during a potentially life threatening situation.  Also, while an unmonitored alarm system can be effective in deterring a burglar when the alarm is triggered, consider this.  According to the Electronic Security Association 74% of incomplete burglaries are due to a triggered alarm, but another 26% of burglars say the alarm alone isn’t enough to stop them from completing a robbery.  This is where alarm monitoring plays a crucial role.  If someone breaks-in to your home and isn’t fazed by the sounding alarm or the fact that people might be home this puts you and your family at risk.  Luckily, if you have a monitoring service they’ll be able to quickly dispatch authorities that will hopefully catch the perpetrator.

You’re probably running through a bunch of “what if” scenarios in your head, like what if an intruder breaks-in and forces the owner to disarm the alarm?  Fortunately, with many monitoring services there are options to create distress codes.  These codes when entered into the central control panel will alert the monitoring service that you are in a dangerous situation and they will dispatch help immediately.  Meanwhile the intruder is unaware that you’ve secretly called for help.

With today’s technology there is the option to self-monitor your home.  In our world of smartphones, tablets, and mobile devices we have almost anything we could want at a finger’s touch away.  This includes monitoring your home security system.  With the capability of mobile apps like those offered by companies like Alarm.com you can access your security system from virtually anywhere.  These types of apps can be set up to send you notifications or alerts when something changes at your home.  This capability can be extremely helpful if you’re away on vacation, on a business trip, or away from home for an extended period of time.  You no longer have to worry about coming home to a disaster because you’re able to check-in and be informed ahead of time.  A potential drawback of a self-monitored system by itself is not having immediate action or communication if you aren’t paying attention to your mobile device.  If you’re not around your phone to witness an alert you could miss out on an emergency situation whereas a monitoring service would reach out regardless.

Whether you plan on self-monitoring, hiring a monitoring service, or a combination of both, the important thing is that you have a monitored security system.  It’s another level of defense that will further protect you, your family, and your home.  By having a monitored system in combination with a burglar alarm, fire alarm, and surveillance system you will have a truly comprehensive home security system.  Our team at Perfect Connections, Inc. has been installing comprehensive security systems to homes throughout northern and central New Jersey for the past 23 years.  We know the value it brings to our clients and their families.

If you live or run a business in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image by Infra-structures.com-Google-Creative Commons

Why Custom Is Best

Installing a security sy9677247879_a39e3e702c_zstem can be one of the best ways to protect your business from unpredictable threats like fires and burglars.  Did you know that not all systems are the same?  That’s right there really isn’t a “one size fits all” solution when it comes to securing your workplace, nor should there be.  Why?  Because no two businesses are exactly the same.  Therefore, doesn’t it make sense that a security system should be tailored to a facility’s individual needs?  A healthcare facility wouldn’t have all the same security needs as a retail store, right?  Right.  So how do you go about finding the right system for your business?  Your best option is to hire a licensed professional in the security system field who has extensive knowledge and experience.  At Perfect Connections, Inc. our team has been customizing security system solutions for businesses throughout northern and central New Jersey for the past 23 years.  We understand your business is unique and requires personal attention versus a one-stop solution.

As every home is different and each family has different security needs, the same is true for every business.  There are many factors that go into creating the right system for your facility.  For example the location and demographics, local fire codes and regulations, facility size and type, building/facility access, number of employees, local restrictions, and more.  A business in the middle of a city is going to need a different security system than one located in an industrial park in the suburbs.  This is why it is vital to have a security systems expert do an in person assessment of your facility’s needs before pricing becomes part of the equation.  Don’t fall for the security system company that says they can give you a quote without ever having stepped foot in your facility.

What are the main ingredients for a security system?  At Perfect Connections, Inc. it is our belief that any comprehensive security system includes fire alarms, burglar alarms, access control, surveillance, a monitoring service, and carbon monoxide and smoke detectors.  There are variations on how some of these components are installed and what products are used.  For example there are many different forms of access control.  Access control can be anything from biometrics-which typically analyzes physical human traits like a fingerprint-to smart card readers that require a swipe or tap of a programmed card or fob.

Again, the type of access control that would suit your business best, really depends on what your specific needs are.  Maybe you run a healthcare facility where only certain employees are allowed to access medication supply rooms.  Maybe the best solution in that situation is issuing swipe cards to those specific individuals, or maybe a coded lock would work better.  These are the types of things you want to discuss with your security systems expert.  They will be able to advise you on what system would work best.

Monitoring your alarm system can be varied as well.  While it’s pretty standard to sign a contract with a monitoring service, there is the option to self-monitor as well.  Self-monitoring works by allowing you to access your security system via a smartphone or mobile device.  This type of monitoring could be set up to alert you directly if there is any activity detected at your facility.  The disadvantage to a solely self-monitored system is a slower reaction time and having to constantly be vigilant.  Imagine you don’t have your phone on you and an alarm is triggered at your facility, who’s going to contact the local authorities?  Fortunately, with a monitoring service you don’t have to worry about reaction time because someone is constantly keeping watch.  Even if you opt for a monitoring service often times you can still have the ability to self-monitor at your convenience.  The combination of both gives you the advantage of not having to worry about checking in constantly and the convenience of doing so when you need/want it.

Surveillance is a key component to protecting any business.  How surveillance equipment is set up will vary business to business.  Some facilities may require more or less coverage than others.  Some businesses may be at a higher risk for crime or theft than others as well.  For example Plato’s Closet in Des Moines, IA is susceptible to shrinkage due to clothing, shoe, and accessory theft.  This particular location of Plato’s Closet had a shrink rate of a little over 1 percent, but after they installed 19 IP (Internet Protocol) cameras that rate fell to .8 percent.  The quantity, type, and location of surveillance cameras will depend on an individual business’s needs.

Whether you run a recycling, retail, or healthcare facility protecting your business is a top priority that shouldn’t be left to just anyone.  You need a licensed security systems expert who will assess the risks associated with your business and customize an appropriate solution.  Our team of licensed professionals at Perfect Connections, Inc. understands you’ve worked hard for what you have and we want to help you keep it secure.  We have been providing customized security system solutions to businesses throughout northern and central New Jersey since 1992 helping you connect and protect what matters most.

If you live or run a business in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image by Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s photostream-Flickr-Creative Commons

Common Break-in Methods

home-alone-marv & harryWhen you’re a homeowner one of your top priorities is ensuring the safety of your home.  Your home is what protects you and your family.  Nobody wants to deal with a home break-in but they are a sad reality in our everyday lives.  Fortunately there are many ways you can safeguard your home from such devastation.  The best way to deter crime is to be prepared for it.  If you want to prevent a home invasion you must first understand how and when burglars are likely to attempt them.  At Perfect Connections, Inc. our team of highly skilled professionals can assess the security risks specific to your home to help you avoid break-ins and other disasters. We have been providing security system services to homes throughout northern and central New Jersey for the past 23 years.  Our experts assess the security risks of an individual home and come up with a customized security system solution to fit its specific needs.

What are some of the most common break-in methods used by criminals?  Have you ever heard of the path of least resistance?  That’s usually the route they will take when it comes to breaking into homes.  There are many factors that can make their job easier, and you might be unknowingly aiding their attempts.  Leaving windows and doors unlocked or open are a surprisingly common way burglars get into homes.  In fact 30 percent of burglars enter homes without having to use force.  Spare keys left in indiscrete locations are another favorite of the home invader.  It’s tempting to have a spare key for family members or friends, but if you’re going to do so don’t leave it under the door mat or in other obvious and easily accessed spots.

Some crooks will walk right up to your front door, ring the bell, and if you answer they will pretend to be selling something.  They’ll probably make up a bogus story about who they work for.  Whatever you do, do not let them in and ask for identification or find the company number to call and verify their identity.  Do not use a number they provide as it could be a ruse.  When they’re putting on this act they’re trying to get a better view into your home to see if you might have a security system and what goodies they might come back for.

Sometimes criminals will ring the doorbell and if no one answers they might go to the back of the house to try to enter through a back door or window.  Even if the doors and windows are locked burglars often carry tools like crowbars to aid their break-ins.  However, if it takes them longer than a minute to get in they’ll likely move on to the next target.  The harder you can make it for someone to break-in the better.

How can you make it harder or less appealing for criminals to break-in to your home?  One of the best lines of defense is installing a comprehensive home security system.  Burglars are less likely to attempt a break-in if the targeted house has a security system, it gives them less time to escape and a higher chance of being caught.  In fact 90 percent of convicted burglars said they would avoid homes with alarm systems.  Keeping vegetation trimmed is important in preventing a break-in.  Burglars often use unkempt bushes, trees, or flora close to the home as hiding spots where they can sit and wait for an opportune moment.

Lighting is a great deterrent as well.  Motion activated exterior lights are helpful because they somewhat eliminate the sneaky element by exposing whatever moves in their path.  Using light timers or home automation to control your interior lights will help prevent an intruder from attempting a break-in.  It’ll help create the illusion that someone is home even if they aren’t and burglars tend to avoid break-in attempts if someone is there.  Installing deadbolts is another way to at least slow down an attempted break-in.  Having a single door knob lock leaves you vulnerable to thieves who use things like bump keys.  Bump keys are essentially master keys used by locks smiths, they can supposedly open up to 90 percent of traditional locks.

With a burglary occurring every 15 seconds in the United States, you can never be too cautious when it comes to protecting your home.  At Perfect Connections, Inc. our experts provide customized comprehensive security systems that fit your specific needs.  It’s not just about protecting the physical property, it’s about protecting that peace of mind that is so hard to get back after a break-in.  Don’t fall victim to the mentality that it could never happen in your neighborhood, no community is immune.  Instead be prepared and don’t be a victim.

If you live or run a business in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image by Dexter Company-Google-Creative Commons

Can An Alarm Affect The Value Of Your Home?

American Advisors Group-House SoldHow do you judge the value of a home?  Is it the market price?  Is it the neighborhood where it’s located?  Or maybe it’s the aesthetics.  Actually it’s all of the above and then some.  If you’re a homeowner one sure fire way to add value to your home is by installing a comprehensive home security system.  A home security system offers a peace of mind to homeowners they can’t get anywhere else, but that’s not all.

With a comprehensive home security system you’re better protected from burglary and break-ins, house fires, carbon monoxide poisoning, and vandalism.  While the initial cost of a home security system may seem like a substantial investment, the return is even greater.  Having installed comprehensive home security systems throughout northern and central New Jersey since 1992, our team at Perfect Connections, Inc. can attest to the added value.

There might not be a direct correlation between the market value of a home and whether or not a security system is present, but the indirect impact is evident in buyer interest.  If you anticipate selling your home in the future having added safety features adds a perceived value to your home.  Like with anything we purchase throughout our lives, prospective home buyers are likely to feel better about a price tag if safety is a factor.  In the mind of a potential buyer the more security features a home comes with, the less they have to spend after the fact which makes spending more upfront less of an issue.  That is why installing a comprehensive security system that includes surveillance, monitoring, fire and burglar alarms, carbon monoxide and smoke detectors, motion detectors, window and door sensors, and home automation is worth the investment.  The more homes in your neighborhood with these features the better.  In fact, according to HomeGain.com, “A neighborhood that has more home security systems will, over time, have a lower crime rate. That lower crime rate, in turn, leads to higher property values for the neighborhood.”

Other security features prospective buyers might be looking for are strong sash locks for all windows, including those above ground level.  Reinforced or hardwood exterior doors, commercial grade door locks, and automatic or motion detected exterior lighting are all pluses in the eyes of a potential buyer.  While all of these features are appealing to a buyer, resale isn’t the only reason to invest in your homes security.  It’s that peace of mind every homeowner desires, you can’t put a price on that.

Perceived value is great, but so it monetary value.  A home security system can actually affect you monetarily.  How?  Insurance!  As a homeowner you know that everything has a cost, insurance is no exception.  Wouldn’t it be great if you could save money on your homeowners insurance?  Good news, you can.  Many insurance companies offer discounts to homeowners for having a security system and various security features.  Every company has different policies, but some offer up to 20% discounts.  Be sure to contact your provider for details and exceptions.  If you have home automation as part of your security system, you’re setting yourself up for savings again.  With home automation you can remotely adjust lighting, temperature, and sometimes select appliances.  This can save you money on your utilities bill every month by using energy when you specify.  It also helps prevent energy waste which benefits the environment as well.

Whether you’re looking to improve the value of your home for resale or simply want to do what is best for your family, adding a comprehensive home security system will always be beneficial.  It’ll save you money and provide you and your family with peace of mind.  To assure you are getting the best deal and system for your home, it’s imperative you hire a professional.  A haphazard mix of security parts assembled incorrectly doesn’t add value to anything.

Professional security system experts, like our team at Perfect Connections, Inc., will provide an initial in person assessment of the security risks specific to your home and create a custom system from there.  Every home is unique and should be treated as such don’t fall for a one-stop solution.  As industry professionals our team at Perfect Connections, Inc. has been providing custom comprehensive security systems to northern and central New Jersey residents for the past 23 years.  We know there is no substitute for personalized service that suits your individual needs.

If you live or run a business in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image By American Advisors Group-Flickr-Creative Commons

Do Surveillance Systems Really Work?

Surveillance-Jonathan McIntoshAs a business owner you want to do everything in your power to protect what you’ve worked so hard for, right?  So how do you do that?  Some might hire security personnel to stand guard and keep an eye on their facility, which can get expensive.  Others may opt for reinforced locks on their entrances.  But the best solution to truly protecting your business is a comprehensive security system that includes a surveillance system.  Surveillance is a key component in defending your facility.  If you have a security system that has a burglar alarm but no camera system, what happens when someone breaks-in, gets away, and there’s no footage of the incident to help catch the perpetrator?  A surveillance system can help prevent not only burglary, but employee theft, workplace violence, and vandalism.

You might think that camera footage is useless, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth.  Camera footage isn’t as grainy and unreadable as it may have been in the past.  According to Hank Monaco who is the vice president of marketing for a video surveillance system provider, “today’s cameras are infinitely better than what was being offered 10 to 20 years ago.”  Thanks to advancing technological improvements there are a wide variety of cameras including high-definition which offers clear readable images.

As experts in the security system industry, our team at Perfect Connections, Inc. understands the importance of protecting a business from criminal activity, and how surveillance equipment can play an integral part in that protection.  Our team has been providing comprehensive security systems to business facilities throughout central and northern New Jersey for the past 23 years.  Our belief is that a comprehensive security system should be customized to each individual business and should include surveillance, access control, fire and burglar alarms, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, and alarm monitoring.

So how effective can a surveillance system really be?  If over half of United States employers utilize some form of surveillance in the workplace, it must be working.  Having a surveillance system isn’t always about crime prevention either, it can provide business insight that you can’t get anywhere else.  From keeping an eye on inventory to observing your employees behavior, you can get a grasp on the inner workings of your business without feeling like you have to hover.  Employees that are aware they are being recorded can actually make them more productive and enhance their performance.  Video surveillance can help prevent employee theft and outside burglary; the chances of being caught increase and generally people don’t want to take that risk if they don’t have to.  Aside from keeping an eye on your employees, video surveillance can actually help protect them and your customers by tracking suspicious visitors and behaviors.  Depending on your system, you could also have remote monitoring capabilities added.  This would allow you to access your cameras through an app on your mobile device from virtually anywhere.  Knowing you can check in on your business when you can’t be there adds a peace of mind you can’t attain from anything else.

How do you know what types of cameras and how many your business needs?  This is a question for your security system specialist.  Never fall for a provider that offers you pricing and equipment without ever having stepped foot on your facility.  To be adequately covered an initial security assessment should be performed in person by a professional.  Some basics to be conscious of are the different types of cameras and how footage is stored.  Two widely used camera types are Analog and IP (Internet Protocol).  Analog cameras require a monitor or TV to view footage which is stored in a DVR (Digital Video Recorder).  IP cameras work much like our computers do sending data over a LAN (Local Area Network).  There is a wider range of resolution options for IP cameras than there are for Analog.  Footage from IP cameras is often recorded and stored in a cloud system.  An added benefit of an IP camera is the ability to remotely access each individual camera which you can’t do with an Analog system.  With Analog you would have to log into the DVR system to access recorded footage.

While there is no fool proof system, having video surveillance as part of your comprehensive security system can help prevent catastrophic loss and assist in the aftermath of an unfortunate event.  For example, look at the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013.  The suspects were caught on surveillance cameras and the surviving suspect is now facing trial.  Without video footage police would have had to rely on eye witness accounts which aren’t always as clear.  Criminal behavior is an unfortunate reality but we can be better prepared by implementing security technologies in our daily lives.  As camera technology advances the demand for more surveillance will rise.  Especially with progressive technology like “smart” surveillance that would provide more analytical insight into human behaviors, crowd counting, and even body heat recognition.  According to a ReportsNReports analysis the size of the global market for “smart” surveillance was around $13.5 billion in 2012 and is estimated to reach $39 billion in 2020.

Most business facilities will likely not require “smart” surveillance equipment yet, but who knows what the future will bring.  With the vast array of cameras available in today’s market your security systems expert will be able to find the type that suits your business best.  At Perfect Connections Inc. our experts have been providing comprehensive business security solutions throughout northern and central New Jersey since 1992.  We are committed to customizing a system specific to your company’s needs.

If you live or run a business in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image by Jonathan McIntosh-Flickr-Creative Commons