How Can You Tell Which Facility Is Best?

Elderly-Sima DimitricAssisted living facilities are a way our aging community can be cared for and maintain a sense of independence.  As a caregiver you can never be too careful or particular when searching for geriatric care for a loved one.  They’re your family and you want them to be cared for as well as they cared for you.  That begs the question how do you know that the facility you’re looking at is the right one for your loved one?

There are many factors to consider when searching for a facility including the health and mental state of your loved one.  Knowing what type of care they will need is important and will help narrow the scope.  A critical feature that you should always be looking for is the security.  How does the facility protect its residents?  What security features are in place to ensure their safety?  As a leading security system provider our team at Perfect Connections, Inc. has been providing comprehensive security systems to healthcare facilities throughout northern and central New Jersey for the past 23 years.  We understand how important safety and security is to not only the facility but families as well.

What to look for

The physical structure, layout, and interior design of a facility can say a lot.  Any new facility will likely be built with ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) design standards in mind.  For example, this means bathrooms will accommodate wheelchairs and walkers.  It’s the older facilities that you’ll want to tour thoroughly to be sure they’ve either made renovations or accommodations for wheelchair bound and handicapped individuals.  This is extremely important for people with limited mobility, you want to be sure they’ll be able to get around with minimal struggle.  Keep an eye out for aesthetic details that could pose a risk like area rugs, high-pile carpeting, outdated and potentially dangerous flooring as these features can increase the chances of slipping or falling.

Is there a check-in desk? This is an important security feature that will help protect residents because it will prevent random visitors from entering unnoticed.  Visitors and guests should be required to sign-in with photo identification to help prevent unauthorized entrance.  Without a check-in/sign-in desk or area anyone could just wander in or out leaving the facility, staff, and residents at risk.  Having a designated area will act as an added form of access control for the facility.

Does the facility have a surveillance system?  Surveillance is a key component to any security system.  It would help monitor residents, staff, and visitors.  Surveillance equipment can be particularly helpful in the case of elderly abuse or missing/wandering residents.  It can help provide timelines and proof in the case of abuse, missing/wandering residents, or unauthorized visitors.  Obviously the goal is to avoid all of these things, but surveillance is an added layer of security that helps provide a peace of mind and encourages people to be on their best behavior.

Is there a monitored fire and carbon monoxide alarm system and what is the facility’s emergency plan?  Having an emergency plan that staff is fully trained and experienced in is vital to the safety and survival of a facility’s residents.  As an emergency consulting firm points out, “Assisted living facilities face greater difficulties than any other business when it comes time to respond to a disaster. Residents are often disabled, suffer from reduced mobility, and may not respond to instruction as expected.”  Part of an emergency plan includes being prepared for unpredictable events such as a fire, earthquake, or hurricane etc.  Being prepared means having a plan of action that all staff and personnel have tested and understand.  Assisted living facilities should have monitored fire and carbon monoxide alarms systems, this will ensure the quickest response time from local emergency and authority crews and help prevent potentially life threatening situations.  Each facility has to adhere to local fire codes and requirements as well.

While looking for an assisted living facility for your loved one may seem like a daunting task, knowing what to look for will help alleviate some of struggle.  As a facility owner having everything in order can be taxing, but it’s essential to the safety and security of your staff, facility, and most importantly the people in your care.  At Perfect Connections, Inc. our team of experts has been providing comprehensive security solutions to healthcare facilities throughout northern and central New Jersey since 1992.  While no system is perfect, having a comprehensive one will greatly decrease the risk of catastrophe and help prepare you, your staff, and residents in the event of an emergency.  It’ll provide you and your clients with a peace of mind that is hard to obtain from anything else.

If you live or run a facility in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

For further information and questions you should ask when looking for an assisted living facility the links below can help:

Top 10 Safety Hazards in Assisted Living Facilities

Assisted Living

Assisted Living Community Evaluation Checklist

Image Credit: Image by Sima Dimitric-Flickr-Creative Commons

About Julia

Julia is the Marketing Associate at Perfect Connections.
Since 1992 Perfect Connections has been the leading security systems company in central and northern New Jersey for custom home & commercial security systems. With decades of experience in the security industry, they are a trusted, expert source for the best security systems solutions. If you are in central and northern New Jersey CLICK HERE NOW to download our FREE REPORT, "3 Things You Must Know Before Hiring A Security Company".. For more information call us 800-369-3962

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