What Sets Us Apart

logoWhen you’re starting any kind of project, what’s one of the first things you do?  In all likelihood you go to your computer, smartphone, or mobile device and open up a search engine.  You run search after search to find what you’re looking for.  In our connected world of the IoT (Internet of Thing) we are, at least partially, reliant on what we can find online.  You can find information on virtually anything.  This includes anything from how to properly stain a deck to how to choose which security system integrator is the best.

Entering almost any search will draw up a slew of options, so how do you choose?  Any company can toot their own horn and sound good on paper, or online for that matter.  That’s where customer reviews, testimonials, a personal reference, and researching the business comes in handy.  When it comes to installing a security system at your home or business you want to feel confident that who you hire is experienced, licensed, knowledgeable, and trustworthy.  At Perfect Connections, Inc. our team of licensed integrators design and install comprehensive security systems in homes and businesses throughout northern and central New Jersey.  We’ve been providing detailed and professional service for the past 23 years.  We specialize in custom designed security systems that typically include fire and burglar alarms, video surveillance, access control, alarm monitoring, and interactive services.

As a commercial and residential security system company, our team at Perfect Connections prides itself in providing systems and service that exceed your expectations.  Unlike other security system providers we’re confident we can create solutions to almost any issue you may have.  This includes thinking outside the box, literally, when it comes to designing a comprehensive security system.  Many integrators will limit themselves to the specifications of a security component and won’t get creative to manufacture a solution.  The same is true about structural obstacles, some companies will not even attempt to solve an installation challenge if they perceive it to be too difficult.  At Perfect Connections we’re problem solvers.  We exhaust all options before accepting defeat, and more often than not come up with a creative solution.

With Perfect Connections you know what you’re getting.  When we quote a job for specified work the price you’re quoted is the price you will pay, no added fees or upcharges.  Typically the only time you would end up paying more is if additional work is requested after the fact, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be charged more because of an unanticipated structural or component issue.

While we can’t necessarily prove the authenticity of an internet comment, we can present the facts about our company.  As a commercial and residential security systems provider in northern and central New Jersey, our team at Perfect Connections has the expertise and customer loyalty to prove our professional status.  Aside from offering quality products and installation, we truly value our customers and their needs.  Our typical customer base covers a wide range including homeowners, hospital and healthcare facilities, assisted living facilities, recycling and salvage yards, office buildings, and manufacturing facilities.  Nobody, and nothing, is perfect, but we are constantly working our hardest to ensure our clients’ needs are being met.  What sets us apart from the competition is what we offer, our commitment to quality service, and our ability to problem solve designing customized systems.

Available ONLY at Perfect Connections

  • We offer a 30-day money back guarantee if you are at all dissatisfied, no questions asked
  • There is a one year warranty of EVERYTHING we offer
  • We have a 98% customer loyalty rating
  • Perfect Connections has been in business since 1992 with more than 1,200 customers in Central and Northern New Jersey

What Else Do We Offer?

Perfect Connections The Other Guys
Live 24/7/365 support available Most expect you to call during business hours
Technicians on call 24/7 There is no standard
Immediate response in case of emergency (typical response is 45 seconds) Typically respond within minutes
Service & maintenance contracts available Only available at large security companies
Leasing & financing available Standard for most
Customers save 10-20% on L & P insurance Standard for most


With the level of service and products we provide, our team of licensed professionals will ensure the security of your home or business.  Our specialty is comprehensive customized security systems that include fire and burglar alarms, access control, video surveillance, alarm monitoring and interactive services.  If you live or run a business in Northern or Central New Jersey, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 800-369-3962 and visit our website for more information HERE.  Let us help you connect and protect what matters most.

A Unique Security Situation: Emergency Rooms

Emergency RoomWhen it comes to security challenges in healthcare facilities EDs (Emergency Departments) are truly unique.  There’s a diversity in not only the people that come in and out, but the services provided as well.  Never mind the fact that EDs are open 24/7 and can’t deny treatment to anyone.  This leads to a complicated dynamic that poses security risks to staff, patients, and guests.  As a leading security systems provider in northern and central New Jersey, our team at Perfect Connections, Inc. is adept at assessing the security risks associated with different environments, including healthcare facilities.  We’ll take you through some of the most common risks associated with EDs and how a comprehensive security system can help.

One of the most prominent threats to safety in EDs is the mentally unstable or violent patient (the two often go hand-in-hand).  There have been numerous accounts of attacks, both physical and verbal, on medical workers across the nation.  It’s no surprise either, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, RNs (Registered Nurses) alone face a 6.1 per 10,000 chance of being assaulted on the job.  That’s triple the chances of an average American worker.  As these assaults are typically unpredictable and unprovoked, how can a hospital be prepared?  Some have employed security guards as an addition to systemic precautions.  Others, like Dr. Melissa Barton of Detroit Sinai-Grace Hospital have pushed for security enhancements such as metal detectors as hospital entrances.  Barton on hospital security, “It’s a balance between having patients and facilities and visitors feel welcome and that we want them to come and see their loved ones, versus also offering safety and a feeling of security for those same people.”

When you think of an ED, what comes to mind?  It’s unlikely a peaceful and relaxed scene, right?  You have any number of people coming in and out who are all dealing with an “emergency.”  This can lead to high tensions, aggravated emotions, and stress.  These feelings can escalate quickly especially when there is overcrowding which can lead to long wait times, further exacerbating the tumultuous atmosphere.  When situations do escalate within an ED, they can quickly turn violent.  Aside from high stress situations driving people to act out, there are other reasons why hospital violence occurs.  Take for example a law in Kentucky designed to keep those who commit misdemeanor crimes out of jail in order to free up space for the more dangerous criminals.  As a result Kentucky hospitals found themselves turning into a “dumping ground” for alcoholics and the disorderly, often homeless, which would have otherwise been imprisoned.  This leads to higher security risks for intake staff and other patients waiting for treatment.

As previously mentioned public hospitals can’t typically refuse care to anyone, including convicted felons.  This can pose a hazard to hospital security, its staff, and patients.  These dangerous patients are sometimes referred to as a “forensic patient” or “prisoner patient.”  A forensic patient is typically accompanied by a law enforcement individual, but there is still risk involved.  These types of patients can attempt to escape by using force and they tend to have erratic behavior.  A study performed by the International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety (IAHSS) in 2010 on prisoner escape attempts showed that patients were able to obtain weapons through altercations with law enforcement, hospital security, or using their own restraints.  Preventing these high risk patients from escaping or harming other patients is an issue.  If there were a section of the ED or hospital that was designated for high risk patients it might be easier to contain them using secure access controls.  Some hospitals may already have a designated area for these types of patients but those that don’t may want to have a security systems expert assess their risks and how to deal with them.

How can enhanced security help?  Certainly having physical security guards in place can help deter crime, but installing a comprehensive security system can help prevent disastrous situations.  By having an access control mechanism installed you can limit who can enter which areas.  This would help prevent loss of narcotics and limit the locations where violent behavior or outburst can potentially occur.  It could also help contain violent patients or guests to specific areas.  Having a monitored and recorded surveillance system would help catch criminals and provide evidentiary support in their prosecution.

While a security system won’t cut out violent or unpredictable behavior in EDs and hospitals altogether, it can help minimize and contain it.  Contact our team of professionals at Perfect Connections, Inc. to assess the security risks associated with your healthcare facility.  We can provide a customized solution that will help minimize potential threats to your facility, staff, and patients.  Our team has been providing expert service to facilities in the northern and central regions of New Jersey since 1992.  We want to help you keep your facility safe so you can get back to what matters most, caring for your patients.

If you live or run a facility in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image by Taber Andrew Bain-Flickr-Creative Commons