DIY Security May Not Be Your Best Bet

Experts-Mai LeIn a world where you can find virtually anything on the internet, there are endless “Do It Yourself”-commonly referred to as DIY-solutions for pretty much everything.  This holds true for home security systems.  However, that doesn’t mean you should rush to your computer/mobile device and buy a 4 star rated surveillance camera off Amazon, and start poking holes in your walls.  As with anything on the internet, you end up wading through a sea of options, resources, and opinions; you might start to feel like you’re drowning in information.  Don’t worry you’re not alone.  You’ll likely have a ton of questions like how do you know if you’re making the right choice?  Are the reviews accurate, or paid for by a company?  Am I getting the best deal?  How do I know one product will be compatible with another?  Is this an honest company?  The list goes on and on.

At Perfect Connections, Inc. we’d like to help you avoid the drowning in information effect.  Our team has been providing residential security systems solutions to Northern and Central New Jersey since 1992.  While we believe our customers are capable individuals, we also believe in providing a customized, comprehensive, and clear cut solution to your home security needs that you can’t get through purchasing products piecemeal on the internet.  You know that old adage, “you get what you pay for”?  It’s true, and in some cases you end up getting less.  You can’t expect a few $50 cameras you bought online, and a monitoring app on your phone, to fully safeguard your home and family.  Surveillance cameras and mobile monitoring are only a couple components in an effective home security system.  Think about the other issues you need to be cognizant of like access control, fire and carbon monoxide detection, burglar alarms, and alarm monitoring. What good is an alarm if the local authorities aren’t contacted when it goes off?  Our team of professionals are informed and informative on the products we install, and they understand the importance of a solution tailored specifically to your home.

Hiring A Professional

If you’ve never had experience installing or operating security systems equipment, doesn’t it make sense that you’d want an industry expert to do it?  Hiring a professional alleviates the pressure on you, wasting less of your precious time and money.  An expert will be able to assess potential weak spots in and around your home that you might not pick up on.  The sophistication of your home security system is dependent on professional products and how they are installed.

There are so many pros of having a security company customize and install an alarm system for your home.  For one, they know how and which products will work together, everything from the cameras to the central control panel.  They can hook you up with an alarm monitoring service.  Having a 24/7 monitoring service as part of your system automatically contacts the authorities in case of emergency.  According to Erin Raub for SafeSoundFamily, “This does not happen with a DIY system, which notifies you (and others you put on the notification list), making it your responsibility to decide on the next course of action.”  It’s chaotic enough in the event of an emergency, you don’t want to have to figure out who to contact, or struggle to find your phone.  The convenience of having a fire, burglar, and carbon monoxide alarm/detector that communicates directly with a monitoring service is priceless; it provides a quicker response time which could ultimately save lives and property.

Home automation is a security feature that connects various aspects of your home to the central control panel in your home.  Lighting, temperature control, locks, garage doors, and sometimes appliances can all be controlled either from your control panel or even a mobile device through and app provided by  You can’t get this type of connection to your home through a DIY system.  Even if you could, you shouldn’t be installing it yourself.  According to Anne Reagan for Advice Porch “To ensure that all sequences are correct, a professional should always complete home automation.”

Think about the future of your home when it comes to security systems.  If you plan on ever putting your house back on the market, having a customized professionally installed security system can actually increase the value of your home.  Like Anne Reagan points out, “…every prospective homeowner wants to live in a safe and secure home.”  That being said, potential buyers aren’t going to want a house with system they have to remove or update themselves, especially if it’s installed improperly or in adequately.

People might think a DIY security system is cheaper because you’re not paying for labor, but in reality you could end up paying more.  If your system fails or becomes completely defunct, it is up to you to replace it out of pocket.  With a professional service you would likely be covered for certain damages and/or malfunctioning equipment under your service contract.  Adding parts or features to your DIY system after the fact will add up, whereas an initial assessment from a professional will provide a more complete result from the get-go.  Any required maintenance, repairs, and updates are your responsibility which will further drain your wallet.

Before jumping online and buying a bunch of equipment, or punching holes in your walls, check out a professional service for your home security needs.  They can guide you through the process from initial assessment to final installation.  If you reside in Northern or Central New Jersey find out what Perfect Connections, Inc. can do for you.  Our team understands the value in a comprehensive home security system catered to your specific needs.

If you live in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image by Mai Le-Flickr-Creative Commons

Interactive Services

Home Automation Image-PC websiteWhen it comes to home security systems, you may have heard the phrase “interactive services.”  You may have even heard the terms “home automation,” “connected home,” and “smart house.”  What do they all mean, and how are they related to home security?  They’re meanings are essentially the same, and in relation to security, they describe the ability to remotely interact with, and access, devices in your home by means of a mobile device or computer.  If you have a comprehensive home security system, you likely have cameras, motion detectors, door and window sensors, fire and carbon monoxide detectors that communicate with a central control panel located in your home.  Being able to connect and interact with these security features from a remote location is beneficial for a multitude of reasons.  Cameras and motion detectors aren’t the only devices you can access from afar.  Imagine being able to adjust the temperature in your home before you get there, or turning lights on and off, even opening or closing your garage door.  In partnering with, Perfect Connections, Inc. has been providing these interactive service options to homes in Central and Northern New Jersey for years.  Our team of licensed professionals can help you customize a security system that will connect you to the inner, and sometimes outer, workings of your home.

How Does It Work?

First, you have a home security system installed with all of the sensors, cameras, and detectors that you and your security systems specialist customized.  In order to access the full functions of your remote services you must have an interactive service plan with a company like  After that, you simply download their app on your tablet, smartphone, computer, or other mobile device, and you’ll have total home control at the tips of your fingers.

There are basically two ways a home can become “connected.”  Wireless or hardwired.  The trends of our progressive society tend to make everything more technological, therefore, many security systems are being installed wirelessly with cellular backup.  This eliminates the need to cut holes in walls and have dangling or exposed wires.  Wireless technology is particularly favorable if you own an older home where breaking open walls isn’t an option.  The same technology that works for our cellphones and Bluetooth devices can now be implemented in the home.  More and more homeowners are leaving landlines in the past and switching to cellular devices anyway, making the connected home a smoother integration.  A hardwired system does required cabling, however, it has been in use for a longer period of time, and proven to work.  Some home automation systems use a combination of both wireless and hardwired technologies. To determine what type of system is right for your home, hiring a professional to perform a full assessment is your best bet.

What Are The Capabilities?

Home Automation-from our websiteDepending on how many, and what kind of devices are connected to your system, your operating choices are seemingly endless.  By using the mobile app, you can gain access to the security cameras inside and outside your home to see what is happening throughout the day.  Certain motion detectors can be set up to send you snap shots of specific areas and activity in your home.  Your system can be set up to notify you when you kids arrive home from school, if you’re not able to be there.  The ability to adjust your thermostat and turn lights on and off is a common feature.  Check-in on loved ones and/or pets throughout the day.  Having interactive services as part of your comprehensive security system will alert local authorities to any disturbances at your home while simultaneously alerting you on your mobile device.

Why Is It Beneficial?

Controlling and accessing various devices in your or a loved one’s home is advantageous for a multitude of reasons.  One of the most obvious benefits is that it provides peace of mind on a constant basis, knowing you’ll instantly be notified of what matters most to you.  Being able to remotely adjust your thermostat and turn lights on and off will lower your utilities bill and inadvertently help you waste less energy.  Remote access is extremely convenient, you have control in the palm of your hand at all times, as long as your device is charged.  Having remote capabilities will save you time by not having to rush home last minute to adjust appliances or unlock doors for pet sitters, family members, or scheduled visitors.  With services provided by alerts and access don’t have to stop even when your system is unarmed.  The functions of your home become more efficient.

Utilizing a connected home system is a great way to help your loved ones maintain their independence, but also ensure their safety.  Specific features allow you to make sure a family member is moving throughout the day, not leaving potentially dangerous appliances on, and you can activate or deactivate their alarm system for them if they forget.  Maybe a family member uses an emergency response pendant (like Life Alert) which requires them to take action.  But what if they can’t?  Services provided by simplify their life and yours by not requiring personal action in case of an emergency.  It’s a non-invasive approach to protect your family.

Whether you’re considering the Connected Home for the first time or it has been on your to do list for a while, don’t hesitate, contact the security professionals at Perfect Connections, Inc. for an in home assessment.  Our team knows the safety of your home is paramount in the protection of your family.  We have been providing service to Northern and Central New Jersey for decades, so you can be confident in our security knowledge and expertise.

If you live in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Save Your Scraps

Scrap Yard-Dave ParkerWhile to the average person, a salvage or recycling facility may not seem like a susceptible business, owners know there are considerable threats to its security.  In the United States and internationally, as the economy fluctuates, creating high highs and low lows, raw materials, especially metals, maintain a certain value.  Scrap metals are actively sought after as they are continuously recycled and reused.  According to the Bureau of International Recycling they are frequently added to new metal production.

In economic recessions people have more of a reason to commit crimes, especially theft in order to turn a profit.  Even during periods of financial stability, there are people that will steal, and cause damage to businesses in an effort to make a quick buck.  Scrap metals tend to be a target for thieves as they can yield a decent and quick profit.  You would think stealing scrap metal would be difficult given its potential weight and size, but where there’s a will, there’s a way.  Plus, many facilities are vast in area making it difficult to keep an eye on what is happening, and perimeter fences can only do so much.  Fortunately, many states have existing legislation to help prevent such substantial loss, but there are steps you can take as a business owner to stop crime in its tracks.  By installing a comprehensive security system at your facility you will be decreasing potential loss and damages, both physical and financial.  Here at Perfect Connections Inc. we understand the challenges you face trying to secure your facility.  With decades of experience, our professionals can help you prevent theft and devastating loss.  As Megan Workman for Recycling Today notes, “As prices for copper and brass have increased, scrap metal processors say it has become necessary to expand security measures at their yards.”

Existing Issues

What are the security issues surrounding salvage and recycling facilities, and why are they a prime target for theft?  For one, they typically house valuable metals such as copper, aluminum, platinum, bronze, zinc, nickel, and catalytic converters which are full of precious metals like palladium and rhodium.  Depending on the market value, which is fluctuating daily, such items can fetch a pretty penny.  Many salvage yards and recycling facilities can be, if not fully, partially exposed to the outdoors, making them more susceptible to criminal activity.  Another problem these facility’s owners/buyers face is when customers attempt to sell material, it’s hard to tell if that person is actually who they say they are, and if the items they are trying to sell are stolen or not.  Never mind the legal implications that come with buying stolen material, your company’s reputation could be at risk if the public believes you’re aiding criminal activity, whether it’s by accident or ignorance.  The damages incurred by metal theft can be extremely costly as well.  Cases of metal theft in the United States costs businesses an estimated $1 billion annually, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.

Stolen metals/scraps is not only an issue for the buyers, it causes all sorts of trouble for the sources of the stolen items.  When thieves steal they’re not only stealing from other scrap or salvage facilities, they hijack material from personal cars, railroad tracks, public transit, abandoned or unprotected homes, warehouses, construction sites, and anywhere else there’s opportunity.  They’re not only a danger and nuisance to the public, but themselves as well.  According to a man in Arizona was found with burns covering his entire body because he was attempting to steal copper from a transformer.  Not only did he hurt himself, he inadvertently cut power to 1,400 customers.

While criminal statistics can be broken down into many categories, metal related theft is unfortunately not one covered by the FBI Uniform Crime Report, which is “the most widely used crime database in the country. ”  This makes it difficult to get an accurate national reading on this type of crime.  However, many states have implemented their own legislation to help deal with and track salvage/recycling facility theft and illegal purchases.

Protecting Your Business

Police in Metal scrap-West Midlands PoliceAs the issue of metal theft has become more prominent, stricter state legislation has been and will continue to be implemented.  Partnering with the local authorities and reporting crimes or suspicious activity/behavior are crucial components in decreasing salvage/recycling facility crime rates.  While laws and regulations can help significantly, there are always people who are willing to break or bend the rules, which is why it’s advantageous to reinforce your facility with a comprehensive security system.


Being a salvage/recycling facility owner you may already know that there are different state requirements when it comes to the purchase and tracking of metals, and the identification of selling customers.  For example, in September 2014 a New Jersey bill was passed stating that scrap metal business are, “to maintain, for at least 18 months, a record of all receipts or purchases of scrap metal, instead of only for those purchases in excess of 100 pounds or $50, as currently provided by law.”  The bill also stipulates that payments are to be made by check to that person or their company, mailed to their personal/company address.  Cash payments are permissible as long as a photographic record of the seller is maintained.  Keeping records of customers will help business owners and police track stolen material and illegitimate individuals.  It will also let the seller know you mean business.  If you are unsure of your states current rules and regulations you can visit the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc.  They offer a summarized compilation of state metal theft laws that was last updated on September 30th, 2014.  There is also a website geared toward preventing and catching scrap metal theft, it’s called  Becoming a member of this website gives you the advantage of being alerted and alerting others within the industry when an incident has been reported within a 100 miles radius of your location.


With stricter laws and law enforcement, salvage and recycling facilities have a better chance of avoiding criminal activity.  Nevertheless, people are always willing to break the law, especially if they see easy opportunities.  The law won’t prevent someone from climbing over the gates of your facility, it won’t stop someone from trespassing, and it will not stop criminals from seeking out the weaknesses in your facility for easy access.  Your best line of defense is installing a comprehensive monitored alarm system that includes surveillance, motion detectors, access control, automatic lights, and a fence.

Broken chainlink fence-Dan4th NicholasErecting a fence is your first line of defense as it guards the perimeter of your facility.  It’s great until someone cuts through it, climbs it, or digs under it.  Maybe you have automatic or motion activated lighting throughout your facility as well.  Lighting can be a powerful deterrent, but it may not be enough.  If you really want to manage your security it’s imperative to install a monitored surveillance system.  Cameras can not only deter a potential threat, but help you and the police catch the perpetrator/s.  You can even access footage of activity at your facility remotely from the convenience of your mobile device or home computer.  Notifying the public of your camera surveillance through posted signage will help prevent potential crime as well.

David Guz, the president of H & H Metals in Michigan owns a 15 acre facility.  He was recently interviewed for Recycling Today on how he manages efforts to avoid theft from his sprawling yard.  Not only is communicating with local authorities a major factor, but “After 36 years in business, Guz says he has just about seen it all, while the “state-of-the-art” security system he had installed three years ago helps him to really see everything that goes on in his 15-acre yard at any time.”  His security system includes surveillance equipment, motion detectors, access control, and monitoring services.  Combining all of these security components along with fencing and automatic lights, can significantly decrease catastrophic loss and damage to your business, saving you time, money, and aggravation.

Before you dive in to the seemingly endless world of security options, be sure to have a licensed professional assess your security risks in person.  If you are located in Northern or Central New Jersey, our team of experts at Perfect Connections, Inc. can help analyze potential weak spots and customize a security system solution that best suits your business’s needs.  Don’t wait for tragedy to strike, stay a step ahead of the criminals and protect what you’ve worked tirelessly for.

If you live in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credits: Image #1 by Dave Parker-Flickr-Creative Commons, Image #2 by West Midlands Police-Flickr-Creative Commons, Image #3 by Dan4th Nicholas-Flickr-Creative Commons


Home Security Myths & Misconceptions

A home is so much more than a physical structure that you reside in.  It’s where you have lazy Sunday breakfast with your spouse and kids.  It’s where you enjoy a cup of hot coffee on your back porch.  It’s where you read bedtime stories to your children and tuck them in at night.  It’s where you might keep precious assets.  It’s where you and your family live life to its fullest.  How and what are you doing to protect all of that?  Odds are, if you haven’t already installed a home security system, you’ve at least thought about it at one time or another.  So what has been preventing you from taking the plunge?  Well, like many homeowners you’ve probably convinced yourself or been falsely informed that you don’t need a comprehensive security system.  There are a vast array of myths and misconceptions about home security systems, and you will learn why and how they are simply untrue.

My home is in a safe neighborhood, nothing bad could happen here.

Yes, we would all love to believe that we live in a Utopian society where everyone Fingerprint & broken glass-West Midlands Policecontributes, gets along, and the sun is always shining, right?  Unfortunately, just as the weather is unpredictable, so is human nature.  Criminals don’t care if your neighborhood is considered safe, if they see vulnerability, they see opportunity.  Don’t fool yourself into thinking your home is safe because of your surroundings.  Statistically, 88% of all burglaries happen residentially, 86% happen when someone is home.  Don’t wait for something tragic to happen.  Take initiative and contact a trusted home security systems specialist at Perfect Connections, Inc. before it’s too late.

I don’t own anything a burglar/intruder would want.

While it may be true that you don’t own expensive valuable items, or have wads of cash lying around, burglars/intruders aren’t always after your jewelry or money.  Whatever the intentions of a criminal, you have to assume if they are breaking into your home, they’re after something.  Even if they don’t steal something of monetary value, they might accidentally grab something that is irreplaceable and of emotional significance, or worse, cause harm to you or a family member.  According to, “1 in 3 homes without a security system will fall victim to a burglary as compared to 1 in 250 homes that do have a security system.”  Don’t presume to know what criminals are after, protect what matters most with a comprehensive security system solution.

Security systems don’t work and are too expensive.

Thinking your security system is going to act like an impenetrable force field that will deflect potential intruders or criminal behavior is just not realistic.  Neither is believing a comprehensive security system won’t do anything for your home and your family, or that it’s too costly.  The cost in damages from a burglary can be far more financially draining than the cost of a comprehensive security system with alarm monitoring.  Never mind the emotional toll it can take on you and your family.

Luckily, the evolution of security systems has allowed professionals to offer a wider range of economic solutions to fit your budget.  You can actually save money by installing a home security system; many home insurance providers offer discounts for doing so.  Beware of security systems companies that lowball their price quotes, odds are you’ll end up being just a number in a sea of inadequately protected customers.  Watch out for companies that offer you an “accurate” quote over the phone, how can they asses your home’s needs if they’ve never been there?  A full home security assessment should be done in person by a licensed specialist, and don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.

Security systems have been proven to deter intruders, in fact the Electronic Security Association’s “Home Safety Fast Facts” report indicates 9 out of 10 burglars purposefully avoid homes with security systems.  Thinking that security systems don’t work fast enough is inaccurate.  Some systems alert the authorities within 45 seconds, and if a patrol car is in the area, the likelihood of the perpetrator being caught is higher.  Even if a burglar were to get into your home, the second your alarm goes off, the sound and attention will typically drive your intruder away.

My home is not built to accept a security system.

Old home-Brad ClinesmithMaybe you live in an old Colonial or Victorian house where the walls are solid and accessibility throughout the home is challenging.  You might assume the construction of your home wouldn’t allow the installation of a home security system because it would require extensive drilling and/or remodeling.  In the past there might have been a tinge of truth to that assumption, however, today many if not most systems are or have wireless capabilities.  Not only is a wireless system convenient in older homes, or any home for that matter, but it’s aesthetically more pleasing as it eliminates any loose or dangling wires.  What if a burglar were to cut phone and power lines?  According to, “With wireless phone and internet technology combined with battery and backup generator support, you can expect your security system to be up and running under the worst conditions.”

My pets will set off false alarms, besides they’re like built-in security units.

While a barking dog can make a potential intruder run in the opposite direction, they can’t always differentiate between a threat and a familiarity, never mind the fact they can’t contact emergency services.  Pets may not alert you if they recognize the intruder, for example, someone who had previously done work in your home.  A comprehensive security system does not discriminate, if a window is broken, the alarm goes off.  If the door is kicked in, the alarm will sound and the authorities will be notified, giving you and your family time to get to a safe place.

Worrying your pets will sound a false alarm is less of concern with todays’ advanced motion detectors.  The detectors that are pet friendly are set to pick up motion from objects over a certain weight.  This decreases the chances of a false alarm, and you don’t have to fret about your pets wandering around your home.

All security systems are the same and they’re too complicated.

Couldn’t be farther from the truth.  Each security systems company will have different products, procedures, and policies.  Your security systems professional should be able to customize a comprehensive system that suits the individual needs of your home.  Don’t fall for a “one size fits all” solution.  As far as systems being too complicated, technological advancements have simplified user interfaces making them easier to operate.  Many systems utilize graphic touch screen controls that provide step by step instructions.

It’s important to do your homework and shop around to figure out which company best suits your needs.  Put your trust in companies with a proven customer retention record and a history of experience like Perfect Connections, Inc.  We have 98% Customer Loyalty Rating, and have been providing security system services to Northern and Central New Jersey since 1992.


Image Credits: Image #1 by West Midlands Police-Flickr-Creative Commons, Image #2 by Brad Clinesmith-Flickr-Creative Commons,



Is Your Healthcare Facility At Risk?

The healthcare system is constantly evKONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAolving as are the measures and technology to keep it secure.  Technology can and should play an integral role in the protection and management of any healthcare facility.  Healthcare facilities can be anything from a hospital to an assisted living environment, or a portable x-ray unit to a rehab center.  While most of these environments are typically considered safe, the need for security is vital nonetheless.  There are a multitude of external and internal factors that determine a facilities’ security needs.  Safety in a healthcare environment is not only important to the staff and facility manager, but the public as well.  Are your patients, staff, and assets being adequately protected?

What Requires Protection?

When thinking about healthcare facilities, visualizing medically related images like that of a stethoscope or a doctor is typical.  Picturing surveillance equipment and access cards is probably not the first thing that comes to mind.  However, security is a major issue for many facilities.  They are dynamic spaces that have an obligation to protect staff, patients, and assets, while also making the public feel comfortable.  Who and what needs protection, and why?

People visit healthcare facilities seeking treatment and care for a multitude of issues.  These people are you, me, our families, our friends, and the people we don’t know personally.  Families want to know that their loved ones are being taken care of properly when they can’t be around.  A knowledgeable security systems company, like Perfect Connections, Inc., knows that whether patients are in a hospital, clinic, or an assisted living facility, installing a comprehensive security system will not only help protect them, but can help provide peace of mind.  It could also help decrease the chances of patient elopement.  According to The National Institute for Elopement Prevention  elopement is defined as, “When a patient or resident who is cognitively, physically, mentally, emotionally, and/or chemically impaired; wanders away, walks away, runs away, escapes, or otherwise leaves a caregiving facility or environment unsupervised, unnoticed, and/or prior to their scheduled discharge.”  This should be a concern because in all likelihood the healthcare organization would be liable; it could be financially catastrophic for a facility and emotionally disastrous for a family.  Patient elopement could become a public safety concern if a violent criminal were to escape, if another patient were abducted during an escape, or if an individual with an infectious disease were to flee.  Remember, all types of individuals are admitted for treatment.

The safety of a healthcare facility’s staff and pharmaceuticals is paramount to their success in treating patients.  According to Joel Griffin, editor at, across the United States, there has been an increase in healthcare facility crimes.  Crimes include theft, assault, vandalism, rape, and homicide.  Griffin states, “98 percent of healthcare facilities now experience violence and criminal incidents.”  This seems shocking but the reasons behind why are not, it’s just they may not be obvious.  For instance, in today’s fast paced, non-stop society, many healthcare organizations are operating before and/or after the average 9am-5pm work day, if not 24/7.  This leads to increased foot traffic resulting in a higher probability of potential crime.

Money & pills-Images MoneyDrug addicts and other substance abusers can be problematic if on site pharmaceuticals are not effectively fortified.  Substance abuse can be an internal staff issue as well.  In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cites significant consequences of healthcare providers pilfering patients’ narcotics, including patients not receiving proper treatment or being deprived of adequate pain relief, and the risk of infection from life-threatening diseases like Hepatitis C.  With advanced access controlled security systems in combination with monitored surveillance, these risks can become substantially limited.  It’s not always enough to have a locked cabinet or storage area, keys are too easily stolen and/or replicated.

With any type of healthcare it’s crucial to protect private patient information.  This means any patient files, which in todaPatient files-Alex Gorzeny’s techy world are probably being converted to digital data.  A patient’s file contains personal and private information to be shared between caregiver and patient only.  There is a heavy responsibility placed on healthcare organizations to uphold this confidentiality.  Maintaining general HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) security and privacy policy procedures may not be enough.  With the use of mobile devices, laptops, and other technology health administrators need to be conscious of where and how accessible information is.  Many doctors and other medical staff use mobile tablets to record patient information; having an access password or encryption can help, but what happens when the device is accidentally left behind or in an unprotected area?  The physical items that contain patient information should be kept in a monitored, access controlled portion of the facility.  The consequences of a HIPAA violation can be costly, even if accidental.  In fact, in the case of a “did not know” violation, the penalty can be upwards of $50,000/violation to $1.5million/year for the same violation.  It is in any healthcare organizations’ best interest to secure this private information.  The cost of a comprehensive security system is nothing compared to what the cost for lost data and damages could be.

Preventative Measures

Having a security system installed after a disastrous event can help prevent future problems, but this is a reactive approach versus proactive.  Healthcare providers have more important matters to deal with, never mind who or what is trying to wreak havoc on or in their facility.  With a comprehensive security system these worries can be significantly lessened, or avoided all together.  If planning a new facility it’s beneficial to involve a security systems company like Perfect Connections, Inc. from the start.  Our professionals can help create a more complete security solution, and avoid costly alterations after the fact.

There are numerous considerations that must be taken into account when creating a security system for a healthcare facility. Therefore, an inclusive security assessment should be performed by a licensed professional whether it’s for an existing or new structure.  A security assessment will help provide a specific solution to an individual facility’s needs.  The assessor should not only review any history of security breaches in the past, but talk with the staff to gain a better understanding of the day-to-day activity.  Once the assessment is complete they can customize a suitable system.

Nurse-COD NewsroomA custom security system is the best option because no two facilities are exactly the same; even if two buildings share the same schematics, the locations will be different, and the demographics of an area will be factored into the type of security needed.  Some commonalities between systems may include features such as access controls for visitors, patients, and staff, video surveillance and alarm monitoring.  According to Steve Nibbelink, CHPA, in regards to physical security features, “when they are part of an integrated, technology master plan, the healthcare organization can improve security and operational efficiencies, while also reducing the associated cost. In fact, in Hospital and Healthcare Security, the authors state, ‘Authorities estimate between 3 and 10 percent of hospital expenditures could be saved if proper security controls were implemented.’”  Security systems can prevent disasters from happening so healthcare professionals can take care of what matters most, their patients.

Visit Perfect Connections, Inc. to discover how decades of providing security systems solutions for healthcare facilities can benefit your organization.  We will customize a solution that best fits your facility’s needs.  We know that no two patients are exactly the same, and no two organizations operate exactly the same.

If you live in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credits: Image #1 by Tristan Bowersox-Flickr-Creative Commons, Image #2 by Images Money-Flickr-Creative Commons, Image #3 by Alex Gorzen-Flickr-Creative Commons, Image #4 by COD Newsroom-Flickr-Creative Commons

Want To Lower Your Homeowners Insurance?

As a homeowner, you have no doubt invested precious time and money with realtors, bankers, maybe lawyers, even architects and contractors.  All in an effort to secure the home of your dreams.  Now that you have it, the wallet and purse draining may seem never ending.  As a first time home buyer or builder, you probably do not have all of the necessary tools and home accents of a fully functioning domicile.  You’ll probably need to purchase the essentials, a lawnmower, some furniture, a basic tool kit, and appliances like a refrigerator and a washer/dryer.  Needless to say, these items do not come

In addition to the essential purchases, you’re home security is a top priority.  You’ve moved in, you have the keys, well what if all of your new neighbors also have keys?  It’s not uncommon for neighbors to exchange a set of keys, and since you don’t know the neighbors yet, changing your locks should be step number one.  In fact, according to you should assume that, “everyone and his brother has a set of keys to your new home.”

Realizing your home is potentially compromised, you change your locks.  Great!  You’ve taken the first step in protecting what matters most.  However, a simple lock and key may not cut it when it comes to home security.  Having a comprehensive security system installed will not only help prevent catastrophe, it could save you money.  If you’re considering a home security system, be sure to hire a licensed and insured specialist like Perfect Connections, Inc.  Here at Perfect Connections, Inc. we can guide you through the subtle nuances of a comprehensive security system from customizing features to final installation.

How can a security system SAVE you money?

Besides the more obvious savings that come with a security system, like fire and burglary prevention, you can actually save on your homeowners insurance.  Wait, insurance companies offer discounts?  Yes they do!  In all likelihood, during the process of buying your home you’ve signed for a home insurance policy.  Most mortgage lenders won’t let you sign for a house until you have an insurance policy in place, or are working on obtaining one.  According to Peter G. Miller for, even if you own the house outright, sans mortgage, insurance is still a smart investment as it will help protect you and your family from financial disaster if something were to happen to your home.

Insurance Definition-Alan CleaverJust how much can you save by installing a security system?  The answer to this question varies, it all depends on your insurance provider and the state you reside in.  Although each company has a different policy, the average savings can be up to 20% (Erin Raub for  Each company will likely have different discount/credit or premium reduction qualifications.  Your best bet is to call your policy provider and ask specific questions, especially if you’re at the beginning stages of choosing a security system.  There will be different discounts for various security features.  For example, your discount/credit will be less if you only have local fire alarms and dead bolts versus a comprehensive monitored alarm system.  Nick DiUlio for references Michael Barry from the Insurance Information Institute, citing that, “homeowners typically can expect discounts of at least 5 percent for smoke detectors, burglar alarms or deadbolt locks. For more advanced alarm systems that report directly to a police station, fire department or other monitoring stations,some companies may cut premiums by as much as 15 percent or 20 percent.”  This type of discount may also be available to renters.

Here is a list (in no particular order) of some insurance companies that offer home security discounts/credits:

Aside from the cost of a security system, and the installation, you will be paying a monthly monitoring fee which can range anywhere from $25-50.  Over the span of a year this will cost you between $300-600.  How does this compare with the cost of insurance?  According to the average homeowner will spend between $1,200-1,500/year on insurance premiums.  If your insurer offers a discount on the high end, up to 20%, you could save up to $300/year.  Keep in mind the fact that every time you make a claim, your premium is likely to go up.  Installing a security system can help you avoid having to make claims by protecting your home and its contents.

As long as you own your security system you will save on insurance.  Even if the initial cost of a security system may seem substantial, it typically ends up paying off in the end.  Whether it’s preventing an attempted burglary or lowering your yearly insurance costs, a security system is a sound investment.

For more information on security systems and their features go to Perfect Connections, Inc. We’ve been providing security systems solutions to Central and Northern New Jersey since 1992.  Needless to say, we know a thing or two about home security applications, and their benefits.

If you live in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credits: Image #1 by Commons, Image #2 by Alan Cleaver-Flickr-Creative Commons

Never Thought You Needed a Security System. Now You Do.

System Lock-Yuri Samoilov-Creative CommonsIf you’re like most business owners, you’ve worked hard to keep your company running.  You’ve invested time, money, blood, sweat, and maybe tears to get where you are.  The facility, whether it be a corporate office, salvage yard, or healthcare facility, is where business happens.  No matter what type of business you may be conducting, there are physical and financial assets that warrant some level of protection.  Perfect Connections, Inc. a security systems company, servicing Northern and Central New Jersey for over 20 years, recognizes this, and we can help you in your quest to safeguard what you’ve worked so hard for.

Perhaps you’ve considered security systems in the past, but thought you could manage without one.  So why now?  Maybe another local business caught fire, and due to a poor smoke detection system, the building went up in flames before a fire station could be properly notified.  Maybe someone you know forgot to close their loading dock before leaving the premises resulting in substantial theft; with no cameras to help catch the crooks who committed the crime either.  Perhaps you or an employee was a recent victim of a burglar who gained access to your office by means of an unmonitored entry.  Whatever the reason may be, you now realize the need for a comprehensive security system.

Unfortunately, no business is immune to crime or natural dangers such as fires, flooding, and carbon monoxide poisoning.  According to the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) “In 2013, there were 1,240,000 fires reported in the United States. These fires caused 3,240 civilian deaths, 15,925 civilian injuries, and $11.5 billion in property damage.”  Of those reported fires 487,500 were structure fires.  It’s statistics like these that make it crucial for any business owner to invest in a comprehensive security system that includes a reliable fire alarm system in conjunction with a proper sprinkler system that meets local code requirements.

Unlike natural dangers, criminals are opportunists.  If they perceive easier access to a certain facility, due to lack of security, it’s more than likely they will pursue that target.  As Henry David Thoreau once said, “The path of least resistance leads to crooked rivers and crooked men.”

Without a comprehensive security system any business opens itself up to catastrophic loss, substantial property damage, and financial crisis.  Company theft and burglary is not always an external issue.  According to CreditDonkey 95% of employees steal from their own employers, nationally this cost companies a total of $34.5 billion in 2011.  These substantial losses can be significantly decreased and potentially prevented by installing a proper security system.

On the upside, a nBurglar-Johnationwide report from the FBI shows that burglary was down by 8.1%, and larceny was down by 4.7% from 2012-2013.  These statistics are a “big picture” view of reported crime in the United States, reported being the operable word.  Many crimes go unreported, for example, employee theft often goes unreported because the employer is often unaware it’s happening until it’s too late.

There Is a Solution

Fortunately there are steps you can take to safeguard your business and its assets.  If this is your first time considering a security system you will want to do a little research on local system providers and installers.  Reviews online or from a personal reference can be helpful when trying to decide on a company.  Having a licensed professional come to your site and perform a security assessment would be the next step.  They will help you figure out where your weaknesses are, suggest an appropriate system solution, and provide you with a cost estimate.  When choosing a security company be sure they are experts in their field.  You wouldn’t hire an electrician to fix your plumbing, right?  One size does not fit all when it comes to selecting a security specialist.  Don’t fall for companies with false claims because you’ll end up with inadequate protection that will most likely cost you more than just a service call.

For new construction projects, it is imperative to contact a security systems expert early on.  This will help ensure a more integrated solution, and in all likelihood save money on the back end.  If you are a tenant in a larger commercial space, it is up to the landlord to provide code compliant safety measures for the whole building, but that doesn’t mean each unit comes equipped with a security system.  To ensure your unit is safeguarded, call a trusted security systems provider for an assessment.

Here are some questions to ask a licensed professional:

  • Where are my weaknesses?
  • How can I better protect my business?
  • How and what type of security system would work best?
  • What type of system will fit my budget?
  • What features are included?
  • Does the cost include labor?
  • Who will be installing the system?
  • Does the company have the proper state licenses?
  • Who/how is the monitoring managed?
  • How long is the system under warranty?
  • Will I own the system, or will it be leased?
  • Is the installation company insured?

The Benefits

What are you actually protecting or preventing when you have a security system installed?  What are the advantages?  You’re preserving the integrity and potential growth of your business.  With monitoring and recording systems you can be sure your employees will feel safer while on the job, and you can rest easy knowing your business is protected even while you’re away.  Through remote access by means of a smartphone, tablet, or computer you can keep an eye on what is happening at your facility when you are not there.  Incorporating an access control mechanism will give you peace of mind knowing who is coming and going, decreasing the risk of intruders.

Once a security system is installed making your security presence public knowledge through signage can help deter potential thieves or vandals from wreaking havoc on your facility.  Having proper fire alarms, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, and flood warning notifications as integral parts of your security system will help prevent irreparable damages.  By installing a comprehensive system the chances of vandalism, information theft, employee theft, shoplifting, fire, flooding, carbon monoxide poisoning, burglary, break-ins, and crime in general will be decreased.

As technology evolves so will security systems.  The two are becoming more and more intertwined, so it’s important to select a company, like Perfect Connections, Inc., that is informed and informative on the fluctuating trends.  Don’t fall victim to the mentality that cheaper is always better, what good is a cheap system that fails when you are most vulnerable?  While nothing is perfect, installing a security system will help significantly decrease the chances of a potential disaster, saving you time, money, and aggravation.

Learn more about the security system features and services available to your business at Perfect Connections, Inc.  We have been a trusted security systems provider in Central and Northern New Jersey since 1992.  You can be sure we understand the challenges businesses face, and how to provide a comprehensive solution.

If you live in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.Smile you are on camera sign-Sept 18 2014

Image Credits: Image #1 by Yuri Samoilov-Flickr-Creative Commons, Image #2 by John-Flickr-Creative Commons, Image #3 by Intel Free Press-Flickr-Creative Commons,



More and more people are adding surveillance cameras to their home and businesses. They have always been good for security but people are now catching on that they are a great management tool as well. Prices today are surprisingly affordable and the types of systems and features vary greatly.

First let’s talk about the two basic types of cameras available. Analog and IP. Analog cameras are the older technology and require a monitor or TV to view them and are recorded on a digital video recorder (DVR). They are also limited to the same standard resolution you see on your TV set. In order to remotely view analog cameras, your DVR would have to be connected to the internet and you would log into the DVR and see the cameras through it.  You could also see what the DVR recorded.

IP Cameras transmit their signal in the same manner that computers do and their resolution is not limited like analog cameras are. That said there are IP cameras that transmit the signal via IP but are standard resolution cameras. IP cameras go up to 10 megapixel and can give a superb High Definition picture. IP cameras do not need a recorder to be viewed. You can log into each camera directly and if you do not want recording capability, that is all you need. Taking that a step further is cloud recording. Whenever the camera detects motion in front of it, the scene is recorded in the cloud for viewing at a later time. You can also receive text messages and/or emails informing you that the camera detected motion and you can even receive via email the video clip that was recorded. For cloud recording there is a monthly charge, starting around $10 per month depending on how many cameras and how much storage space you will require.

IP cameras can also be recorded locally, on a Network Video Recorder.  This device can be reached remotely from anywhere in the world and you can watch your cameras live or see what they recorded.

Having recording capabilities on site is a plus because if your internet is down, the cameras can’t transmit to the cloud recorder. To solve this problem, many people install a network recording appliance that will record all the video from the cameras for later access while still giving you the convenience of cloud service.

All these camera types come in indoor and outdoor models. IP cameras can even come in 360, where one camera mounted on the ceiling will cover the entire room.

With video surveillance today, you can watch your home or business from anywhere in the world on your computer, smart phone, or tablet. All you need is an internet connection.

If you live in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply click the link below.

Click here for us to contact you.

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Can Surveillance Cameras Really Help Catch Criminals?

We have all seen the TV shows.   A crime of some kind occurs and from some office some law enforcement agency logs on to every surveillance system in the area, and they all have high quality video, and in a matter or minutes identifies the criminal that committed the act.

Well, reality is quite different. Here is what usually happens. The police look around and see if any of the buildings in the vicinity have surveillance systems.  They then contact the building owner and ask them for the footage from a specific time. They then look at the footage and determine whether the cameras saw the event. If so they have to determine if the quality is high enough to ensure an identification. Often times, it isn’t.

If the footage is decent, there are some techniques and software available to improve the quality, but no where near the scope that TV shows make you believe.  You can’t take a fuzzy image of a car and end up with a sharp picture of the license plate.

The quality of the surveillance system has a lot to do with this. Many analog systems just don’t have the lines of resolution to produce a sharp, clear picture. Over time, the camera loses focus and the overall picture quality can deteriorate.

The new IP systems, with megapixel cameras, can greatly improve this but focus is can still be an issue. It is also very important that all settings are correct, like motion detection and white balance, so you get the image you need.

Below the image on the left is analog and the image on the right is a 1.2 megapixel camera.





The difference is striking.

So the answer is yes, surveillance cameras do help catch criminals.  But, it requires a lot of legwork to get the job done. Megapixel cameras are helping to up the odds of capture.

If you live in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, or if you would like us to perform a Home Safety and Security Audit, absolutely free, please call 800-369-3962 or simply click the link below.

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