The Holidays: A Threat to Home Security?

Happy Holidays-Melissa BrawnerNo matter what you celebrate, the holidays are a time for family, friends, love, laughter, and burglary?  That’s right folks, not everyone gets into the spirit of giving during the holiday season.  In fact, there are those who seek out opportunities to break into homes and steal instead.  Often times people have more valuables and cash lying around during the holiday season.  Holiday shopping sprees make empty homes vulnerable as well, especially because most break-ins occur during the day.  Fortunately there are some things you can do to prevent break-ins and/or burglary during what is supposed to be the most wonderful time of year.  At Perfect Connections, Inc. we understand your concerns in safeguarding not only your home and valuables, but your family as well.  If you don’t have a security system, call on our experts at Perfect Connections, Inc. to find out how a comprehensive residential security system can help protect your home, loved ones, and peace of mind.  Below are some security tips to keep in mind for the holiday season.

If you don’t have one, install a home security system with home automation

A comprehensive home security system with home automation and a monitoring service has numerous benefits.  Aside from making your home 300 percent less likely to be burglarized, you gain a peace of mind that can’t be obtained anywhere else.  At Perfect Connections, Inc. we specialize in providing and installing customized residential security systems that include proper fire alarms, surveillance equipment and a monitoring service, burglar alarms, and carbon monoxide detectors.  These components combined with home automation make for an almost unbeatable system.  With home automation you no longer have to worry whether or not you locked your doors because you can conveniently do so from afar via your mobile device.

If you have a security system make sure it is functioning properly

There’s nothing like assuming you’re covered in an emergency or break-in, only to find out key components of your security system are malfunctioning or out of batteries.  These are things that should be checked, at the very least, on an annual basis by your security provider.  It doesn’t hurt to double check during the holiday season.  Run a diagnostics test, if you’re unsure how to, contact your security system provider and the monitoring service to avoid false alarms.

Travel plans?

Planning a trip for the holidays?  Be sure to keep the details on the down-low.  Do not announce on any platform-as tempting as it may be-when you’ll be gone and for how long.  Sharing that type of information with the public is like an open invitation to criminals.  If you have to tell someone or want someone to check your home periodically while you’re gone, tell trusted neighbors and friends or hire someone from a reputable company.  Try not to make it look obvious that you’re not home, have someone grab your mail or have the post office hold it.  Use programmed lighting or home automation to turn lights on and off throughout your trip, this will help give the illusion that someone is home.  Leaving the TV on or a single light on for the duration of your trip is not a good idea because if someone is casing your home they will pick up on the fact that neither is being turned on or off; never mind the chance of an electrical fire.

Hide gifts

Do not leave gifts, wrapped or unwrapped in front of windows or within sight from the exterior of your home.  Just as with any valuables, the more visible they are, the more incentive burglars have to break-in.  If you are going to leave gifts in front of windows or within outdoor sight, try drawing your curtains.

Do a quick survey of your property

Taking the time to inspect the exterior of your home and property is a great way to ensure your access points are adequately protected.  Doing this can help point out potential hiding spots for criminals (i.e. high or untrimmed shrubs) and weak spots that might need attention.

Out and about

While you’re out shopping be sure to secure your home and yourself.  If you carry a purse be sure to keep it close to you.  Wallet carriers, if you normally keep it in your back pocket, be sure to switch it to your front.  Park your car in well-lit areas.  You can never be too careful.

Remember it’s not all about the material possessions that can be stolen, most are easily replaced.  It’s losing that peace of mind you had prior to a break-in.  Restoring peace of mind once it’s been disturbed is more difficult than replacing a toy.  Be proactive and protect your home and family by installing a comprehensive security system.  If you live in Northern or Central New Jersey call on our team of professionals at Perfect Connections, Inc..  We can provide a personal assessment of your security needs.  Then customize a system that is right for your individual home that will help protect you and your family for many holiday seasons to come!

If you live in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image By Melissa Brawner-Flickr-Creative Commons