Going On Vacation? Read This First!

Vacation-GoogleYour bags are packed, airplane tickets in hand, and your family is in the car.  You’re ready to go on vacation, and a well-deserved one at that!  One last thing, is your home secure?  Have you done everything you can to safeguard your property and valuables?

While everyone needs a vacation now and then, it is important to make sure your home is fully protected before you leave.  Preventative measures will not only help avoid disaster, but allow you and your family to rest easy and enjoy your time off.  There are many steps you can take to protect your home from break-ins and burglary, allowing you to focus on what’s most important-laying out in the tropical sun with an umbrella drink in hand!

Install a Home Security System

If you don’t have one already, a home security system is an effective way to prevent home invasions and burglaries.  A comprehensive security system would include a burglar alarm, motion detectors, window and door sensors, fire alarms, smoke and carbon detectors, home automation, and a monitoring service.  Systems that are fully integrated with your home allow you to adjust your lighting, thermostat, and so much more from your central control panel.  With wireless home automation you can access these types of features via an app on your mobile device (like the one available on Alarm.com).

Homes without a security system are more likely to be broken into.  In fact, “A home without a security system is 2 to 3 times more likely to be burglarized.”  As experts in the field of home security systems, our team of professionals at Perfect Connections, Inc. understand the importance of protecting your home, especially while you can’t be there.  We have been providing security system solutions to homes in Northern and Central New Jersey for the past 22 years.  Our team can assess the security needs specific to your home and provide a system that is tailored to you.  We want to help you avoid potential catastrophe.

Have Someone Stop By or Stay

Having a trustworthy relative or friend/neighbor stop by your home on a regular basis, or even stay there, while you’re on vacation can be a helpful crime deterrent.  It can make it appear as if you and your family are still home.  Having someone there to tend to your plants, animals, and general upkeep will prevent your home from looking uninhabited, which to a criminal means, “open for business.”  Whomever you charge with caring for your home should be given your vacation contact information and spare key in case of an emergency.  There are services where you can hire house sitters/pet sitters, but they’re likely to be pricier than a friend or family member.

Stop the Mail

Unless you already have a post office box, you likely receive mail at your home.  When you are going on vacation or leaving your home for an extended period of time, you want to make sure you have your local post office hold your mail until your return.  A mailbox that is bursting at the seams can tipoff criminals that you’re away.  It’s best to either stop your mail, which you can conveniently do online HERE, or have a trustworthy friend/relative check and pick it up frequently.  The post office can hold your mail for up to 30 days.  This idea holds true for newspaper delivery as well.  If you subscribe to a newspaper, make sure they don’t pile up on your front step or in your driveway while you’re gone.

Time Your Lights

Setting timers for your interior and exterior lights can be an effective crime deterrent.  It’s better than leaving lights on throughout the entirety of your vacation.  Leaving lights on the whole time will not only run-up your energy bill, but create suspicion for criminals who might be watching your house.  They’ll notice that certain lights never go on or off indicating no one is around.  With a comprehensive security system, you can set timers before you leave, and with home automation you can change your settings from afar if need be.

Beware of Social Media

While it may be tempting to share/brag to all of your friends and family on social media about your upcoming trip, it’s not the best idea.  Why?  By posting the time and date of your trip, you’re basically advertising the fact that you won’t be home.  Even with privacy settings set to their limits, be weary of sharing such private information, you never know who is watching, sharing, and searching.  This is important to keep in mind throughout the duration of your vacation.  Again, while posting photos of you and your family in tropical bliss seems innocent, you’re providing evidence that you’re not home.

Lock It Up!

Locking your doors and windows may seem like an obvious security measure, but it’s easily forgotten.  It’s not uncommon for people to leave back doors or windows unlocked for family members or frequent visitors.  It’s a simple, yet effective, step to take in protecting your home.  Locks are the first line of defense, don’t forget to check them before you leave.

Turn Off/Unplug Appliances

Unplugging or turning off appliances will help save on your energy bill.  Also, it will help prevent potential power surges or electrical fires.  Things like coffee makers, computers, and TVs should be unplugged unless you have someone staying or stopping by regularly.  Unplugging appliances before you leave helps alleviate any worry that you might have accidentally left something on or running.

Alert Local Authorities & Alarm Company

If you’re planning on being away for longer than an extended weekend, it might be a good idea to alert the local authorities.  They may be more inclined to go past your home on their patrol routes if they know you’re gone.  If you have a security system with a monitoring service, it is crucial they are made aware of your leave.  This will help avoid false alarms and make them more vigilant of any irregularities.

Temperature Settings

Depending on where you live you’ll want to adjust your thermostats or time them appropriately.  Homes in the northeast and cooler climates will want to make sure temperatures don’t fall below 55 degrees to avoid freezing pipes.  Home automation allows you to adjust the temperature from afar.  One of the benefits to this technology is coming back to an already warmed up or cooled down home.

If you’re going away be prepared.  If you haven’t already, consider a comprehensive home security system.  The peace of mind you’ll have is priceless.  If you live in Northern or Central New Jersey don’t hesitate to contact our specialists at Perfect Connections, Inc..  We can provide you with a personalized system that is right for your unique home.  We’ve been helping homeowners protect what matters most since 1992.

If you live in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Four Tips To Feel Safer At Home

Front DoorWhat is it about our homes that make us feel safe?  Is it the sound of our kids running up and down the stairs?  Is it the personalized décor?  Is it the smell?  Maybe it’s the locks on our doors and windows or the surrounding neighborhood?  Whatever it is, we all want that feeling to last, right?  Of course we do.  So what are you doing to maintain the safety and security of your home?  There are many tips and tricks you can use to safeguard your home, one of the best defenses is a customized comprehensive security system.  As a trusted security systems provider for over 25 years, our team at Perfect Connections, Inc. has helped homeowners maintain their peace of mind.  We provide residential security solutions throughout northern and central New Jersey.  At Perfect Connections, Inc. we believe a comprehensive security system includes burglar alarms, alarm monitoring, fire alarms, surveillance, smoke detectors, home automation, and some form of access control.  Installing a comprehensive security system is part of a cohesive solution to feeling safe in your home.  Here are four tips to help you protect what’s important.

Time for a trim

Let’s take a look at the first line of defense.  If someone is vetting your home prepping for a break-in, the first thing they’ll see is the exterior.  The exterior of a home includes the landscape.  You may or may not have a landscaper/gardener you charge with caring for plant and tree maintenance around your home.  Either way you want to make sure the vegetation surrounding your home isn’t turning into a national forest.  Why?  High bushes and overgrown plants are the perfect hiding spots for would be thieves.  According to Officer Mark Buetow of the Milwaukee Police Department this type of maintenance, “doesn’t cost but a few hours of your time, yet it can make a difference in making your property much less attractive to a burglar.”  It’s imperative to keep plants near windows and entries low and non-obstructive.  This will help you feel safer inside your home because you’ll be able to see clearly to the outdoors.

Light it up!

An exterior and interior feature that helps protect you and your home is lighting.  No burglar wants to get caught in a “deer in headlights” situation while approaching your home.  With exterior lighting that is motion activated and on timers your home becomes less appealing to potential invaders.  Keeping lights on also increases feeling safer while at home.  In fact being in the dark is a common fear and according to Hillary Johnston who holds a degree in Public Health and Disaster Management, “(it) is probably the number one reason we feel unsafe.”  With energy efficient lighting options becoming more and more prevalent you won’t have to worry about energy costs as much.  Using timers and/or home automation settings will help minimize electrical consumption as well.  Including lighting as part of a home automation system will allow you to adjust your lighting preferences from afar as well.  This feature can come in handy if you’re on vacation or away for an extended period of time.


One of the most simple and often forgotten or neglected things you can do to feel safer at home is lock your doors and windows.  Did you know, “A surprising 30 percent (burglars) entered homes through an unlocked door, window or other opening without resorting to force,”?  Many people fall into the mentality that their neighborhood is safe and nothing bad could or would ever happen. Unfortunately, no community is immune to crime.  Don’t fall victim to a misguided sense of security.  Use your locks!  According to senior trainer for the National Crime Prevention Council Charles Sczuroski, “Sixty percent of all burglaries take place at ground floor doors and windows.”  All the more reason to reinforce main entries and windows with dead bolts and sensors.  Sensors on your doors and windows help alert you during a break-in by tripping your central alarm.  The noise of an alarm typically makes the perpetrator flee in a hurry.

Security Systems

Aside from simpler techniques that make you feel safer in your home like drawing the shades at night, locking doors, trimming hedges, and lighting, one of the most effective crime deterrents is a comprehensive security system.  Criminals are less likely to attempt a home break-in if they know there is an active alarm system.  In fact according to the Electronic Security Association 9 out of 10 burglars purposefully avoid homes with security systems.  There is a peace of mind you get from knowing your home is being monitored and protected that you can’t get anywhere else.  It is our belief at Perfect Connections, Inc. that a comprehensive security system is the most effective way to safeguard what is irreplaceable, your family.  As a top provider, we’ve been installing customized alarm systems to homes throughout northern and central New Jersey since 1992.  Our team can assess the security risks specific to your home and create a tailored solution that will help protect what matters most.

If you own a home in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image by Olger Fallas Painting-Flickr-Creative Commons

Home Security Tips While Traveling

Vacation-GoogleYour bags are packed, airplane tickets in hand, and your family is in the car.  You’re ready to go on vacation, and a well-deserved one at that!  One last thing, is your home secure?  Have you done everything you can to safeguard your property and valuables?

While everyone needs a vacation now and then, it is important to make sure your home is fully protected before you leave.  Preventative measures will not only help avoid disaster, but allow you and your family to rest easy and enjoy your time off.  There are many steps you can take to protect your home from break-ins and burglary, allowing you to focus on what’s most important-laying out in the tropical sun with an umbrella drink in hand!

Install a Home Security System

If you don’t have one already, a home security system is an effective way to prevent home invasions and burglaries.  A comprehensive security system would include a burglar alarm, motion detectors, window and door sensors, fire alarms, smoke and carbon detectors, home automation, and a monitoring service.  Systems that are fully integrated with your home allow you to adjust your lighting, thermostat, and so much more from your central control panel.  With wireless home automation you can access these types of features via an app on your mobile device (like the one available on Alarm.com).

Homes without a security system are more likely to be broken into.  In fact, “A home without a security system is 2 to 3 times more likely to be burglarized.”  As experts in the field of home security systems, our team of professionals at Perfect Connections, Inc. understand the importance of protecting your home, especially while you can’t be there.  We have been providing security system solutions to homes in Northern and Central New Jersey for the past 22 years.  Our team can assess the security needs specific to your home and provide a system that is tailored to you.  We want to help you avoid potential catastrophe.

Have Someone Stop By or Stay

Having a trustworthy relative or friend/neighbor stop by your home on a regular basis, or even stay there, while you’re on vacation can be a helpful crime deterrent.  It can make it appear as if you and your family are still home.  Having someone there to tend to your plants, animals, and general upkeep will prevent your home from looking uninhabited, which to a criminal means, “open for business.”  Whomever you charge with caring for your home should be given your vacation contact information and spare key in case of an emergency.  There are services where you can hire house sitters/pet sitters, but they’re likely to be pricier than a friend or family member.

Stop the Mail

Unless you already have a post office box, you likely receive mail at your home.  When you are going on vacation or leaving your home for an extended period of time, you want to make sure you have your local post office hold your mail until your return.  A mailbox that is bursting at the seams can tipoff criminals that you’re away.  It’s best to either stop your mail, which you can conveniently do online HERE, or have a trustworthy friend/relative check and pick it up frequently.  The post office can hold your mail for up to 30 days.  This idea holds true for newspaper delivery as well.  If you subscribe to a newspaper, make sure they don’t pile up on your front step or in your driveway while you’re gone.

Time Your Lights

Setting timers for your interior and exterior lights can be an effective crime deterrent.  It’s better than leaving lights on throughout the entirety of your vacation.  Leaving lights on the whole time will not only run-up your energy bill, but create suspicion for criminals who might be watching your house.  They’ll notice that certain lights never go on or off indicating no one is around.  With a comprehensive security system, you can set timers before you leave, and with home automation you can change your settings from afar if need be.

Beware of Social Media

While it may be tempting to share/brag to all of your friends and family on social media about your upcoming trip, it’s not the best idea.  Why?  By posting the time and date of your trip, you’re basically advertising the fact that you won’t be home.  Even with privacy settings set to their limits, be weary of sharing such private information, you never know who is watching, sharing, and searching.  This is important to keep in mind throughout the duration of your vacation.  Again, while posting photos of you and your family in tropical bliss seems innocent, you’re providing evidence that you’re not home.

Lock It Up!

Locking your doors and windows may seem like an obvious security measure, but it’s easily forgotten.  It’s not uncommon for people to leave back doors or windows unlocked for family members or frequent visitors.  It’s a simple, yet effective, step to take in protecting your home.  Locks are the first line of defense, don’t forget to check them before you leave.

Turn Off/Unplug Appliances

Unplugging or turning off appliances will help save on your energy bill.  Also, it will help prevent potential power surges or electrical fires.  Things like coffee makers, computers, and TVs should be unplugged unless you have someone staying or stopping by regularly.  Unplugging appliances before you leave helps alleviate any worry that you might have accidentally left something on or running.

Alert Local Authorities & Alarm Company

If you’re planning on being away for longer than an extended weekend, it might be a good idea to alert the local authorities.  They may be more inclined to go past your home on their patrol routes if they know you’re gone.  If you have a security system with a monitoring service, it is crucial they are made aware of your leave.  This will help avoid false alarms and make them more vigilant of any irregularities.

Temperature Settings

Depending on where you live you’ll want to adjust your thermostats or time them appropriately.  Homes in the northeast and cooler climates will want to make sure temperatures don’t fall below 55 degrees to avoid freezing pipes.  Home automation allows you to adjust the temperature from afar.  One of the benefits to this technology is coming back to an already warmed up or cooled down home.

If you’re going away be prepared.  If you haven’t already, consider a comprehensive home security system.  The peace of mind you’ll have is priceless.  If you live in Northern or Central New Jersey don’t hesitate to contact our specialists at Perfect Connections, Inc..  We can provide you with a personalized system that is right for your unique home.  We’ve been helping homeowners protect what matters most since 1992.

If you live in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Four Tips For A Secure Home

Front DoorWhat is it about our homes that make us feel safe?  Is it the sound of our kids running up and down the stairs?  Is it the personalized décor?  Is it the smell?  Maybe it’s the locks on our doors and windows or the surrounding neighborhood?  Whatever it is, we all want that feeling to last, right?  Of course we do.  So what are you doing to maintain the safety and security of your home?  There are many tips and tricks you can use to safeguard your home, one of the best defenses is a customized comprehensive security system.  As a trusted security systems provider for over 25 years, our team at Perfect Connections, Inc. has helped homeowners maintain their peace of mind.  We provide residential security solutions throughout northern and central New Jersey.  At Perfect Connections, Inc. we believe a comprehensive security system includes burglar alarms, alarm monitoring, fire alarms, surveillance, smoke detectors, home automation, and some form of access control.  Installing a comprehensive security system is part of a cohesive solution to feeling safe in your home.  Here are four tips to help you protect what’s important.

Time for a trim

Let’s take a look at the first line of defense.  If someone is vetting your home prepping for a break-in, the first thing they’ll see is the exterior.  The exterior of a home includes the landscape.  You may or may not have a landscaper/gardener you charge with caring for plant and tree maintenance around your home.  Either way you want to make sure the vegetation surrounding your home isn’t turning into a national forest.  Why?  High bushes and overgrown plants are the perfect hiding spots for would be thieves.  According to Officer Mark Buetow of the Milwaukee Police Department this type of maintenance, “doesn’t cost but a few hours of your time, yet it can make a difference in making your property much less attractive to a burglar.”  It’s imperative to keep plants near windows and entries low and non-obstructive.  This will help you feel safer inside your home because you’ll be able to see clearly to the outdoors.

Light it up!

An exterior and interior feature that helps protect you and your home is lighting.  No burglar wants to get caught in a “deer in headlights” situation while approaching your home.  With exterior lighting that is motion activated and on timers your home becomes less appealing to potential invaders.  Keeping lights on also increases feeling safer while at home.  In fact being in the dark is a common fear and according to Hillary Johnston who holds a degree in Public Health and Disaster Management, “(it) is probably the number one reason we feel unsafe.”  With energy efficient lighting options becoming more and more prevalent you won’t have to worry about energy costs as much.  Using timers and/or home automation settings will help minimize electrical consumption as well.  Including lighting as part of a home automation system will allow you to adjust your lighting preferences from afar as well.  This feature can come in handy if you’re on vacation or away for an extended period of time.


One of the most simple and often forgotten or neglected things you can do to feel safer at home is lock your doors and windows.  Did you know, “A surprising 30 percent (burglars) entered homes through an unlocked door, window or other opening without resorting to force,”?  Many people fall into the mentality that their neighborhood is safe and nothing bad could or would ever happen. Unfortunately, no community is immune to crime.  Don’t fall victim to a misguided sense of security.  Use your locks!  According to senior trainer for the National Crime Prevention Council Charles Sczuroski, “Sixty percent of all burglaries take place at ground floor doors and windows.”  All the more reason to reinforce main entries and windows with dead bolts and sensors.  Sensors on your doors and windows help alert you during a break-in by tripping your central alarm.  The noise of an alarm typically makes the perpetrator flee in a hurry.

Security Systems

Aside from simpler techniques that make you feel safer in your home like drawing the shades at night, locking doors, trimming hedges, and lighting, one of the most effective crime deterrents is a comprehensive security system.  Criminals are less likely to attempt a home break-in if they know there is an active alarm system.  In fact according to the Electronic Security Association 9 out of 10 burglars purposefully avoid homes with security systems.  There is a peace of mind you get from knowing your home is being monitored and protected that you can’t get anywhere else.  It is our belief at Perfect Connections, Inc. that a comprehensive security system is the most effective way to safeguard what is irreplaceable, your family.  As a top provider, we’ve been installing customized alarm systems to homes throughout northern and central New Jersey since 1992.  Our team can assess the security risks specific to your home and create a tailored solution that will help protect what matters most.

If you own a home in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image by Olger Fallas Painting-Flickr-Creative Commons

Easy Home Security Improvements

Front DoorWhat is it about our homes that make us feel safe?  Is it the sound of our kids running up and down the stairs?  Is it the personalized décor?  Is it the smell?  Maybe it’s the locks on our doors and windows or the surrounding neighborhood?  Whatever it is, we all want that feeling to last, right?  Of course we do.  So what are you doing to maintain the safety and security of your home?  There are many tips and tricks you can use to safeguard your home, one of the best defenses is a customized comprehensive security system.  As a trusted security systems provider for the past 23 years, our team at Perfect Connections, Inc. has helped homeowners maintain their peace of mind.  We provide residential security solutions throughout northern and central New Jersey.  At Perfect Connections, Inc. we believe a comprehensive security system includes burglar alarms, alarm monitoring, fire alarms, surveillance, smoke detectors, home automation, and some form of access control.  Installing a comprehensive security system is part of a cohesive solution to feeling safe in your home.  Here are some easy home security improvements you can make to help protect what’s important to you.

Time for a trim

Let’s take a look at the first line of defense.  If someone is vetting your home prepping for a break-in, the first thing they’ll see is the exterior.  The exterior of a home includes the landscape.  You may or may not have a landscaper/gardener you charge with caring for plant and tree maintenance around your home.  Either way you want to make sure the vegetation surrounding your home isn’t turning into a national forest.  Why?  High bushes and overgrown plants are the perfect hiding spots for would be thieves.  According to Officer Mark Buetow of the Milwaukee Police Department this type of maintenance, “doesn’t cost but a few hours of your time, yet it can make a difference in making your property much less attractive to a burglar.”  It’s imperative to keep plants near windows and entries low and non-obstructive.  This will help you feel safer inside your home because you’ll be able to see clearly to the outdoors.

Light it up!

An exterior and interior feature that helps protect you and your home is lighting.  No burglar wants to get caught in a “deer in headlights” situation while approaching your home.  With exterior lighting that is motion activated and on timers your home becomes less appealing to potential invaders.  Keeping lights on also increases feeling safer while at home.  In fact being in the dark is a common fear and according to Hillary Johnston who holds a degree in Public Health and Disaster Management, “(it) is probably the number one reason we feel unsafe.”  With energy efficient lighting options becoming more and more prevalent you won’t have to worry about energy costs as much.  Using timers and/or home automation settings will help minimize electrical consumption as well.  Including lighting as part of a home automation system will allow you to adjust your lighting preferences from afar as well.  This feature can come in handy if you’re on vacation or away for an extended period of time.


One of the most simple and often forgotten or neglected things you can do to feel safer at home is lock your doors and windows.  Did you know, “A surprising 30 percent (burglars) entered homes through an unlocked door, window or other opening without resorting to force,”?  Many people fall into the mentality that their neighborhood is safe and nothing bad could or would ever happen. Unfortunately, no community is immune to crime.  Don’t fall victim to a misguided sense of security.  Use your locks!  According to senior trainer for the National Crime Prevention Council Charles Sczuroski, “Sixty percent of all burglaries take place at ground floor doors and windows.”  All the more reason to reinforce main entries and windows with dead bolts and sensors.  Sensors on your doors and windows help alert you during a break-in by tripping your central alarm.  The noise of an alarm typically makes the perpetrator flee in a hurry.

Security Systems

Aside from simpler techniques that make you feel safer in your home like drawing the shades at night, locking doors, trimming hedges, and lighting, one of the most effective crime deterrents is a comprehensive security system.  Criminals are less likely to attempt a home break-in if they know there is an active alarm system.  In fact according to the Electronic Security Association 9 out of 10 burglars purposefully avoid homes with security systems.  There is a peace of mind you get from knowing your home is being monitored and protected that you can’t get anywhere else.  It is our belief at Perfect Connections, Inc. that a comprehensive security system is the most effective way to safeguard what is irreplaceable, your family.  As a top provider, we’ve been installing customized alarm systems to homes throughout northern and central New Jersey since 1992.  Our team can assess the security risks specific to your home and create a tailored solution that will help protect what matters most.

If you live or run a business in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image by Olger Fallas Painting-Flickr-Creative Commons

Vacation Security Tips

Vacation-GoogleYour bags are packed, airplane tickets in hand, and your family is in the car.  You’re ready to go on vacation, and a well-deserved one at that!  One last thing, is your home secure?  Have you done everything you can to safeguard your property and valuables?

While everyone needs a vacation now and then, it is important to make sure your home is fully protected before you leave.  Preventative measures will not only help avoid disaster, but allow you and your family to rest easy and enjoy your time off.  There are many steps you can take to protect your home from break-ins and burglary, allowing you to focus on what’s most important-laying out in the tropical sun with an umbrella drink in hand!

Install a Home Security System

If you don’t have one already, a home security system is an effective way to prevent home invasions and burglaries.  A comprehensive security system would include a burglar alarm, motion detectors, window and door sensors, fire alarms, smoke and carbon detectors, home automation, and a monitoring service.  Systems that are fully integrated with your home allow you to adjust your lighting, thermostat, and so much more from your central control panel.  With wireless home automation you can access these types of features via an app on your mobile device (like the one available on Alarm.com).

Homes without a security system are more likely to be broken into.  In fact, “A home without a security system is 2 to 3 times more likely to be burglarized.”  As experts in the field of home security systems, our team of professionals at Perfect Connections, Inc. understand the importance of protecting your home, especially while you can’t be there.  We have been providing security system solutions to homes in Northern and Central New Jersey for the past 22 years.  Our team can assess the security needs specific to your home and provide a system that is tailored to you.  We want to help you avoid potential catastrophe.

Have Someone Stop By or Stay

Having a trustworthy relative or friend/neighbor stop by your home on a regular basis, or even stay there, while you’re on vacation can be a helpful crime deterrent.  It can make it appear as if you and your family are still home.  Having someone there to tend to your plants, animals, and general upkeep will prevent your home from looking uninhabited, which to a criminal means, “open for business.”  Whomever you charge with caring for your home should be given your vacation contact information and spare key in case of an emergency.  There are services where you can hire house sitters/pet sitters, but they’re likely to be pricier than a friend or family member.

Stop the Mail

Unless you already have a post office box, you likely receive mail at your home.  When you are going on vacation or leaving your home for an extended period of time, you want to make sure you have your local post office hold your mail until your return.  A mailbox that is bursting at the seams can tipoff criminals that you’re away.  It’s best to either stop your mail, which you can conveniently do online HERE, or have a trustworthy friend/relative check and pick it up frequently.  The post office can hold your mail for up to 30 days.  This idea holds true for newspaper delivery as well.  If you subscribe to a newspaper, make sure they don’t pile up on your front step or in your driveway while you’re gone.

Time Your Lights

Setting timers for your interior and exterior lights can be an effective crime deterrent.  It’s better than leaving lights on throughout the entirety of your vacation.  Leaving lights on the whole time will not only run-up your energy bill, but create suspicion for criminals who might be watching your house.  They’ll notice that certain lights never go on or off indicating no one is around.  With a comprehensive security system, you can set timers before you leave, and with home automation you can change your settings from afar if need be.

Beware of Social Media

While it may be tempting to share/brag to all of your friends and family on social media about your upcoming trip, it’s not the best idea.  Why?  By posting the time and date of your trip, you’re basically advertising the fact that you won’t be home.  Even with privacy settings set to their limits, be weary of sharing such private information, you never know who is watching, sharing, and searching.  This is important to keep in mind throughout the duration of your vacation.  Again, while posting photos of you and your family in tropical bliss seems innocent, you’re providing evidence that you’re not home.

Lock It Up!

Locking your doors and windows may seem like an obvious security measure, but it’s easily forgotten.  It’s not uncommon for people to leave back doors or windows unlocked for family members or frequent visitors.  It’s a simple, yet effective, step to take in protecting your home.  Locks are the first line of defense, don’t forget to check them before you leave.

Turn Off/Unplug Appliances

Unplugging or turning off appliances will help save on your energy bill.  Also, it will help prevent potential power surges or electrical fires.  Things like coffee makers, computers, and TVs should be unplugged unless you have someone staying or stopping by regularly.  Unplugging appliances before you leave helps alleviate any worry that you might have accidentally left something on or running.

Alert Local Authorities & Alarm Company

If you’re planning on being away for longer than an extended weekend, it might be a good idea to alert the local authorities.  They may be more inclined to go past your home on their patrol routes if they know you’re gone.  If you have a security system with a monitoring service, it is crucial they are made aware of your leave.  This will help avoid false alarms and make them more vigilant of any irregularities.

Temperature Settings

Depending on where you live you’ll want to adjust your thermostats or time them appropriately.  Homes in the northeast and cooler climates will want to make sure temperatures don’t fall below 55 degrees to avoid freezing pipes.  Home automation allows you to adjust the temperature from afar.  One of the benefits to this technology is coming back to an already warmed up or cooled down home.

If you’re going away be prepared.  If you haven’t already, consider a comprehensive home security system.  The peace of mind you’ll have is priceless.  If you live in Northern or Central New Jersey don’t hesitate to contact our specialists at Perfect Connections, Inc..  We can provide you with a personalized system that is right for your unique home.  We’ve been helping homeowners protect what matters most since 1992.

If you live in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Do You Feel Safe At Home?

Front DoorWhat is it about our homes that make us feel safe?  Is it the sound of our kids running up and down the stairs?  Is it the personalized décor?  Is it the smell?  Maybe it’s the locks on our doors and windows or the surrounding neighborhood?  Whatever it is, we all want that feeling to last, right?  Of course we do.  So what are you doing to maintain the safety and security of your home?  There are many tips and tricks you can use to safeguard your home, one of the best defenses is a customized comprehensive security system.  As a trusted security systems provider for the past 23 years, our team at Perfect Connections, Inc. has helped homeowners maintain their peace of mind.  We provide residential security solutions throughout northern and central New Jersey.  At Perfect Connections, Inc. we believe a comprehensive security system includes burglar alarms, alarm monitoring, fire alarms, surveillance, smoke detectors, home automation, and some form of access control.  Installing a comprehensive security system is part of a cohesive solution to feeling safe in your home.  The following tips will help increase your security and safety awareness.

Time for a trim

Let’s take a look at the first line of defense.  If someone is vetting your home prepping for a break-in, the first thing they’ll see is the exterior.  The exterior of a home includes the landscape.  You may or may not have a landscaper/gardener you charge with caring for plant and tree maintenance around your home.  Either way you want to make sure the vegetation surrounding your home isn’t turning into a national forest.  Why?  High bushes and overgrown plants are the perfect hiding spots for would be thieves.  According to Officer Mark Buetow of the Milwaukee Police Department this type of maintenance, “doesn’t cost but a few hours of your time, yet it can make a difference in making your property much less attractive to a burglar.”  It’s imperative to keep plants near windows and entries low and non-obstructive.  This will help you feel safer inside your home because you’ll be able to see clearly to the outdoors.

Light it up!

An exterior and interior feature that helps protect you and your home is lighting.  No burglar wants to get caught in a “deer in headlights” situation while approaching your home.  With exterior lighting that is motion activated and on timers your home becomes less appealing to potential invaders.  Keeping lights on also increases feeling safer while at home.  In fact being in the dark is a common fear and according to Hillary Johnston who holds a degree in Public Health and Disaster Management, “(it) is probably the number one reason we feel unsafe.”  With energy efficient lighting options becoming more and more prevalent you won’t have to worry about energy costs as much.  Using timers and/or home automation settings will help minimize electrical consumption as well.  Including lighting as part of a home automation system will allow you to adjust your lighting preferences from afar as well.  This feature can come in handy if you’re on vacation or away for an extended period of time.


One of the most simple and often forgotten or neglected things you can do to feel safer at home is lock your doors and windows.  Did you know, “A surprising 30 percent (burglars) entered homes through an unlocked door, window or other opening without resorting to force,”?  Many people fall into the mentality that their neighborhood is safe and nothing bad could or would ever happen. Unfortunately, no community is immune to crime.  Don’t fall victim to a misguided sense of security.  Use your locks!  According to senior trainer for the National Crime Prevention Council Charles Sczuroski, “Sixty percent of all burglaries take place at ground floor doors and windows.”  All the more reason to reinforce main entries and windows with dead bolts and sensors.  Sensors on your doors and windows help alert you during a break-in by tripping your central alarm.  The noise of an alarm typically makes the perpetrator flee in a hurry.

Security Systems

Aside from simpler techniques that make you feel safer in your home like drawing the shades at night, locking doors, trimming hedges, and lighting, one of the most effective crime deterrents is a comprehensive security system.  Criminals are less likely to attempt a home break-in if they know there is an active alarm system.  In fact according to the Electronic Security Association 9 out of 10 burglars purposefully avoid homes with security systems.  There is a peace of mind you get from knowing your home is being monitored and protected that you can’t get anywhere else.  It is our belief at Perfect Connections, Inc. that a comprehensive security system is the most effective way to safeguard what is irreplaceable, your family.  As a top provider, we’ve been installing customized alarm systems to homes throughout northern and central New Jersey since 1992.  Our team can assess the security risks specific to your home and create a tailored solution that will help protect what matters most.

If you live or run a business in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image by Olger Fallas Painting-Flickr-Creative Commons

Protect Your Home While You’re Away

Vacation-GoogleYour bags are packed, airplane tickets in hand, and your family is in the car.  You’re ready to go on vacation, and a well-deserved one at that!  One last thing, is your home secure?  Have you done everything you can to safeguard your property and valuables?

While everyone needs a vacation now and then, it is important to make sure your home is fully protected before you leave.  Preventative measures will not only help avoid disaster, but allow you and your family to rest easy and enjoy your time off.  There are many steps you can take to protect your home from break-ins and burglary, allowing you to focus on what’s most important-laying out in the tropical sun with an umbrella drink in hand!

Install a Home Security System

If you don’t have one already, a home security system is an effective way to prevent home invasions and burglaries.  A comprehensive security system would include a burglar alarm, motion detectors, window and door sensors, fire alarms, smoke and carbon detectors, home automation, and a monitoring service.  Systems that are fully integrated with your home allow you to adjust your lighting, thermostat, and so much more from your central control panel.  With wireless home automation you can access these types of features via an app on your mobile device (like the one available on Alarm.com).

Homes without a security system are more likely to be broken into.  In fact, “A home without a security system is 2 to 3 times more likely to be burglarized.”  As experts in the field of home security systems, our team of professionals at Perfect Connections, Inc. understand the importance of protecting your home, especially while you can’t be there.  We have been providing security system solutions to homes in Northern and Central New Jersey for the past 22 years.  Our team can assess the security needs specific to your home and provide a system that is tailored to you.  We want to help you avoid potential catastrophe.

Have Someone Stop By or Stay

Having a trustworthy relative or friend/neighbor stop by your home on a regular basis, or even stay there, while you’re on vacation can be a helpful crime deterrent.  It can make it appear as if you and your family are still home.  Having someone there to tend to your plants, animals, and general upkeep will prevent your home from looking uninhabited, which to a criminal means, “open for business.”  Whomever you charge with caring for your home should be given your vacation contact information and spare key in case of an emergency.  There are services where you can hire house sitters/pet sitters, but they’re likely to be pricier than a friend or family member.

Stop the Mail

Unless you already have a post office box, you likely receive mail at your home.  When you are going on vacation or leaving your home for an extended period of time, you want to make sure you have your local post office hold your mail until your return.  A mailbox that is bursting at the seams can tipoff criminals that you’re away.  It’s best to either stop your mail, which you can conveniently do online HERE, or have a trustworthy friend/relative check and pick it up frequently.  The post office can hold your mail for up to 30 days.  This idea holds true for newspaper delivery as well.  If you subscribe to a newspaper, make sure they don’t pile up on your front step or in your driveway while you’re gone.

Time Your Lights

Setting timers for your interior and exterior lights can be an effective crime deterrent.  It’s better than leaving lights on throughout the entirety of your vacation.  Leaving lights on the whole time will not only run-up your energy bill, but create suspicion for criminals who might be watching your house.  They’ll notice that certain lights never go on or off indicating no one is around.  With a comprehensive security system, you can set timers before you leave, and with home automation you can change your settings from afar if need be.

Beware of Social Media

While it may be tempting to share/brag to all of your friends and family on social media about your upcoming trip, it’s not the best idea.  Why?  By posting the time and date of your trip, you’re basically advertising the fact that you won’t be home.  Even with privacy settings set to their limits, be weary of sharing such private information, you never know who is watching, sharing, and searching.  This is important to keep in mind throughout the duration of your vacation.  Again, while posting photos of you and your family in tropical bliss seems innocent, you’re providing evidence that you’re not home.

Lock It Up!

Locking your doors and windows may seem like an obvious security measure, but it’s easily forgotten.  It’s not uncommon for people to leave back doors or windows unlocked for family members or frequent visitors.  It’s a simple, yet effective, step to take in protecting your home.  Locks are the first line of defense, don’t forget to check them before you leave.

Turn Off/Unplug Appliances

Unplugging or turning off appliances will help save on your energy bill.  Also, it will help prevent potential power surges or electrical fires.  Things like coffee makers, computers, and TVs should be unplugged unless you have someone staying or stopping by regularly.  Unplugging appliances before you leave helps alleviate any worry that you might have accidentally left something on or running.

Alert Local Authorities & Alarm Company

If you’re planning on being away for longer than an extended weekend, it might be a good idea to alert the local authorities.  They may be more inclined to go past your home on their patrol routes if they know you’re gone.  If you have a security system with a monitoring service, it is crucial they are made aware of your leave.  This will help avoid false alarms and make them more vigilant of any irregularities.

Temperature Settings

Depending on where you live you’ll want to adjust your thermostats or time them appropriately.  Homes in the northeast and cooler climates will want to make sure temperatures don’t fall below 55 degrees to avoid freezing pipes.  Home automation allows you to adjust the temperature from afar.  One of the benefits to this technology is coming back to an already warmed up or cooled down home.

If you’re going away be prepared.  If you haven’t already, consider a comprehensive home security system.  The peace of mind you’ll have is priceless.  If you live in Northern or Central New Jersey don’t hesitate to contact our specialists at Perfect Connections, Inc..  We can provide you with a personalized system that is right for your unique home.  We’ve been helping homeowners protect what matters most since 1992.

If you live in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.