What is Hybrid Surveillance?

Mike Mozart-surveillanceAs a business owner protecting your facility is always a top concern.  Are you getting the coverage you need?  If you have a comprehensive security system you’re already in a good position.  However, a security system is only as good as the sum of its parts.  One of the most crucial parts of a security system is the surveillance aspect.  Surveillance systems are the eyes that keep watch over your business even when you can’t.

Like any other technology surveillance equipment is constantly evolving through research and development that is meant to improve its efficiency.  In today’s IoT (Internet of Things) IP-based (Internet Protocol) systems are a driving force that is changing the role of surveillance in comprehensive security.  But not everyone is so keen on the uptake.  Prior to the inception of IP cameras and network devices the world was and has been dominated by analog cameras and DVR devices (Digital Video Recording).  If you have existing surveillance equipment, chances are it’s a legacy analog system.

While the IP surveillance trend is picking up, there are still more than 40 million analog cameras in operation around the world today.  Making the switch from analog to IP isn’t an easy transition for everyone and integrators have become increasingly aware.  Fortunately there are hybrid solutions that allow you to work with your existing analog infrastructure and start your migration to an IP-based system.  At Perfect Connections, Inc. our team of licensed integrators work with you to provide comprehensive security solutions that meet your needs.  Our experts have been providing comprehensive security system solutions, including surveillance, to businesses throughout northern and central New Jersey for that past 23 years.  We recognize the value technology adds to the security systems we install and how they can benefit our customers.

Why replace an analog system?  To be fair, analog systems have filled a security need since the beginning of surveillance that would have otherwise gone unfulfilled.  But just like any technology, progress is always pushing the envelope of what is relevant and effective.  Look at smartphones, they are constantly evolving, every year a new model with new features that jettisons society forward.  While businesses aren’t necessarily turning over their surveillance systems at the same rate, the growing trend is leaning towards IP and network based solutions.

Hybrid solutions for companies that aren’t ready to make the full switch to IP just yet offer the benefits of a more effective system that will ease the transition when the time is right.  According to Mark Collett, general manager of Sony Security Systems Division, “With hybrid solutions, you can get the best of both worlds—the near-zero latency of analog plus IP’s HD imaging quality.”

Video encoders are the catalyst for the hybrid solution, replacing out of date and expensive DVRs.  DVRs were traditionally responsible for storing and recording footage captured by connected surveillance cameras.  According to James Marcella, a technologist in the security and IT industries, a video encoder is, “an open-platform technology that acts as a bridge between the analog and digital world by essentially turning an analog investment into IP cameras.”  Video encoders would allow you to make use of existing infrastructure by attaching to the coaxial cable from you analog system, transforming the analog signal into a digital stream.

Many industry experts consider DVRs to be one of the most expensive pieces of equipment the consumer will purchase, and they are typically outlived by the analog cameras.  Also, they are not dependable, if they go down so does the whole surveillance system, and this could happen at a critical moment.  Video encoders are capable of running on power over Ethernet that can be tied to a backup power supply, keeping you covered no matter what.  You can also employ redundancies like NAS devices (Network Attached Storage) and SD memory cards to help prevent recording loss.

DVRs lack the image resolution, edge intelligence, and network capabilities that a video encoder can offer.  The frames per second rate (fps) is what creates a smoother clearer image, the higher the better especially in high motion scenarios.  Video encoders are capable of capturing images at up to 60fps whereas DVRs only go up to 15fps.  DVR intelligence is typically limited to whatever the manufacturer specifications have been set to.  Video encoders open the door to third party intelligent applications which allow you to choose video management software from virtually any provider in the connected world.  This creates a platform for advanced video analytics.

There is a large storage and scalability disparity between DVRs and video encoders.  DVRs typically have a low tolerance for the quantity of cameras they can accommodate which can leave a business vulnerable by not being able to cover risky areas.  On the other hand video encoders offer virtually limitless retention by being highly scalable.  Video encoders have the ability to accommodate single cameras and there are some units that can accommodate up to 84 cameras making them a highly flexible and effective solution for a large or small facility.

The hybrid solution allows you to keep existing analog cameras and infrastructure and as the cameras die or warrant replacement, they can easily be swapped out for IP creating a smoother transition.  Remote monitoring is another benefit to opting for a hybrid solution.  This adds a level of security you can’t obtain from an analog system, being able to login to your surveillance system to see what is going on at your facility when you can’t be there.

Hybrid solutions are an economic and less disruptive option if you’re not fully committed to taking the IP plunge, even though progress will continue to push us in that direction.  If you opt for a hybrid solution or aren’t sure what to do always consult a licensed professional to ensure proper application and installation.  At Perfect Connections, Inc. our licensed integrators have been providing comprehensive security solutions to businesses throughout northern and central New Jersey since 1992.  We can guide you through the process of creating a system that meets your specific needs, from an initial assessment to final installation.

If you live or run a business in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image by Mike Mozart-Flickr-Creative Commons

What Is Web-Based Access Control?

Scott Lewis-smart lockThe technological climate is swiftly changing the way we connect and interact with the physical world.  Endless runs of cable and spaghetti wiring is becoming an antiquated notion with the development of wireless internet based equipment.  This is evident in the way some security system integrators are approaching system design and installation.  As industry professionals, our team at Perfect Connections, Inc. has been providing comprehensive security system solutions to organizations throughout northern and central New Jersey for the past 23 years.  It is our goal to not only provide innovative security equipment, but implement components that are effective and make sense within a specific organization.

Access control has always been a top security concern for any establishment.  Whether it means using a lock and key, card reader, or fingerprint, it’s a means by which your business is shielded from unauthorized personnel.  As an integral part of a comprehensive security system, access control mechanisms need to function on the same level as their system counterparts.  Meaning software and technology updates/applications should apply across the board without disrupting the system as a whole.  IP (Internet Protocol)/web-based technologies are making the advancement of security system components more attainable and desirable to both end-users and system integrators.  This is evident in the continuing migration from analog based surveillance to IP.  Web-based technology is not exclusively transforming surveillance, but security systems as a whole, including access control mechanisms.

What does web-based/IP access control really mean?  Your typical access control system is made-up of software, card/badge readers, controllers, and credentials.  In many existing systems today, the software has to be updated manually or on site, the readers and controllers have to be supplied with wired power, and credentials typically constitute a fob or swipe card.  With web-based or IP access control everything from installation to software updates changes.  Much like many IP surveillance cameras, web-based access control systems are connected to a company’s internet network.  Access control that operates over a network opens the door (pun intended) to increased scalability, installation flexibility, remote system access and management, reduction in the need for traditional power outlets, and cost efficiency.  This creates a more open platform for system management and integration.

In the not so distant past access control systems would be designed with products from a single manufacturer.  While this may seem like a good idea, think about what happens if products are discontinued or the manufacturer goes out of business and no longer supports your system.  You’re left with having to start from scratch which is not only a hassle but costly as well.  With web-based access control, components don’t necessarily have to be supplied by one manufacturer.  Being able to source readers, controllers, and credentials from different manufacturers benefits the end user and security integrator by limiting the cost of repair or replacement, as well as creating a smoother transition between software updates and system upgrades.  The technology and software behind these products are becoming more universal which leads to better overall system operation and integration.

The flexibility of web-based access control systems far surpasses physical access controls used in the past.  You have the option to secure multiple entry points at a singular site or across numerous sites nationwide, even worldwide.  Unlike traditional systems, multiple sites can be controlled, updated, and managed from a singular location either on site or remotely over a secured network.  In this sense web-based security features help with system management consolidation; streamlining operation processes making the day-to-day more convenient.

One of the most desirable features of web-based access control systems is the reduction of required cabling.  Depending on the application, readers don’t necessarily have to be wired directly to the network.  This cuts down on cabling and labor costs.  It also provides flexibility in situations where cabling may not be an option, such as installations in historical buildings.  Same is true about the energy supply to readers and locks.  In the past it may have been difficult for integrators to place access control equipment because of a lack in electrical outlets or supply.  Now, with web-based access control equipment, often times power can be supplied through a direct network connection known as PoE (Power over Ethernet).  PoE connections provide power and data to a connected device through a singular cable.

According to Bill Moran, vice president of Sales for Red Cloud Security, “Web-based access control offers features and functionality that enhance an organization’s security posture. From one consolidated screen, administrators can view and manage alarms, video surveillance, facility maps, and identities including photo and personnel details.”  He also points out that in the event of a triggered alarm or someone forcing their way through an entry point, the network can be suspended while cameras at the scene can be accessed for live streaming.  This is where the idea of a comprehensive security system comes into play, where all of the components are easily accessed and essentially working together.

Web-based security features are transforming the way end-users and industry professionals perceive security in general.  In a world that continues to become more and more connected through technological advancement and the IoT (Internet of Things), it only makes sense that the infrastructure of the physical world should follow suit.  Web-based access control is just another step in the direction to a more convenient and secured future.  At Perfect Connections, Inc. our licensed professionals are always looking for and researching technologies that better serve our customers.  Our team has been providing comprehensive security system solutions to organizations throughout northern and central New Jersey since 1992.  We help you connect and protect what matters most.

If you live or run a business in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image by Scott Lewis-Flickr-Creative Commons