Changing Residential Access

Alan Cleaver-Key in doorThe days of struggling to carry 50 pounds of groceries while simultaneously trying to dig your house keys out of your pocket or purse, might be coming to an end.  As a homeowner your door locks have always been an essential line of defense when it comes to protecting your home.  While our everyday lives are saturated with technological advancement, it only makes sense that our physical structures should follow suit.  That being said, using a key to unlock your doors may be a thing of the past with wireless access control on the rise.

What is wireless access control?  Essentially, wireless access control in a residential setting means replacing the standard lock and key with a keypad, remote control, biometric reader, card reader, or Wi-Fi access.  Keys are no longer the only method for unlocking your doors, in fact, they become the back-up.  At Perfect Connections, Inc. our team of licensed experts have been providing comprehensive security solutions to homes throughout northern and central New Jersey since 1992.  We stay in touch with current technologies and how they might benefit our customers.  Protecting entrances is key (no pun intended) to the safety and security of any home, and we aim to provide the best solutions to each individual residence.

How does a wireless lock work?  Most traditional locks operate on some form of a “pin and tumbler” method.  This is when the serrated edge of an inserted key moves pins on the interior of the lock a certain distance allowing you turn the lock cylinder and open the door.  With a wireless lock (which typically operates on electricity or battery power) has “actuators,” which connect the cylinder or bolt to a motor within the door or frame.  The motor is electrically activated by a keypad, card reader, or wireless remote controller.  On top of that there are locks that work on Wi-Fi signals used in conjunction with your smartphone or mobile device, sometimes referred to as smart or automated locks.  Lastly, biometrics are sometimes used to control home access.  Typically a fingerprint or hand print is the credential required for such a system.

There are many advantages to a wireless locking system.  For one, you never have to worry about losing or forgetting your keys.  This eliminates having to leave spare keys outside or giving them to people who need access to your home.  Instead of using a key you can, depending on the type of wireless lock, give your visitor the access code or with an automated system you can unlock the door from your smartphone.  With a wireless lock there are no wires.  Typically this means an easier and seamless installation.  It’s a technology that would allow for a more ubiquitous integration that includes old and new construction homes.  Wireless locks offer a convenience and extra layer of security you can’t get from a standard door lock.

While there are multiple benefits to a wireless locking system, none of them are perfect.  With a regular lock you might lose your keys, with a wireless keypad lock you could forget your access code or the code could be hacked by a savvy burglar.  Fortunately, if you forget your code many keypad locks come with a physical key as a backup.  As for code hacking, it’s usually best practice to pick a random code, so don’t use a birthday or something easily guessed.  It’s also prudent- and some systems may require it anyway-to change the code every few months or after you’ve let an outsider use it.

The main drawback with a remote controlled lock is, just as with keys, you could lose the remote.  Unlike keys, a remote is usually programed by a computer.  Therefore, in the event that you lose the remote you can deactivate it from the convenience of a computer.  With a smart or automated lock you run into the issue of not always having a reliable Wi-Fi signal.  Then there’s the dreaded question of what happens when the power goes out?  As some of the wireless locks run on electricity, a power outage could be an issue.  However, many of these locks tend to have multiple redundancies in place including backup battery power.  The main deterrent when it comes to biometric locks is the price as they tend to be a fairly complex system that isn’t as pervasive in the residential market as the other technologies.

Whether you are building a new home or want to enhance the security of your current residence, wireless locks can reinforce your first line of defense and provide a convenience you can’t obtain with conventional locks.  As with any security device or installation you should always consult a licensed security systems professional, especially if you’re looking for full system integration.  At Perfect Connections, Inc. our team has been providing comprehensive security system solutions to homes throughout northern and central New Jersey for the past 23 years.  We help you connect and protect what matters most, offering a peace of mind you can’t get from anything else.

If you live or run a business in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image by Alan Cleaver-Flickr-Creative Commons

About Julia

Julia is the Marketing Associate at Perfect Connections.
Since 1992 Perfect Connections has been the leading security systems company in central and northern New Jersey for custom home & commercial security systems. With decades of experience in the security industry, they are a trusted, expert source for the best security systems solutions. If you are in central and northern New Jersey CLICK HERE NOW to download our FREE REPORT, "3 Things You Must Know Before Hiring A Security Company".. For more information call us 800-369-3962

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