How Can You Tell Which Facility Is Best?

Elderly-Sima DimitricAssisted living facilities are a way our aging community can be cared for and maintain a sense of independence.  As a caregiver you can never be too careful or particular when searching for geriatric care for a loved one.  They’re your family and you want them to be cared for as well as they cared for you.  That begs the question how do you know that the facility you’re looking at is the right one for your loved one?

There are many factors to consider when searching for a facility including the health and mental state of your loved one.  Knowing what type of care they will need is important and will help narrow the scope.  A critical feature that you should always be looking for is the security.  How does the facility protect its residents?  What security features are in place to ensure their safety?  As a leading security system provider our team at Perfect Connections, Inc. has been providing comprehensive security systems to healthcare facilities throughout northern and central New Jersey for the past 23 years.  We understand how important safety and security is to not only the facility but families as well.

What to look for

The physical structure, layout, and interior design of a facility can say a lot.  Any new facility will likely be built with ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) design standards in mind.  For example, this means bathrooms will accommodate wheelchairs and walkers.  It’s the older facilities that you’ll want to tour thoroughly to be sure they’ve either made renovations or accommodations for wheelchair bound and handicapped individuals.  This is extremely important for people with limited mobility, you want to be sure they’ll be able to get around with minimal struggle.  Keep an eye out for aesthetic details that could pose a risk like area rugs, high-pile carpeting, outdated and potentially dangerous flooring as these features can increase the chances of slipping or falling.

Is there a check-in desk? This is an important security feature that will help protect residents because it will prevent random visitors from entering unnoticed.  Visitors and guests should be required to sign-in with photo identification to help prevent unauthorized entrance.  Without a check-in/sign-in desk or area anyone could just wander in or out leaving the facility, staff, and residents at risk.  Having a designated area will act as an added form of access control for the facility.

Does the facility have a surveillance system?  Surveillance is a key component to any security system.  It would help monitor residents, staff, and visitors.  Surveillance equipment can be particularly helpful in the case of elderly abuse or missing/wandering residents.  It can help provide timelines and proof in the case of abuse, missing/wandering residents, or unauthorized visitors.  Obviously the goal is to avoid all of these things, but surveillance is an added layer of security that helps provide a peace of mind and encourages people to be on their best behavior.

Is there a monitored fire and carbon monoxide alarm system and what is the facility’s emergency plan?  Having an emergency plan that staff is fully trained and experienced in is vital to the safety and survival of a facility’s residents.  As an emergency consulting firm points out, “Assisted living facilities face greater difficulties than any other business when it comes time to respond to a disaster. Residents are often disabled, suffer from reduced mobility, and may not respond to instruction as expected.”  Part of an emergency plan includes being prepared for unpredictable events such as a fire, earthquake, or hurricane etc.  Being prepared means having a plan of action that all staff and personnel have tested and understand.  Assisted living facilities should have monitored fire and carbon monoxide alarms systems, this will ensure the quickest response time from local emergency and authority crews and help prevent potentially life threatening situations.  Each facility has to adhere to local fire codes and requirements as well.

While looking for an assisted living facility for your loved one may seem like a daunting task, knowing what to look for will help alleviate some of struggle.  As a facility owner having everything in order can be taxing, but it’s essential to the safety and security of your staff, facility, and most importantly the people in your care.  At Perfect Connections, Inc. our team of experts has been providing comprehensive security solutions to healthcare facilities throughout northern and central New Jersey since 1992.  While no system is perfect, having a comprehensive one will greatly decrease the risk of catastrophe and help prepare you, your staff, and residents in the event of an emergency.  It’ll provide you and your clients with a peace of mind that is hard to obtain from anything else.

If you live or run a facility in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

For further information and questions you should ask when looking for an assisted living facility the links below can help:

Top 10 Safety Hazards in Assisted Living Facilities

Assisted Living

Assisted Living Community Evaluation Checklist

Image Credit: Image by Sima Dimitric-Flickr-Creative Commons

Why Security Guards Shouldn’t Be Your Only Defense

Garry Knight-Security GuardYou might think that hiring a security guard or team of security personnel is all you need to protect your business. On the other hand you might think that installing a comprehensive security system is all you need.  The two on their own are no doubt effective in different ways, but are even more beneficial when combined.  However, security guards on their own are limited to their singular entities whereas a security system provides full coverage of an entire specified area, lacking only the immediate physical response that a guard would possibly have.  No protection system is perfect, but there are certain advantages and disadvantages that are unique to each.  As a security system provider our team at Perfect Connections, Inc. believe a comprehensive security system can help businesses avoid potential catastrophes.  We have been securing business facilities throughout northern and central New Jersey for the past 23 years.  Our systems have provided their owners with a peace of mind hard to obtain from anything else.

Pros & Cons: Security Guards

One of the most obvious pros to hiring security guards to watch over your business is their physical presence.  Being there in person allows for an immediate reaction if the need arises.  Having a security guard present at your business also creates a sense of security among employees and customers.  Their physical presence can also act as a crime deterrent making a targeted location less appealing to a thief or criminal.  As a business owner instead of hiring another individual or taking time out of your schedule, security guards can also be assigned to monitor surveillance footage.

What are some of the potential cons?  Unlike a surveillance camera that is constantly keeping watch because that’s its inherent function, humans are not guaranteed to be vigilant 100% of the time regardless of their pay.  To that point, the cost of hiring security personnel can sometimes be a financial burden for businesses.  Costs can vary depending on the type of security guard you’re looking for (i.e. armed or unarmed etc.).  The costs for a security guard can range anywhere from $10-100 per hour.  Knowing  that you hired a reputable guard can be tricky too.  Some guard service companies may not be licensed and this can affect the quality in training, background checks, and insurance of the guards they represent.  To be sure you’re hiring a professional that has a solid background it’s important to use a licensed and bonded guard service company.  Security guards are only human which means they can’t see absolutely everything.  On the other hand security cameras can be set up to cover an entire store or facility so if that shoplifter or thief isn’t caught red-handed, they can be caught on camera.

Overall, hiring a security guard seems to have more pros than cons for many businesses.  However, the human element shouldn’t be the only line of defense for a business.  Incorporating technology is an important and cost effective aspect to safeguarding any business facility.  In fact according to, “It is at the critical interface of manpower and technology that the greatest cost efficiencies related to security management can be gained.”  While the physical response of a guard is ultimately the desired outcome of any security situation their reaction time and effectiveness would be greatly enhanced with the technological aid of a comprehensive security system.

If a guard were able to monitor what surveillance cameras are capturing via a mobile device versus having to sit in a designated room, their reaction time to an issue would ultimately be quicker.  They would have the security info and alerts they need in the palm of their hand versus having to look or wait for it.  This holds true for an activated alarm, if it goes off, a notification will be sent directly to the guard’s mobile device.  Remote monitoring is a helpful security feature that is becoming commonplace in many comprehensive security systems nowadays.  It makes sense considering our “on the go” society lifestyle.

While no system is infallible a combination of customized security features will help protect any business facility.  Adding the human element of a security guard couldn’t hurt either, just be sure you’re hiring someone reputable.  You might consider combining the two, technology and guards, it really depends on the type of business you operate.  At Perfect Connections, Inc. we believe a customized comprehensive security system can greatly decrease the chances of catastrophe at any establishment.  Our team has been providing expert service to businesses throughout northern and central New Jersey since 1992.  Security systems provide a peace of mind you can’t obtain from anything else and they let you get back to what is most important, running your business.

If you live or run a business in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image by Garry Knight-Flickr-Creative Commons

Security System Outdated?

Old Tech-Steve JurvetsonMaybe you’ve had a home security system installed years ago or perhaps you recently moved into a new home with an existing alarm system.  Whatever the case, how can you tell if your home security system is still valid?  There are some tell-tale signs that you may be dealing with an antiquated system.  However, if you have a security system and are concerned it’s not as relevant as it once was the first thing you should do is contact your security system provider for an assessment.  As a security systems expert, our professionals at Perfect Connections, Inc. understand the importance of maintaining a functional security system and keeping up with advancing technologies.  Our team of professionals have been providing comprehensive and customized home security systems throughout northern and central New Jersey for the past 23 years.  We can help assess the validity of your alarm system and offer solutions specific to your security needs.

Maintaining an effective alarm system isn’t just about running annual tests, it’s making sure it progresses as you, your home, and technology press forward.  It’s not like buying the newest IPhone just to keep up with trends, it’s making sure the technology you’ve invested in is providing the best protection.  If you’ve had a security system for a while and can’t remember the last time the software was updated, or if updating isn’t even an option it might be time for an upgrade.  Outdated software may leave you susceptible to hacking and viruses, plus you may not be getting the most out of your system.  You don’t want to pay for a system that’s subpar right?

Another sign it might be time for an assessment or system upgrade is the dependence on a singular keypad for control.  In today’s fast-paced world we often have the need for convenience.  Is it convenient to have to drive home from work because you forgot to arm your security system?  Is it convenient to have to make it to the security keypad to punch in your pin while your arms are chalk-full of groceries?  No, so why not look into interactive services or home automation?  With home automation you no longer have to worry about forgetting to arm or disarm your system because you can do it from your mobile device from virtually anywhere.  You could access your surveillance system through an app on your mobile device, allowing you to view what is going on real-time at home.  Other advantages to an interactive system is the ability to adjust your thermostat and lighting from afar.  As puts it, “Using a smartphone to manage an interactive home security system is like having a remote control for the system right in your pocket.”  This added technology will save you time, money, and lots of headaches.

How was your security system originally installed?  Was it hardwired?  While there is nothing necessarily wrong with a hardwired system it’s important to consider current technology benefits and how your system compares.  Just as our phones have become wireless many industry professionals are installing wireless security systems with cellular capabilities.  Why?  For one there’s no need to tear open walls, which is costly and laborious.  Technology has advanced to the point where wireless capabilities have become more effective and ubiquitous making them more viable, dependable, and available.  When comparing wireless to hardwired systems a noticeable difference, aside from the wires, is the continuity of service.  With a wireless system you don’t have to worry about burglars cutting wires to disable your system because there are none.

Lastly, a common sign of an antiquated security system can be low-res (low-resolution) cameras.  While cameras alone can sometimes deter an intruder from attempting a break-in, what good is a surveillance system that offers fuzzy picture quality if a break-in does occur?  The purpose of a camera is being able to record quality footage to positively identify intruders and sometimes their vehicles if need be.  Clear footage can be a helpful tool for law enforcement and in court.  Effective cameras can also be used to monitor the arrival of packages, expected and unexpected visitors, interiors and exteriors, remote properties (i.e. barns, sheds etc.), and distant areas of your property.  Fortunately there is a vast array of high-resolution cameras available today.  Your security system company will be able to provide the best solutions for your specific needs.

Whether you’re unsure your current security system is functioning optimally or if you’re looking into home security for the first time, contact a specialist.  They will be able to assess your current security situation and provide customized solutions.  Our team of experts at Perfect Connections, Inc. has been providing custom home security systems throughout northern and central New Jersey since 1992.  We can help you update an outdated system and offer comprehensive systems for new installations.

If you live or run a business in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image by Steve Jurvetson-Flickr-Creative Commons

Campus Security

Duke University-Nan-Cheng TsaiApplying to college can be one of the most exciting, albeit nerve-racking, times in a young adult’s life.  Same is true for the parents.  It seems to be a bittersweet experience for parents, part of them is excited for their son or daughters future, and the other part is sad to see them “leave the nest.”  Nevertheless, parents are typically by their child’s side throughout the process.  And the process of applying to schools often includes frequent trips to different campuses.  Choosing a school is not all about the campus, even though a student may be slightly swayed if it happens to be located by a beach.  Aesthetics and location aside, parents are looking for what types of safety and security measures are implemented.  They need to know that when they send their baby (no longer a baby) out on their own that they are going to be safe.

Life is unpredictable and no matter what precautions you take, you simply can’t be protected from everything, you can however be prepared.  That is what parents will be looking for during their visits, what types of safeguards are in place in preparation for the unpredictable?  As a leading security system company our team at Perfect Connections, Inc. has been providing comprehensive security solutions to facilities throughout northern and central New Jersey for the past 23 years.  We believe a comprehensive security system includes some form of access control, video surveillance, fire alarms, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, and alarm monitoring.  That being said we realize college campuses pose a unique security situation.

Today it seems that the majority of schools have a campus security or police force to help manage and maintain safety throughout school grounds.  Campus security often deals with issues of safety pertaining to drugs and alcohol abuse, physical and emotional abuse, gender equality and discrimination, cultural diversity, and violence.  It’s an undeniable fact that certain events have shaped the approach to campus safety over the past decade.  For example the brutal shooting at Virginia Tech in April of 2007 which claimed 32 student and faculty lives.  To help avoid such senseless tragedies todays campus officers work on effective crisis planning.  Having a plan for such an unlikely event helps students, staff, and the community be better prepared ultimately leading to a swifter recovery time.

Aside from an onsite security force there are security features parents and students will be looking for when visiting a campus.  They’ll want to know about campus access, who and where can people gain entry to the campus?  Are there emergency call boxes throughout the campus?  How do students and staff gain entry to educational buildings and dormitories?  Are campus facilities equipped with fire suppression sprinklers and alarms?  These are just a few of the questions parents and potential students might have when visiting a campus.  For a more complete list of potential security concerns see the following from College Parents of America.  Another tool prospective parents and students might use to evaluate a campus’s security is data required by the Jeanne Clery Act.  “Originally known as the Campus Security Act, the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act is the landmark federal law that requires colleges and universities across the United States to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses.”  Under the Jeanne Clery Act colleges and universities are required to:

  • Publish an Annual Security Report
  • Have a public crime log
  • Disclose crime statistics for instances that occur on campus and adjacent non-campus property
  • Issue warnings about Clery Act crimes
  • Create an emergency response, notification and testing policy
  • Compile and report fire data to the federal government and publish an annual fire safety report
  • Enact policies and procedures to handle reports of missing students

For more information on what students and parents will likely be looking for when college hunting check out the following links:

When looking at a college campus you can see the integration of security features that are part of the bigger security picture.  For instance, many schools provide college ID cards to each student.  Sometimes these ID cards are used as credentials access control systems.  These systems allow or deny students access to certain buildings or specific parts of buildings.  Arizona State University uses this type of access control on their campus.  This feature can be tied into an alarm system that can be activated if someone tried to enter a location without the proper permissions.  ID cards also tend to act as access to school cafeteria meal plans, money for campus stores and sometimes local businesses, and sometimes entry to school parking lots.

Video surveillance is security feature that is becoming more prominent on campuses nationwide.  According to Campus Safety Magazine the camera growth among colleges shows, “no signs of slowing down.”  As technology progresses and the need for security increases surveillance systems are being integrated to enhance any and all existing features.  A report published by TechNavio in 2014 predicts, “…school and university spending on video surveillance and access control will be more than $1.1 billion four years from now.”

With the help of technology college campuses across the U.S. are becoming safer for their students, staff, and visitors.  While no security system is infallible, by implementing comprehensive features schools are better preparing themselves for potential disaster.  As leading professionals in the security industry, our team at Perfect Connections, Inc. understands the importance of being prepared.  We have been providing comprehensive security system solutions throughout northern and central New Jersey since 1992.  If you’re looking for expert security service for your campus facility do not hesitate to contact our specialists at 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image by Nan-Cheng Tsai-Flickr-Creative Commons

Want A Thriving Business? Avoid Employee Theft!

Biz man pointingIn an ideal work environment everyone would get to work on time, perform their duties efficiently, and respect one another.  Unfortunately, the ideal is not always reality.  The success of a business is dependent on many factors, hiring the right employees is a major one.  Your employees are the life-force that drive your business, but they can also be the metaphoric “poison apple” to its success.  The often hidden threat to a successful business is employee theft.

What is employee theft?  Employee theft can be defined as, “any stealing, use or misuse of an employer’s assets without permission.”  Now most people typically think this means cash or items of monetary value but that’s not always the case.  The following will discuss what constitutes employee theft, how it affects businesses in the U.S., who the main offenders are, and how you can combat it.  At Perfect Connections, Inc. we can help protect you and your business from untrustworthy employees.  We’ve been providing security system solutions to businesses throughout northern and central New Jersey for over 20 years.  While a comprehensive security system can’t detect an employee’s honesty, it can help prevent employees from stealing as the chances they might get caught increase.  We don’t advocate blindly mistrusting your employees, we simply provide effective equipment to help prevent theft and loss.

When employees steal, they aren’t always stealing cash.  Some of the most common assets stolen are time, supplies, cash, merchandise or company property, and company information.  Time may not be a tangible asset, but it is often abused or stolen.  Think about the employees that consistently show up late or take extended breaks and never make up the time.  When you have one person doing this it doesn’t seem like a big deal, but looking at the big picture the numbers add up, and fast.  It’s not only companies paying people who aren’t actually working their designated hours, it’s the loss of work and potential business for a company.  This has an effect on the entire nation economically.

According to The U.S. Chamber of Commerce employee theft costs American businesses anywhere from $20 billion to $40 billion annually.  That’s capital that could be reinvested in a company to create new jobs, grow, and/or innovate.  This doesn’t mean people don’t deserve breaks or time off, it’s just pointing out the fact that if given the opportunity some people will take advantage.  In fact 75% of all employees will steal at least once and some will become repeat offenders.  The employees that steal are not always the ones you’d expect either.  Surprisingly (or unsurprisingly) managers account for 55% of all employee theft.  How do they get away with it?  They’re typically in a position where they are well trusted, hence being a manager.

So what can be done to combat the damaging effects of employee theft?  Fortunately there are some guidelines you can follow as an employer to help prevent, or at the very least, limit employee theft.  Caron Beesley for the U.S. Small Business Association has 6 general tips and they are as follows: pre-employment background checks, check candidate references, communicate conduct guidelines, don’t be afraid to audit, recognize the signs, and set the management tone.

Running a background check is a good idea for any employer, it’ll provide insight into an applicant’s history that may not come through in an interview.  Checking references will help speak to a candidate’s character from sources other than the candidate themselves.  Being upfront about your expectations for employee conduct will set the stage for ethical behavior, this can be a code of conduct that is reviewed upon employee orientation, and companywide on an annual basis.  Auditing your business is an effective way to discover theft and fraud especially because it’s performed by a third party and unbiased professional.  Recognizing the signs can be a little more challenging, but according to Beesly there are some behaviors to take note of.  You should be conscious of an employee not taking any vacation time, a change in normal behavior, being overly protective of ones work, disappearing financial records, and unexplained debt.  Lastly, setting the management tone will let your employees know you take your business seriously.

Aside from company policies and expected behaviors, installing a comprehensive security system can help deter fraud and employee theft.  Surveillance equipment can prevent theft and catch it in action.  If employees know their environment is being monitored they’re less likely to attempt theft for the possibility of being caught.  Using some sort of access control within your facility can help by limiting who can enter and sometimes exit specific areas.  This would allow you to store items of high value or importance and limit who can access them via key fobs, swipe cards, or other credentials.  Here at Perfect Connections, Inc. we understand no system is perfect or infallible, but they can help significantly decrease the chances of substantial loss and/or damage.  Our team of experts has been providing comprehensive security system solutions to businesses throughout northern and central New Jersey since 1992.  Call on our specialists to help you protect your business so you can get back to what’s most important, running it!

If you live or run a business in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image by Kev-shine-Flickr-Creative Commons

Do You Feel Safe At Home?

Front DoorWhat is it about our homes that make us feel safe?  Is it the sound of our kids running up and down the stairs?  Is it the personalized décor?  Is it the smell?  Maybe it’s the locks on our doors and windows or the surrounding neighborhood?  Whatever it is, we all want that feeling to last, right?  Of course we do.  So what are you doing to maintain the safety and security of your home?  There are many tips and tricks you can use to safeguard your home, one of the best defenses is a customized comprehensive security system.  As a trusted security systems provider for the past 23 years, our team at Perfect Connections, Inc. has helped homeowners maintain their peace of mind.  We provide residential security solutions throughout northern and central New Jersey.  At Perfect Connections, Inc. we believe a comprehensive security system includes burglar alarms, alarm monitoring, fire alarms, surveillance, smoke detectors, home automation, and some form of access control.  Installing a comprehensive security system is part of a cohesive solution to feeling safe in your home.  The following tips will help increase your security and safety awareness.

Time for a trim

Let’s take a look at the first line of defense.  If someone is vetting your home prepping for a break-in, the first thing they’ll see is the exterior.  The exterior of a home includes the landscape.  You may or may not have a landscaper/gardener you charge with caring for plant and tree maintenance around your home.  Either way you want to make sure the vegetation surrounding your home isn’t turning into a national forest.  Why?  High bushes and overgrown plants are the perfect hiding spots for would be thieves.  According to Officer Mark Buetow of the Milwaukee Police Department this type of maintenance, “doesn’t cost but a few hours of your time, yet it can make a difference in making your property much less attractive to a burglar.”  It’s imperative to keep plants near windows and entries low and non-obstructive.  This will help you feel safer inside your home because you’ll be able to see clearly to the outdoors.

Light it up!

An exterior and interior feature that helps protect you and your home is lighting.  No burglar wants to get caught in a “deer in headlights” situation while approaching your home.  With exterior lighting that is motion activated and on timers your home becomes less appealing to potential invaders.  Keeping lights on also increases feeling safer while at home.  In fact being in the dark is a common fear and according to Hillary Johnston who holds a degree in Public Health and Disaster Management, “(it) is probably the number one reason we feel unsafe.”  With energy efficient lighting options becoming more and more prevalent you won’t have to worry about energy costs as much.  Using timers and/or home automation settings will help minimize electrical consumption as well.  Including lighting as part of a home automation system will allow you to adjust your lighting preferences from afar as well.  This feature can come in handy if you’re on vacation or away for an extended period of time.


One of the most simple and often forgotten or neglected things you can do to feel safer at home is lock your doors and windows.  Did you know, “A surprising 30 percent (burglars) entered homes through an unlocked door, window or other opening without resorting to force,”?  Many people fall into the mentality that their neighborhood is safe and nothing bad could or would ever happen. Unfortunately, no community is immune to crime.  Don’t fall victim to a misguided sense of security.  Use your locks!  According to senior trainer for the National Crime Prevention Council Charles Sczuroski, “Sixty percent of all burglaries take place at ground floor doors and windows.”  All the more reason to reinforce main entries and windows with dead bolts and sensors.  Sensors on your doors and windows help alert you during a break-in by tripping your central alarm.  The noise of an alarm typically makes the perpetrator flee in a hurry.

Security Systems

Aside from simpler techniques that make you feel safer in your home like drawing the shades at night, locking doors, trimming hedges, and lighting, one of the most effective crime deterrents is a comprehensive security system.  Criminals are less likely to attempt a home break-in if they know there is an active alarm system.  In fact according to the Electronic Security Association 9 out of 10 burglars purposefully avoid homes with security systems.  There is a peace of mind you get from knowing your home is being monitored and protected that you can’t get anywhere else.  It is our belief at Perfect Connections, Inc. that a comprehensive security system is the most effective way to safeguard what is irreplaceable, your family.  As a top provider, we’ve been installing customized alarm systems to homes throughout northern and central New Jersey since 1992.  Our team can assess the security risks specific to your home and create a tailored solution that will help protect what matters most.

If you live or run a business in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image by Olger Fallas Painting-Flickr-Creative Commons

A Unique Security Situation: Emergency Rooms

Emergency RoomWhen it comes to security challenges in healthcare facilities EDs (Emergency Departments) are truly unique.  There’s a diversity in not only the people that come in and out, but the services provided as well.  Never mind the fact that EDs are open 24/7 and can’t deny treatment to anyone.  This leads to a complicated dynamic that poses security risks to staff, patients, and guests.  As a leading security systems provider in northern and central New Jersey, our team at Perfect Connections, Inc. is adept at assessing the security risks associated with different environments, including healthcare facilities.  We’ll take you through some of the most common risks associated with EDs and how a comprehensive security system can help.

One of the most prominent threats to safety in EDs is the mentally unstable or violent patient (the two often go hand-in-hand).  There have been numerous accounts of attacks, both physical and verbal, on medical workers across the nation.  It’s no surprise either, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, RNs (Registered Nurses) alone face a 6.1 per 10,000 chance of being assaulted on the job.  That’s triple the chances of an average American worker.  As these assaults are typically unpredictable and unprovoked, how can a hospital be prepared?  Some have employed security guards as an addition to systemic precautions.  Others, like Dr. Melissa Barton of Detroit Sinai-Grace Hospital have pushed for security enhancements such as metal detectors as hospital entrances.  Barton on hospital security, “It’s a balance between having patients and facilities and visitors feel welcome and that we want them to come and see their loved ones, versus also offering safety and a feeling of security for those same people.”

When you think of an ED, what comes to mind?  It’s unlikely a peaceful and relaxed scene, right?  You have any number of people coming in and out who are all dealing with an “emergency.”  This can lead to high tensions, aggravated emotions, and stress.  These feelings can escalate quickly especially when there is overcrowding which can lead to long wait times, further exacerbating the tumultuous atmosphere.  When situations do escalate within an ED, they can quickly turn violent.  Aside from high stress situations driving people to act out, there are other reasons why hospital violence occurs.  Take for example a law in Kentucky designed to keep those who commit misdemeanor crimes out of jail in order to free up space for the more dangerous criminals.  As a result Kentucky hospitals found themselves turning into a “dumping ground” for alcoholics and the disorderly, often homeless, which would have otherwise been imprisoned.  This leads to higher security risks for intake staff and other patients waiting for treatment.

As previously mentioned public hospitals can’t typically refuse care to anyone, including convicted felons.  This can pose a hazard to hospital security, its staff, and patients.  These dangerous patients are sometimes referred to as a “forensic patient” or “prisoner patient.”  A forensic patient is typically accompanied by a law enforcement individual, but there is still risk involved.  These types of patients can attempt to escape by using force and they tend to have erratic behavior.  A study performed by the International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety (IAHSS) in 2010 on prisoner escape attempts showed that patients were able to obtain weapons through altercations with law enforcement, hospital security, or using their own restraints.  Preventing these high risk patients from escaping or harming other patients is an issue.  If there were a section of the ED or hospital that was designated for high risk patients it might be easier to contain them using secure access controls.  Some hospitals may already have a designated area for these types of patients but those that don’t may want to have a security systems expert assess their risks and how to deal with them.

How can enhanced security help?  Certainly having physical security guards in place can help deter crime, but installing a comprehensive security system can help prevent disastrous situations.  By having an access control mechanism installed you can limit who can enter which areas.  This would help prevent loss of narcotics and limit the locations where violent behavior or outburst can potentially occur.  It could also help contain violent patients or guests to specific areas.  Having a monitored and recorded surveillance system would help catch criminals and provide evidentiary support in their prosecution.

While a security system won’t cut out violent or unpredictable behavior in EDs and hospitals altogether, it can help minimize and contain it.  Contact our team of professionals at Perfect Connections, Inc. to assess the security risks associated with your healthcare facility.  We can provide a customized solution that will help minimize potential threats to your facility, staff, and patients.  Our team has been providing expert service to facilities in the northern and central regions of New Jersey since 1992.  We want to help you keep your facility safe so you can get back to what matters most, caring for your patients.

If you live or run a facility in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image by Taber Andrew Bain-Flickr-Creative Commons

Securing Your Home During a Renovation

construction-19696_1280Home renovation is an exciting and fulfilling prospect for many homeowners.  Whether you’re adding on or adjusting an existing space it’s imperative to make sure your home is protected during the process.  While renovating your home is rewarding for you and your family, you don’t want it to be a “rewarding” process for would-be thieves and criminals.  Our experts here at Perfect Connections, Inc. understand protecting your home is a top priority, especially during a renovation when it is more vulnerable.  We’ve been providing security system solutions to northern and central New Jersey homes since 1992.  If you are renovating and considering a home security system or adding on to an existing one don’t hesitate to call on our professionals.  Having a security systems expert involved from the get-go is essential for seamless integration and full protection.  We understand the renovation process can be dubious at times, the following tips can help remove some of the hassle and uncertainty.

Hiring the right contractor

When it comes to your home and family you can never be too careful.  You wouldn’t hire a babysitter without doing your research first, the same holds true for finding the right contractor.  A background check is a great way to tell whether or not the company you want to hire is reputable or not.  Here’s the caveat, companies with bad reputations or failed business sometimes shut down and reopen under a new name (ACE Private Risk Services).  So how can you really be sure of who you’re hiring?  In many cases architects are involved in the renovation process, they should have good insight into which companies are trustworthy.  Ask your friends and family for referrals.  Use websites like Angie’s List to find out what other customers think about the contractor you’re interested in hiring.  Gain as much knowledge about the company/ies of interest before making a final decision.

When signing a contract be sure it delineates who is responsible for what and that the associated cost makes sense.  Sometimes contractors will low-ball the contract price and try to add cost later, blaming it on “unexpected” issues.  Ask the contractor directly for a review of their past or most current jobs, those with nothing to hide should be more than happy to abide.  After all it’s your home, you want it done right.  It is also important from a liability standpoint to be sure the contractor has insurance for his/her self and their workers, you don’t want to incur the cost of someone being injured on the job.

Utilize existing security features

If you have an existing security system in your home, use it to keep an eye on the renovation process.  Having remote monitoring access through your video surveillance system will allow you to check-in on your home while you’re away at work or can’t be there.  While you’re not out to purposefully incarcerate or accuse the people working on your home of being lazy, trying to rip you off, or stealing it is in your best interest to protect your property.  Many, if not most, contractors are reputable and diligent in their work, but nobody is perfect and unfortunately there are companies that do try to take advantage.

Take for example this story of a homeowner who was having the exterior caulking on his windows reinforced.  The hired contractor had quoted him for 8 hours of work.  The homeowner set up a wireless camera to monitor activity outside his home for when the contractor was scheduled to be working.  He was able to see when the contractor arrived, and the hours he spent sitting in his truck NOT performing the agreed upon work.  Ultimately, the contractor performed only 5 of the quoted 8 hours of work.  When the contractor was paid for the 5 hours he couldn’t dispute it as the homeowner had irrefutable evidence (story courtesy of  Negative experiences aside, monitoring your home during construction can also validate the expertise a contractor has, giving you incentive to recommend them in the future.

In all likelihood if you have an existing security system, you’ll be adding on to it in the new space or at least altering it during the renovation process.  Including your security system provider from the beginning is a beneficial tactic.  If you have a hardwired security system, what better time to include the security provider than when the walls are already open?  It will save you from the cost of having to tear them open after the fact.  Plus, your security expert/s can address your concerns before construction starts and openly communicate with the other professionals involved.  Having that dialogue between the different professional services from the start will create a smoother and more productive process.

Securing the job site

Aside from hiring the right people to complete the job, you want to make sure the job site is adequately secured.  One of the most basic, yet often forgotten or disregarded ways to help prevent damage or loss is to lock your doors and windows.  While it may not stop someone from breaking in, it will certainly slow them down.  This will help control who has access to various parts of your home during the construction process as well.

Alert your security system provider of your upcoming changes, they’ll likely have suggestions on how to protect the exposed portions of your home.  Like preventing fire damage by installing temporary smoke detectors and fire extinguishers.  Confirm with your security system provider that your current fire alarm system will still function throughout the duration of the project.  Even having your security systems expert install additional, maybe temporary, surveillance equipment will help you keep an eye on what’s going on.

Keeping the job site clean and free of unnecessary debris should be part of the construction crew’s responsibility; it makes for a safer work environment and lessens the potential of property damage and injury.  It also helps prevent damage to products being used in the renovated space.  You don’t want to get charged for parts your own construction crew broke, right?

It can be easy to get caught up in the excitement of a home renovation project, but don’t let that be a reason to let your guard down.  Keep your home and family safe by doing your research and maintaining security.  Our team of experts at Perfect Connections, Inc. understand the value in protecting your home no matter what.  We have been providing comprehensive security solutions to residences in central and northern New Jersey for over 20 years.  Whatever you have going on, whether it’s a small renovation or substantial addition, don’t hesitate to call on our specialists for a security assessment.  You’ll be setting yourself up for success!

If you live or run a business in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Is Your Business Prepared For An Emergency?

Creative CommonsNo business is immune to risk or unpredictable circumstances.  In an emergency, often times, there’s an influx of panic for those involved.  Our dedicated and hardworking emergency responders-firefighters, EMTs, ambulance, and police-are the ones who keep a strong front and are prepared to help us through these tough situations.  As a business owner wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to lessen the constant fear of unknown threats to your organization?  Fortunately, there is something you can do for your business, your employees, yourself, and the responders.  Be prepared and have a plan.

At Perfect Connections, Inc. we believe instead of being fearful or worrisome about the unknown, you should be as prepared as possible for it.  Part of being prepared is maintaining proper security of your organization.  We’ve been providing peace of mind to businesses throughout northern and central New Jersey since 1992 by installing comprehensive security systems.  A security system is so much more than just a video camera and alarm code.  To truly be protected a system should include a monitoring service, some form of access control, video surveillance, fire and burglar alarms, and carbon monoxide detectors.  While the physical aspect of a security system offers protection and prevention, it is also important to have some form of emergency protocol within your organization.

What is your plan and why do you need one?

No one enjoys thinking about the potential disasters that could occur in our daily lives, but they are, no matter how unsavory, a part of life.  If you haven’t already, you should work with your company, local authorities, and maybe a risk management firm to come up with an emergency plan.  The world is an unpredictable place, even if your business is located in a safe area, there are no guarantees.  According to Kelly Jenkins, Director of Emergency Management for Lawnwood Regional Medical Center and Heart Institute in Florida, “The worst possible scenario is to be not prepared.”  Having some sort of contingency plan is important because it’ll help you recover quicker and reinforce customer’s confidence in the integrity of your business.  It’s important to maintain that competitive edge that drives the workforce, as they say, “The show must go on!”

It’s not just being prepared for a disaster, it’s how you continue operation after as well, sometimes referred to as a BC (Business Continuity) plan.  What is your BC plan and how do you come up with it?  According to Kim Lindros and Ed Tittel for CIO, there are 6 general steps in developing a BC plan, and they are as follows:

  1. Identify the scope of the plan.
  2. Identify key business areas.
  3. Identify critical functions.
  4. Identify dependencies between various business areas and functions.
  5. Determine acceptable downtime for each critical function.
  6. Create a plan to maintain operations.

Once you have a plan the best way to ensure everyone is on board and prepared is to test it.  What good is a plan if no one knows how to use it?  Have frequent drills so you, your employees, and all personnel understand what they need to do in the event of an emergency.  Testing and running drills will eventually create more of a “muscle memory” response so precious time isn’t wasted trying to figure out which steps to take.  If you’re stuck on where to begin consider hiring a professional and reference online guidelines like the Planning and Responding to Workplace Emergencies provided by OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration).

How does having a security system affect emergency situations?

As a business owner you want to do everything in your power to protect your organization.  Having a comprehensive security system installed may be the catalyst in a better defense.  How will the system affect circumstances during an emergency?  Imagine there is a major fire at work.  As part of your comprehensive security system you have a functional fire alarm and monitoring service.  The alarm sounds sending a signal to the monitoring station which then informs local emergency responders.  Luckily, due to the speedy response time, firefighters were able to quickly extinguish the flames minimizing property damage, costing you less in repairs.  But most importantly you, your staff, and customers were able to exit the facility safely.

Now, without getting too graphic, imagine the shooter scenario.  Unfortunately, it’s become an all too common occurrence in our daily lives.  So how can a security system help in this type of situation?  Your access control system and surveillance come into play.  Because you had a swipe card access control system installed at all entries the shooter cannot get into your facility as they do not possess the required credentials.  With your surveillance equipment you were able to capture footage of the deviant.  The footage helped identify the criminal and authorities were able to detain him/her.  This is a best case scenario, but you can see how certain security features, when combined, can be extremely effective in deterring catastrophe.

There are infinite disastrous possibilities that can affect your business, but you can’t spend every minute of every day worrying about them.  Instead create a plan and be as prepared as possible.  If you are considering a security system for your business for the first time or need an assessment of your current situation do not hesitate to call on our experts at Perfect Connections, Inc..  Our knowledgeable and experienced team has been providing security system solutions to northern and central New Jersey businesses for over 20 years.  We believe in helping you protect what matters most.

If you live or run a business in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image by Creative Commons

Top Reasons To Get Connected

The Jetsons-Mark AndersonWith advancing technology becoming more and more present in our daily lives, it’s no wonder it’s becoming part of our homes too.  From solar panels on our roofs to remotely controlled thermostats, we are creating homes akin to the Jetson’s space age abode.  Unlike the Jestson’s most of us still live in homes on the ground without robot housekeepers and flying cars.

Whether or not technology is pushing us towards zero-gravity transportation, one thing is for sure, our homes are advancing with us.  Look how far we’ve come in such a short period of time.  Starting with the inception of the internet around 1962, we’ve gone from the most simplistic data sharing capabilities to now virtually living online.  We can take the internet with us on our phones, tablets, laptops, and other wireless devices; it’s an integral part of our communication systems.  It only makes sense that our physical living spaces are becoming more connected to our mobile lives.

So what does it mean to have a connected home or home automation?  It’s being able to wirelessly control devices in and around your home from virtually anywhere in the world via a mobile device (i.e. a smartphone, tablet, etc.).  You know that feeling of, “I think I forgot something”?  That gut wrenching sensation can be a thing of the past when you include home automation as part of your security system.  With home automation or interactive services you no longer have to worry whether or not you forgot to lock your doors or arm the alarm system because you can do it from your phone. You can even check in on your kids, pets, and loved ones by logging into your home security cameras through an app.  The capabilities are seemingly endless and the technology behind home automation is only moving forward. Here at Perfect Connections, Inc. we believe in providing superior home security systems that can include sophisticated, yet easy to use, home automation features.  Our team of experts has been providing home security system solutions to central and northern New Jersey for the past 23 years.  We understand the value in having a connected home, do you?


Picture this, you’re coming back from a long vacation, somewhere tropical of course.  You’re in the car on the way home from the airport, the cool crisp air of winter in New Jersey lingering on your cheeks.  Then it hits you.  Your home is in New Jersey, its winter, and you turned the heat way down before you left.  Looks like you’re going to be wearing your coat and galoshes around the house until it heats up.  The frustration is setting in when you realize, “I can turn up the heat from my phone!”(cue the idea light-bulb).bulb_idea You log into your mobile app and swiftly adjust your thermostat to a comfortable temperature.  By the time you get home it’s warm and cozy, no need to stay bundled up.

Being able to adjust your home climate from afar is just one of the many conveniences home automation provides.  You can lock and unlock doors, open/close garages, turn lights on and off, log into your security cameras to see what is going on at your house, and arm or disarm your alarm system.  With a firm understanding of how your home automation works, you can program notifications and optimize different features of your home and security system.


Aside from being a convenient addition to your everyday life, home automation can actually save you money.  Think about your utilities, one of the major money-drainers is electrical use.  With programmable lights and the ability to turn them on and off remotely, wasting electricity becomes a thing of the past.  The largest portion of your utilities likely comes from heating and cooling your home.  Being able to program your thermostats can be a huge saver in energy costs throughout the course of a year.  Never mind the fact that you’d be enhancing your homes overall efficiency.

Environmental impact

When it comes to wasting energy, the U.S. is unfortunately no stranger to inefficiency.  According to America ranks number one among developed nations, even ahead of China, for energy waste.  Energy inefficiencies impact not only our environment, but our economic status as well.  In fact low energy productivity in the United States is estimated to cost businesses and households an estimated $130 billion annually.  While home automation may seem like a small piece of the energy-efficiency pie, imagine if every home could cut their waste even by a small percentage; the impact would be substantial.

Peace of mind

Yes, home automation can save you money.  Yes, it can increase your home’s efficiency.  Yes, it gives you the capability to monitor your alarm system from afar.  Yes, it saves you time and aggravation.  The best side effect is one that can’t be measured by the money in your bank account or the bottom line on your utilities bill.  It’s the peace of mind you gain.  That feeling of knowing your kids are home safe from school because you were able to see them arrive.  Knowing that your home and valuables are safe while you’re on vacation.  Receiving customized notifications that are specific to your needs and schedule.  You can’t achieve the same peace of mind from a security system alone, no matter how sophisticated.

Whether you’re in the market for your first security system or want to add home automation to an existing setup, don’t hesitate to call on our experts at Perfect Connections, Inc..  Our specialists have been providing comprehensive security systems throughout northern and central New Jersey since 1992.  We customize security solutions to fit specific needs unique to your home.

If you live or run a business in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credits: Image #1 (Jetsons) by Mark Anderson-Flickr-Creative Commons