Security Tips For Summer

Summer brings many wonderful experiences – long overdue vacations, day trips to the beach, holidays spent with family and friends, and lots more. But did you also know summer brings the highest risk of break-ins?

Here are some helpful security tips for summer to make sure your home is protected during the summer months.

  • Don’t Advertise That You’re On Vacation – As tempting as it may be to brag on social media about your upcoming vacation, thieves are becoming more clever and may be watching your posts. Be careful what you post online – anything that lets people know you’ll be aware from your home for an extended period of time is an invitation for someone to break in.
  • Timers – Technology today can help with many tricks to help make it appear as if you’re home. Timers can be set on lighting systems to turn lights on and off, both inside and outside your house, making it appear as if the house is occupied while you’re away. You can even have your radio or television turned on and off remotely.Vacation-Google
  • Pause Your Mail/Newspapers – The post office will hold mail deliveries for up to 30 days. A quick trip to the post office will ensure that stacks of mail don’t pile up at your house while you’re away, which is a big sign that no one is watching the house.
  • Helpful Neighbors – Ask neighbors that you trust to pick up your newspaper / mail (if you choose not to have it paused). Give them contact information if they don’t have it to use in case of emergency, and ask them to watch out for any unexpected packages that may arrive while you’re away.
  • Sliding Glass Doors – A metal rod installed in the track of a sliding glass door makes it more difficult for any potential thieves to dislodge the door and get inside.
  • Garage Door – If you’re going to be away for an extended period of time, disable the power to your garage door and manually lock it.  This closes down one more potential means of entry for any would-be burglars.
  • Landscaping Tips – If you’re going to be away for a longer period of time, arrange to have your lawn cut. Make sure your bushes and hedges are trimmed as well – the smaller the number of potential hiding spots, the lower the chance of someone breaking in.

In addition to all these tips, one of the bonuses of a home or business security system is the added functionality of environmental controls. With an integrated system, you can remotely control your thermostat to make sure you’re saving as much as possible on your cooling bill.

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