In the old days (5 years ago), you would pick up your telephone and it would work, always. You didn’t need power, you didn’t need an internet connection, you didn’t have to rely on all the packets of information getting to where they have to go. Things have changed.

More and more people are cancelling telephone service with traditional phone companies and receiving service through their cable company or another provider. Cheaper, yes, but certainly not better for your alarm system.

The only problem you had to worry about in the past was someone tampering with your phone lines. Now, that is just the beginning. The internet is not as reliable as traditional phone service. 99% up time is over 3 1/2 days of down time a year. Doesn’t sound bad until you remember life safety is at stake. There are other problems as well. The way information packets are processed are not compatible with alarm systems and some providers. Worse yet, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t If the power goes out, no phone service. If someone cuts the cable wire, no phone service. We’ve all called the cable company for service in the past. Lets just say quick they are not.

There is a solution. Connect Wirelessly. Primary or backup communication from your alarm system to the central station can be accomplished via the cellular network for often less than the cost of a telephone line. The signal will get out if the power is down or somebody cuts the wires.

Contact us for more information.

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