How Would A Power Outage Affect Your Security?

Lightning-Anthony QuintanoWe all know the weather is unpredictable no matter how many radars or meteorologists tell us otherwise.  Mother Nature is impulsive and she strikes at will.  A common and sometimes unpleasant result of severe weather is power outages.  During a thunderstorm outages may last a couple of hours but extreme weather conditions have been known to leave civilians without power for weeks at a time.  The 2008 ice storm that swept the Northeast region of the United States is a perfect example of how detrimental volatile weather can be.  It left over a million without power, some for weeks.  How fast power can be restored really depends on the weather conditions and the resources available in each location.

While extreme weather is not necessarily an everyday issue-and it varies by location-there is still an impact incurred by smaller and more frequent storms that cause power outages.  Power outages affect not only lighting but heating, electric water pumps, and your home security system.  Does that mean you will be unprotected during an outage?  That depends on what type of system you have.  At Perfect Connections, Inc. we provide customized security systems that help protect you and your family even in the direst of situations.  Our experts have been securing homes in northern and central New Jersey since 1992.  As we are based in New Jersey, we are no strangers to the inclement weather and its effect on local residences.

What happens during a power outage?  Everyone goes scrambling for lanterns, candles, and maybe a puzzle to pass the time, right?  Okay, so you have the entertainment portion down, but what about the safety of your home.  Will your security system still work during a power outage?  As previously mentioned that really depends on what type of system you have.

Some of the most common operating modes for security systems are through phone lines, cellular radio, VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), and the internet.  With an alarm system that operates through traditional phone lines, it will continue to communicate with monitoring services even during a power outage as phone lines typically stay up and running.  Like many systems, the central control panel will continue operating off its backup batteries.  How long the backup batteries last varies; some may last hours, others may last days.  Your security system provider should have information on how long your backup batteries will last.  A system that runs off cellular radio capabilities will also rely on backup batteries during a power outage.  This is a wireless system so communication would be unaffected.  VoIP wireless systems rely on internet and phone lines for power and communication so if power is out and internet is out, you can lose communication with monitoring services.  Internet based systems have been touted as the least reliable during an outage.  The reason being they lose communication capabilities if the internet is out, which if the power is out the internet typically follows.

To ensure that you will be covered during a power outage it’s best to be prepared.  To be prepared you should know what type of system you have and talk with your provider to find out what would happen if an outage occurred.  You don’t want to assume you’ll have 2 days of backup battery when you really only have a few hours.  Stocking extra batteries isn’t a bad idea, especially if you live in an area that is prone to inclement weather.  Knowing your systems capabilities and limitations will leave you better prepared in the event of an outage or any emergency for that matter.  Aside from knowing the ins and outs of your security system you could invest in preparatory measures like alternative exterior lighting.  One of the best crime deterrents, besides a comprehensive security system, is lighting.  Burglars don’t want to break-in to homes that are well lit, it leaves them too exposed.

You can’t predict the weather, but you can be prepared for it.  Knowing the limitations of your home security system will help prevent panic during power outages and other weather related incidents.  No security system is infallible, but having one significantly decreases the chances of catastrophe.  Whether you are considering a security system for the first time or looking for expertise do not hesitate to call on our team of professionals at Perfect Connections, Inc..  We have been providing comprehensive security solutions to homes throughout northern and central New Jersey for over 20 years.  Our specialists can guide you through the process from an initial assessment to final installation.  It’s important to note that every home is different therefore each security system should be individually tailored.  Don’t fall for a “one size fits all” solution.

If you live or run a business in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image by Anthony Quintano-Flickr-Creative Commons

The Most Common Way For A Burglar To Break Into Your Home

home-alone-marv & harryWhen you’re a homeowner one of your top priorities is ensuring the safety of your home. Your home is what protects you and your family. Nobody wants to deal with a home break-in but they are a sad reality in our everyday lives. Fortunately there are many ways you can safeguard your home from such devastation. The best way to deter crime is to be prepared for it. If you want to prevent a home invasion you must first understand when and how burglars are likely to attempt them. At Perfect Connections, Inc. our team of highly skilled professionals can assess the security risks specific to your home to help you avoid break-ins and other disasters. We have been providing security system services to homes throughout northern and central New Jersey for over 25 years. Our experts assess the security risks of an individual home and come up with a customized security system solution to fit its specific needs.

What are some of the most common break-in methods used by criminals? Have you ever heard of the path of least resistance? That’s usually the route they will take when it comes to breaking into homes. There are many factors that can make their job easier, and you might be unknowingly aiding their attempts. Leaving windows and doors unlocked or open are a surprisingly common way burglars get into homes. In fact 30 percent of burglars enter homes without having to use force. Spare keys left in indiscrete locations are another favorite of the home invader. It’s tempting to have a spare key for family members or friends, but if you’re going to do so don’t leave it under the door mat or in other obvious and easily accessed spots.

Some crooks will walk right up to your front door, ring the bell, and if you answer they will pretend to be selling something. They’ll probably make up a bogus story about who they work for. Whatever you do, do not let them in and ask for identification or find the company number to call and verify their identity. Do not use a number they provide as it could be a ruse. When they’re putting on this act they’re trying to get a better view into your home to see if you might have a security system and what goodies they might come back for.

Sometimes criminals will ring the doorbell and if no one answers they might go to the back of the house to try to enter through a back door or window. Even if the doors and windows are locked burglars often carry tools like crowbars to aid their break-ins. However, if it takes them longer than a minute to get in they’ll likely move on to the next target. The harder you can make it for someone to break-in the better.

How can you make it harder or less appealing for criminals to break-in to your home? One of the best lines of defense is installing a comprehensive home security system. Burglars are less likely to attempt a break-in if the targeted house has a security system, it gives them less time to escape and a higher chance of being caught. In fact 90 percent of convicted burglars said they would avoid homes with alarm systems. Keeping vegetation trimmed is important in preventing a break-in. Burglars often use unkempt bushes, trees, or flora close to the home as hiding spots where they can sit and wait for an opportune moment.

Lighting is a great deterrent as well. Motion activated exterior lights are helpful because they somewhat eliminate the sneaky element by exposing whatever moves in their path. Using light timers or home automation to control your interior lights will help prevent an intruder from attempting a break-in. It’ll help create the illusion that someone is home even if they aren’t and burglars tend to avoid break-in attempts if someone is there. Installing deadbolts is another way to at least slow down an attempted break-in. Having a single door knob lock leaves you vulnerable to thieves who use things like bump keys. Bump keys are essentially master keys used by locks smiths, they can supposedly open up to 90 percent of traditional locks.

With a burglary occurring every 15 seconds in the United States, you can never be too cautious when it comes to protecting your home. At Perfect Connections, Inc. our experts provide customized comprehensive security systems that fit your specific needs. It’s not just about protecting the physical property, it’s about protecting that peace of mind that is so hard to get back after a break-in. Don’t fall victim to the mentality that it could never happen in your neighborhood, no community is immune. Instead be prepared and don’t be a victim.

If you own a home in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image by Dexter Company-Google-Creative Commons

Alarm System Maintenance 101

So you bought an alarm system, what kind of maintenance and service should you do?

Really, you won’t need to do too much. It should work flawlessly for quite some time. The first thing to go will be batteries. All systems will have to have their system battery replaced after 3 to 5 years. When the battery is low, the keypad will notify you as will the central station. The batteries for most alarm systems in service today are 12 volt and 4 to 7 amp hour. Newer graphic self-contained systems have different smaller batteries – for example, the 2Gig Go Control has a 7.2 volt back up battery. All batteries should give you 24 hour back up. It is not a bad idea to schedule replacement of your battery every 3 years to preempt any possible issues.

If you have a wireless alarm system, you will also need to replace the batteries in the various devices such as door and window transmitters, wireless motion detectors, wireless glass break detectors, wireless carbon monoxide detectors, wireless smoke detectors, key fobs, panic buttons, and other wireless devices. Most of the new devices use lithium batteries, from CR123 3 Volt lithium batteries to lithium watch sized batteries. The smaller the device, the smaller the battery. Typically the bigger batteries last longer, 3 years plus, while the watch type batteries last 2 years plus. Devices that are used most often, like entry doors, drain quicker. On the newer systems, the keypad tells you which transmitter has a low battery, making replacement easy.

Make sure your alarm company shows you how to change the batteries during the installation. You should also get a list of the batteries required for all the various devices you have so you don’t have to scramble to find out when they are low. If you choose not to replace your own batteries, the alarm company should be happy to replace them for you.

Older systems use typical alkaline batteries, 9 volt, AAA and AA are common. These need to be replaced more often. Many older systems don’t tell you when the batteries are low so regular replacement is necessary.

Other than changing batteries, not much else is necessary. Make sure devices such as motion detectors and smoke detectors are clear of spider webs and that’s about it.

If installed and programmed correctly, your alarm system should monitor all parts and devices on the system, as well as services it is connected to, like power, telephone, and cellular. If any of these systems go down, your alarm system should alert you to that fact. The first reaction is to think that there is something wrong with your alarm system, when in reality it is working correctly. It is supposed to tell you when it is compromised when a service it relies on is not working properly.

Even though the system monitors itself, testing the alarm system is something that you should regularly do. You depend on your alarm system and you should make sure that it is working properly all the time. The best way to test the system is as follows: Call the central station and put the system on test. Arm the system and then trip a zone. Reset the alarm and then call the central station to make sure they received the right signal. Next week put it back on test and trip the next zone. Go clockwise around your house and you will eventually check all your devices. It is worth the effort to protect your home and family.

If you live in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, or if you would like us to perform a Home Safety and Security Audit, absolutely free, please call 800-369-3962.

Common Misconceptions When It Comes To Home Security Systems

A home is so much more than a physical structure that you reside in. It’s where you have lazy Sunday breakfast with your spouse and kids. It’s where you enjoy a cup of hot coffee on your back porch. It’s where you read bedtime stories to your children and tuck them in at night. It’s where you might keep precious assets. It’s where you and your family live life to its fullest. How and what are you doing to protect all of that? Odds are, if you haven’t already installed a home security system, you’ve at least thought about it at one time or another. So what has been preventing you from taking the plunge? Well, like many homeowners, if you think you know all there is to know about security systems, you’ve probably convinced yourself or been falsely informed that you don’t need a comprehensive security system. There are a vast array of myths and misconceptions about home security systems, and you will learn why and how they are simply untrue.

My home is in a safe neighborhood, nothing bad could happen here.

Yes, we would all love to believe that we live in a Utopian society where everyone Fingerprint & broken glass-West Midlands Policecontributes, gets along, and the sun is always shining, right? Unfortunately, just as the weather is unpredictable, so is human nature. Criminals don’t care if your neighborhood is considered safe, if they see vulnerability, they see opportunity. Don’t fool yourself into thinking your home is safe because of your surroundings. Statistically, 88% of all burglaries happen residentially, 86% happen when someone is home. Don’t wait for something tragic to happen. Take initiative and contact a trusted home security systems specialist at Perfect Connections, Inc. before it’s too late.

I don’t own anything a burglar/intruder would want.

While it may be true that you don’t own expensive valuable items, or have wads of cash lying around, burglars/intruders aren’t always after your jewelry or money. Whatever the intentions of a criminal, you have to assume if they are breaking into your home, they’re after something. Even if they don’t steal something of monetary value, they might accidentally grab something that is irreplaceable and of emotional significance, or worse, cause harm to you or a family member. According to, “1 in 3 homes without a security system will fall victim to a burglary as compared to 1 in 250 homes that do have a security system.” Don’t presume to know what criminals are after, protect what matters most with a comprehensive security system solution.

Security systems don’t work and are too expensive.

Thinking your security system is going to act like an impenetrable force field that will deflect potential intruders or criminal behavior is just not realistic. Neither is believing a comprehensive security system won’t do anything for your home and your family, or that it’s too costly. The cost in damages from a burglary can be far more financially draining than the cost of a comprehensive security system with alarm monitoring. Never mind the emotional toll it can take on you and your family.

Luckily, the evolution of security systems has allowed professionals to offer a wider range of economic solutions to fit your budget. You can actually save money by installing a home security system; many home insurance providers offer discounts for doing so. Beware of security systems companies that lowball their price quotes, odds are you’ll end up being just a number in a sea of inadequately protected customers. Watch out for companies that offer you an “accurate” quote over the phone, how can they asses your home’s needs if they’ve never been there? A full home security assessment should be done in person by a licensed specialist, and don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.

Security systems have been proven to deter intruders, in fact the Electronic Security Association’s “Home Safety Fast Facts” report indicates 9 out of 10 burglars purposefully avoid homes with security systems. Thinking that security systems don’t work fast enough is inaccurate. Some systems alert the authorities within 45 seconds, and if a patrol car is in the area, the likelihood of the perpetrator being caught is higher. Even if a burglar were to get into your home, the second your alarm goes off, the sound and attention will typically drive your intruder away.

My home is not built to accept a security system.

Old home-Brad ClinesmithMaybe you live in an old Colonial or Victorian house where the walls are solid and accessibility throughout the home is challenging. You might assume the construction of your home wouldn’t allow the installation of a home security system because it would require extensive drilling and/or remodeling. In the past there might have been a tinge of truth to that assumption, however, today many if not most systems are or have wireless capabilities. Not only is a wireless system convenient in older homes, or any home for that matter, but it’s aesthetically more pleasing as it eliminates any loose or dangling wires. What if a burglar were to cut phone and power lines? According to, “With wireless phone and internet technology combined with battery and backup generator support, you can expect your security system to be up and running under the worst conditions.”

My pets will set off false alarms, besides they’re like built-in security units.

While a barking dog can make a potential intruder run in the opposite direction, they can’t always differentiate between a threat and a familiarity, never mind the fact they can’t contact emergency services. Pets may not alert you if they recognize the intruder, for example, someone who had previously done work in your home. A comprehensive security system does not discriminate, if a window is broken, the alarm goes off. If the door is kicked in, the alarm will sound and the authorities will be notified, giving you and your family time to get to a safe place.

Worrying your pets will sound a false alarm is less of concern with todays’ advanced motion detectors. The detectors that are pet friendly are set to pick up motion from objects over a certain weight. This decreases the chances of a false alarm, and you don’t have to fret about your pets wandering around your home.

All security systems are the same and they’re too complicated.

Couldn’t be farther from the truth. Each security systems company will have different products, procedures, and policies. Your security systems professional should be able to customize a comprehensive system that suits the individual needs of your home. Don’t fall for a “one size fits all” solution. As far as systems being too complicated, technological advancements have simplified user interfaces making them easier to operate. Many systems utilize graphic touch screen controls that provide step by step instructions.

It’s important to do your homework and shop around to figure out which company best suits your needs. Put your trust in companies with a proven customer retention record and a history of experience like Perfect Connections, Inc. We have 98% Customer Loyalty Rating, and have been providing security system services to Northern and Central New Jersey since 1992.


Image Credits: Image #1 by West Midlands Police-Flickr-Creative Commons, Image #2 by Brad Clinesmith-Flickr-Creative Commons,



How To Stop Shoplifting This Holiday Season

Helpful Tips to Prevent Shoplifting

Each year, shoplifting accounts for millions of dollars of loss for businesses all across the country. Some of the most common items stolen include watches, jewelry, music, books, clothing, and even car parts. While installing a security camera can help to identify suspects after the theft occurs, there are quite a few things a retailer can do to stop shoplifting from taking place in the first place.

Some actionable tips that can help all types of retailers this holiday season include:

• Greet customers as they come into the store.
• Watch for the customers who avoid eye contact, linger, are constantly looking for the employees, wander around the store or seem to be overly nervous.
• Make sure your employees keep moving and walking around the store.
• Maintain the store and keep it well-organized and clean.
• Restrict the use of the fitting rooms to only customers who request them.
• Install various anti-theft devices.
• Create a shoplifting policy and make sure to enforce it.
• Hire plenty of employees.
• Talk to other businesses in the area about suspicious behavior they may have seen.
• Keep items that are often stolen in plain view.

If you ever do suspect that a person is shoplifting, do not accuse them of this. Instead, just ask them if you can either help them or ring them up. Keep an eye on the person and contact security or a manager right away. You should never attempt to stop the person that’s shoplifting, and if they wind up leaving the store, try to provide a detailed description of the individual, as well as what they are driving.

4 Tips to Safeguard Your Business from a Break-In

Good business security offers peace of mind and helps to prevent acts of vandalism and robberies. Being able to protect your business from a possible theft and break-in is essential for creating a safe environment for your customers and workers – all while protecting your assets.

Below are 4 tips that will help you keep your business safe and sound:

1. Find vulnerable areas.
The first step is to take a walk around the building. Hunt for any damaged windows, doors or other locations where someone could get in undetected. Repair or replace any weak areas.

2. Use video surveillance (CCTV). This is perhaps the most important component of good business security. Having video surveillance allows you to see what is going on. With today’s CCTV systems, you can have live access to your cameras, day or night, from wherever you are (as long as you have access to the internet). And, if a break-in does occur, you have the evidence necessary to catch the culprit. This will also help protect your business from employee theft.

3. Use access control card systems. There are likely some parts of your business where you have rather expensive assets or sensitive information. When you install an access card control system, you will be able to limit some rooms to only authorized individuals. If someone were to break-in, they would have a hard time getting into these locked areas.

4. Advertise your security system. Once the security equipment has been installed, be sure that you post stickers and signs all around letting would-be burglars know about the system.
When you secure your business as outlined above, you’ll have peace of mind knowing your location is safe and sound.

Have a Happy and Safe Halloween With These Home Security Tips


Happy Halloween from all of us here at Perfect Connections! Here are some tips for you and your family to make sure the holiday is safe and enjoyable.

Tips For Your Home

Leave Lights On

A well-lit home is a safe home. Whether you’re in the house handing out candy to the trick-or-treaters, or you’ll be out in the neighborhood, keep some lights on around the house to show that someone is still home. Outdoor lighting also can help prevent any unwanted visitors, and makes it safer for any visitors coming for treats.

Your Security System

With the possibility for a lot of foot-traffic around your home, your security system may need a bit of fine tuning. Make sure any cameras are pointed at the areas that are most likely to receive the most traffic. The front door/porch, driveway, and if possible sidewalk and street outside the house are very important areas to be able to view. If you plan on leaving the house unattended, make sure your system is armed, and make sure anyone returning to the house know’s the alarm code to disarm the system.

Tips For Outside Your Home


Make sure all candy is checked before being eaten. It is highly recommended that any candy that isn’t pre-wrapped is thrown out. And always remember – safety in numbers!

Cell Phones

If you’re sending your kids out into the neighborhood to trick-or-treat on their own, a cell phone is an extremely important tool to help them keep safe. Make sure they have a fully charged cellphone, and that they know which number to call in case of an emergency. If you’re going out with your children, make sure you have alerts set up so your security system can notify you of any incidents at your home.

If you live in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962.


Is Your Security Provider Licensed?

There are many reasons to make sure the person you hire to do a job is qualified. When it comes to installing camera systems, it’s the law.Video Surveillance-Christian Schnettelker

In New Jersey, a professional surveillance system installer needs to be licensed by the Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm, and Locksmith Advisory Committee. According to Eric Marcy at Wilentz Attorneys at Law, “many local Informational Technology Companies have begun to dabble in installing CCTV monitoring as part of their product/service offerings.” While it may make initial sense to hire an IT professional to install network-based cameras, they may lack many of the qualifications that a licensed surveillance system installer has due to the training required to obtain the proper license.

Eric Marcy also states that “While Information Technology businesses may find the installation of CCTV and surveillance systems a natural extension of the services the business may offer, failure to have a proper license for such services will result in legal exposure and penalties. Prior to any Information Technology firm from offering, marketing or providing such services it should fully investigate the requirements necessary to allow it to provide such services. IT companies would be well served to consult with counsel to review the proposed services and proposed marketing to insure that the IT firm is not in violation of State law. ”

If you’re not sure if the person or company you are hiring is licensed, you can verify on the NJ Division of Consumer Affairs website.

If you live in Central or Northern New Jersey and are considering installing cameras in your home or business, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE. Our licensed integrators at Perfect Connections, Inc. have been providing custom and comprehensive security system solutions since 1992.

Not Just Peace Of Mind: Security Systems and Home Value

American Advisors Group-House SoldHow do you judge the value of your home? Is it the market price? Is it the neighborhood where it’s located? Or maybe it’s the aesthetics. Actually it’s all of the above and then some. If you’re a homeowner one sure fire way to add value to your home is by installing a comprehensive home security system. A home security system offers a peace of mind to homeowners they can’t get anywhere else, but that’s not all.

With a comprehensive home security system you’re better protected from burglary and break-ins, house fires, carbon monoxide poisoning, and vandalism. While the initial cost of a home security system may seem like a substantial investment, the return is even greater. Having installed comprehensive home security systems throughout northern and central New Jersey since 1992, our team at Perfect Connections, Inc. can attest to the added value.

There might not be a direct correlation between the market value of a home and whether or not a security system is present, but the indirect impact is evident in buyer interest. If you anticipate selling your home in the future having added safety features adds a perceived value to your home. Like with anything we purchase throughout our lives, prospective home buyers are likely to feel better about a price tag if safety is a factor. In the mind of a potential buyer the more security features a home comes with, the less they have to spend after the fact which makes spending more upfront less of an issue. That is why installing a comprehensive security system that includes surveillance, monitoring, fire and burglar alarms, carbon monoxide and smoke detectors, motion detectors, window and door sensors, and home automation is worth the investment. The more homes in your neighborhood with these features the better. In fact, according to, “A neighborhood that has more home security systems will, over time, have a lower crime rate. That lower crime rate, in turn, leads to higher property values for the neighborhood.”

Other security features prospective buyers might be looking for are strong sash locks for all windows, including those above ground level. Reinforced or hardwood exterior doors, commercial grade door locks, and automatic or motion detected exterior lighting are all pluses in the eyes of a potential buyer. While all of these features are appealing to a buyer, resale isn’t the only reason to invest in your homes security. It’s that peace of mind every homeowner desires, you can’t put a price on that.

Perceived value is great, but so it monetary value. A home security system can actually affect you monetarily. How? Insurance! As a homeowner you know that everything has a cost, insurance is no exception. Wouldn’t it be great if you could save money on your homeowners insurance? Good news, you can. Many insurance companies offer discounts to homeowners for having a security system and various security features. Every company has different policies, but some offer up to 20% discounts. Be sure to contact your provider for details and exceptions. If you have home automation as part of your security system, you’re setting yourself up for savings again. With home automation you can remotely adjust lighting, temperature, and sometimes select appliances. This can save you money on your utilities bill every month by using energy when you specify. It also helps prevent energy waste which benefits the environment as well.

Whether you’re looking to improve the value of your home for resale or simply want to do what is best for your family, adding a comprehensive home security system will always be beneficial. It’ll save you money and provide you and your family with peace of mind. To assure you are getting the best deal and system for your home, it’s imperative you hire a professional. A haphazard mix of security parts assembled incorrectly doesn’t add value to anything.

Professional security system experts, like our team at Perfect Connections, Inc., will provide an initial in person assessment of the security risks specific to your home and create a custom system from there. Every home is unique and should be treated as such don’t fall for a one-stop solution. As industry professionals our team at Perfect Connections, Inc. has been providing custom comprehensive security systems to northern and central New Jersey residents for the past 23 years. We know there is no substitute for personalized service that suits your individual needs.

If you live or run a business in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image By American Advisors Group-Flickr-Creative Commons

How Many Tiers Of Security Do You have?

One of the most important techniques to protecting your home is creating tiered security. It’s not very difficult for a burglar to get past one line of defense. The more difficult it is and the longer it takes a burglar to break into your home, the more likely they’ll run away. Neighbors are also more likely to spot someone breaking in if you are able to slow any potential thieves down. Adding additional tiers of security can easily mean the difference between staying protected and a potential robbery.

House with lock-Ts_pasha

The first tier is your exterior. Make sure your exterior is well maintained and looks occupied, even if you’re away. Unmowed lawns, newspapers on the porch, and mail piling up are all signs that no one is watching the house. Motion detector lights and well trimmed bushes/hedges protect you from people sneaking onto your property. If you need to leave a spare key outside, make sure it is well hidden and not in commonly checked places (under the mat, in the mailbox, under an out of place fake rock). For the most effective security, external weatherproofed security cameras with a 24 hour monitoring company can provide a high level of protection.

Your house itself is your next tier. About 85% of burglaries take place with the thief entering through the front or back door. About 60% of break ins are accomplished using force. Replace hollow doors with solid-core doors, add a dead-bolt, and reinforce the door jamb with metal. Adding a security film to windows will make them much more difficult to break. Most importantly, make sure all windows and doors are locked when you leave the house, even for a quick trip to the store. 30% of burglaries occur through an unlocked window or door.

Inside your house is the most critical tier. Use thick drapes and keep valuables out of view so burglars can’t see inside what you have inside your house. Electronics and jewelry are often the most sought-after items for criminals. Identify theft is also one of the fastest growing crimes. Make sure these valuable assets are protected – a large heavy Internal motion detectors, glassbreak detectors, and video cameras on an alarm system provide a comprehensive defense against potential burglaries.

While the physical barriers to a burglar getting in is extremely important, another aspect to remember is the psychological defenses. Signs and stickers that an alarm system is installed in the house are great deterrents. A dog is also a very large reason many potential burglars would avoid a house – even if you don’t have one, making it look like you do by posting a sign or leaving a leash outside can help. Audible alarm systems are not just to alert you or neighbors to a potential intruder, but also to scare away anyone that has made it into your house.


If You Recently Purchased Your Home, Read This!

Helpful Security Tips For New Homeowners

There is no doubt that moving into a new home can be exciting; however, between getting all your belongings moved in, unpacking and getting organized, it can be quite easy to overlook security in the new home.

Thieves work where there is an opportunity. They will prey on people or locations they believe are “easy targets.” With movers coming and going from the space and the homeowners being distracted, a burglar can easily take advantage of the situation.

Prior to settling into your new home, take some time to address a few security concerns. Some tips that can help to keep new homeowners and their belongings safe include:


American Advisors Group-House Sold

Change the locks – this should include window locks. You never know how many other copies are “out there.”
Perform a security audit – walk around and try to think like a criminal. Address any issues such as broken fences, bushes near the house or windows or doors that do not shut securely.
Install a security system – monitored security services are perhaps the best way to help keep your home secure.
Install plenty of outdoor lighting – motion or sensor lights are great at deterring would-be intruders.
Get to know the neighbors.


Moving into a new house is a huge occasion, but you cannot ignore the security issues that may be present. Be sure that you take note of the tips here to keep your new home and yourself safe and secure.


Helpful Additions You Can Make To Your Home Security Alarms

Your home is your castle. For most people, protecting it is a top priority. One of the best investments you can make to provide superior protection for your home, belongings and family is a home security alarm. Modern options are far more advanced than the security systems that were available as little as a decade ago. Getting to know some of the new features and advancements offered by these security systems will help you see why they are such an invaluable asset.

Remote Access Viewing – One of the most helpful additions that you can add to your home security alarm is a set of cameras. With the advances in modern security technology, it is now possible to access the video cameras in your house from anywhere in the world. This will allow you to view your home – no matter where you are – to make sure that everything is safe and that no one has broken in.

Increased Electrical Safety – Another helpful feature offered with modern home security alarms allows you to determine whether or not any electrical components, such as a stove or outlet, have been left on in your home. This will help to improve the overall level of safety in your home.

Added Fire Safety – Yet another beneficial thing that you can add to your home security system is smoke detectors and sensors. In most cases, these are very easily added to your system and they can provide a lot of added safety. When a fire is detected the alarm will sound and if you are paying for monitoring, the proper authorities will be contacted. This will help to increase the response time and it will help to reduce the damage that you have to your home in the event of a fire.

Installing a modern security system or upgrading your existing one just makes sense. It will provide you with peace of mind that your home and family are safe and secure.