Protecting Your Office Day And Night

When running an office, it is important to make sure that you are keeping your staff both happy and safe, but feeling confident that you are keeping them safe can become difficult when they stay late at night. If keeping your staff who go want to stay late is something of concern for you, there are a couple of things you can do to ensure that they will not be at risk if they stay late, and especially if they are staying alone.

One thing that can be done to ensure your employees’ safety after hours is to make sure that there is a clear plan for those who are last in the office. It can be helpful to create a system in which the last few people in the office make sure to notify each other that they are the last ones, and also that they notify others of when they are leaving. Along with this, it can be helpful to make sure that either all doors are locked, or that only one if left unlocked when there are fewer people left. This helps to make everyone aware when they are alone and when there are less people in the office later at night.

Another thing that can be done to ensure office safety for those who work late is to install a security camera system at the entrances to the office. This provides two layers of security because it is a deterrent for any unwanted visitors who may attempt to come into the office, and it also records anyone who is entering and exiting the office.

Key Card System

Image from Safe Tech

An additional layer of security that can be applied is a key card system. In this case, employees can be given key cards that will unlock doors to the office. In this case, the doors to the office can remain locked from the outside at all times, or just during certain hours of the day. This would not only provide security after hours, but would also have the potential to provide security during the day if this was something that you chose to apply to the office 24 hours a day. This is also something that can be coupled with a security camera system for additional security.

Both the combination and individual use of all of these systems can help to secure your workplace, especially for employees that stay after hours and are sometimes left at the office alone, and can give you the peace of mind that your workplace is always a safe place.

If you live or run a business in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

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