In The News: Cameras Drastically Reduce Number of Home Burglaries

Security cameras help reduce home burglaries in Philadelphia

In addition to a custom design burglar system, installing security cameras is one of the best ways to ensure your home is protected.

In Philadelphia, from 2011 to 2016, the number of home burglaries fell by almost 46%. The police credit a large portion of that to the increase in the number of residents who have cameras installed at their home.

Check out the article from FOX 29 here, and call us today to learn about how we can work with you to design a custom system that fits your needs and budgets.

Preventing Shoplifting This Holiday Season

Helpful Tips to Prevent Shoplifting

Each year, shoplifting accounts for millions of dollars of loss for businesses all across the country. Some of the most common items stolen include watches, jewelry, music, books, clothing, and even car parts. While installing a security camera can help to identify suspects after the theft occurs, there are quite a few things a retailer can do to prevent shoplifting from taking place in the first place.

Some actionable tips that can help all types of retailers this holiday season include:

• Greet customers as they come into the store.
• Watch for the customers who avoid eye contact, linger, are constantly looking for the employees, wander around the store or seem to be overly nervous.
• Make sure your employees keep moving and walking around the store.
• Maintain the store and keep it well-organized and clean.
• Restrict the use of the fitting rooms to only customers who request them.
• Install various anti-theft devices.
• Create a shoplifting policy and make sure to enforce it.
• Hire plenty of employees.
• Talk to other businesses in the area about suspicious behavior they may have seen.
• Keep items that are often stolen in plain view.

If you ever do suspect that a person is shoplifting, do not accuse them of this. Instead, just ask them if you can either help them or ring them up. Keep an eye on the person and contact security or a manager right away. You should never attempt to stop the person that’s shoplifting, and if they wind up leaving the store, try to provide a detailed description of the individual, as well as what they are driving.

4 Tips to Safeguard Your Business from a Break-In

Good business security offers peace of mind and helps to prevent acts of vandalism and robberies. Being able to protect your business from a possible theft and break-in is essential for creating a safe environment for your customers and workers – all while protecting your assets.

Below are 4 tips that will help you keep your business safe and sound:

1. Find vulnerable areas.
The first step is to take a walk around the building. Hunt for any damaged windows, doors or other locations where someone could get in undetected. Repair or replace any weak areas.

2. Use video surveillance (CCTV). This is perhaps the most important component of good business security. Having video surveillance allows you to see what is going on. With today’s CCTV systems, you can have live access to your cameras, day or night, from wherever you are (as long as you have access to the internet). And, if a break-in does occur, you have the evidence necessary to catch the culprit. This will also help protect your business from employee theft.

3. Use access control card systems. There are likely some parts of your business where you have rather expensive assets or sensitive information. When you install an access card control system, you will be able to limit some rooms to only authorized individuals. If someone were to break-in, they would have a hard time getting into these locked areas.

4. Advertise your security system. Once the security equipment has been installed, be sure that you post stickers and signs all around letting would-be burglars know about the system.

When you secure your business as outlined above, you’ll have peace of mind knowing your location is safe and sound.

How To Protect Your Home During The Holidays

Happy Holidays-Melissa BrawnerNo matter what you celebrate, the holidays are a time for family, friends, love, laughter, and burglary? That’s right folks, not everyone gets into the spirit of giving during the holiday season. In fact, there are those who seek out opportunities to break into homes and steal instead. Often times people have more valuables and cash lying around during the holiday season. Holiday shopping sprees make empty homes vulnerable as well, especially because most break-ins occur during the day. Fortunately there are some things you can do to prevent break-ins and/or burglary during what is supposed to be the most wonderful time of year. At Perfect Connections, Inc. we understand your concerns in safeguarding not only your home and valuables, but your family as well. If you don’t have a security system, call on our experts at Perfect Connections, Inc. to find out how a comprehensive residential security system can help protect your home, loved ones, and peace of mind. Below are some security tips to keep in mind for the holiday season.

If you don’t have one, install a home security system with home automation

A comprehensive home security system with home automation and a monitoring service has numerous benefits. Aside from making your home 300 percent less likely to be burglarized, you gain a peace of mind that can’t be obtained anywhere else. At Perfect Connections, Inc. we specialize in providing and installing customized residential security systems that include proper fire alarms, surveillance equipment and a monitoring service, burglar alarms, and carbon monoxide detectors. These components combined with home automation make for an almost unbeatable system. With home automation you no longer have to worry whether or not you locked your doors because you can conveniently do so from afar via your mobile device.

If you have a security system make sure it is functioning properly

There’s nothing like assuming you’re covered in an emergency or break-in, only to find out key components of your security system are malfunctioning or out of batteries. These are things that should be checked, at the very least, on an annual basis by your security provider. It doesn’t hurt to double check during the holiday season. Run a diagnostics test, if you’re unsure how to, contact your security system provider and the monitoring service to avoid false alarms.

Travel plans?

Planning a trip for the holidays? Be sure to keep the details on the down-low. Do not announce on any platform-as tempting as it may be-when you’ll be gone and for how long. Sharing that type of information with the public is like an open invitation to criminals. If you have to tell someone or want someone to check your home periodically while you’re gone, tell trusted neighbors and friends or hire someone from a reputable company. Try not to make it look obvious that you’re not home, have someone grab your mail or have the post office hold it. Use programmed lighting or home automation to turn lights on and off throughout your trip, this will help give the illusion that someone is home. Leaving the TV on or a single light on for the duration of your trip is not a good idea because if someone is casing your home they will pick up on the fact that neither is being turned on or off; never mind the chance of an electrical fire.

Hide gifts

Do not leave gifts, wrapped or unwrapped in front of windows or within sight from the exterior of your home. Just as with any valuables, the more visible they are, the more incentive burglars have to break-in. If you are going to leave gifts in front of windows or within outdoor sight, try drawing your curtains.

Do a quick survey of your property

Taking the time to inspect the exterior of your home and property is a great way to ensure your access points are adequately protected. Doing this can help point out potential hiding spots for criminals (i.e. high or untrimmed shrubs) and weak spots that might need attention.

Out and about

While you’re out shopping be sure to secure your home and yourself. If you carry a purse be sure to keep it close to you. Wallet carriers, if you normally keep it in your back pocket, be sure to switch it to your front. Park your car in well-lit areas. You can never be too careful.

Remember it’s not all about the material possessions that can be stolen, most are easily replaced. It’s losing that peace of mind you had prior to a break-in. Restoring peace of mind once it’s been disturbed is more difficult than replacing a toy. Be proactive and protect your home and family by installing a comprehensive security system. If you live in Northern or Central New Jersey call on our team of professionals at Perfect Connections, Inc.. We can provide a personal assessment of your security needs. Then customize a system that is right for your individual home that will help protect you and your family for many holiday seasons to come!

If you live in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credit: Image By Melissa Brawner-Flickr-Creative Commons

Why Custom Is Best

Broken door jamb-Tim SamoffThe world is an exciting, adventure-filled environment we all share. Even with all of the amazing opportunities it has to offer, the sad fact remains that there are inevitable and unavoidable dangers. We would all like to think our homes are impervious fortresses of safety, when in reality life is unpredictable, and most are unaware or don’t want to believe they are vulnerable in their own home. However, you can take preventative measures to significantly decrease your chances of disaster. Our homes are where our lives happen, what better reason to protect them? By installing a comprehensive custom security system, you would not only be protecting the physical structure of your home, but most importantly the welfare of your family. No one understands this better than our team of experts at Perfect Connections, Inc., a trusted security systems company that has serviced homes locally in Central and Northern New Jersey for decades.

Maybe you’ve considered a security system in the past, but thought, “my neighborhood is safe, nothing bad would or could ever happen here.” Then the unthinkable happens, your neighbor’s home is broken into while they are at work; the intruder stealing most, if not all, of their irreplaceable valuables. Your neighbor didn’t have a security system and the perpetrator was able to get in through an open window on their back porch. Sometimes that’s all it takes, you can lock your doors, but if a criminal wants in and you are unprotected, they will most likely find a way. According to, in 2012 there were an estimated 2,103,787 burglaries across the United States, and “Homes without alarm systems are 3 times more likely to be burglarized than those with an alarm system.” Don’t fall victim to false pretenses of perceived safety. Take initiative to safeguard what matters most.

As a homeowner, it’s not just burglaries and break-ins that are cause for concern, fire and carbon monoxide poisoning are unpredictable occurrences that threaten home and family safety. According to the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) in 2013 nationally fire departments responded to a fire every 25 seconds, and 80,100 incidents of non-fire related carbon monoxide detection in 2010. To help avoid something as catastrophic as a fire or carbon monoxide poisoning, it is imperative that the proper warning systems are part of your home security system. Carbon monoxide detectors and smoke alarms will help prevent irreparable damage and loss.

A comprehensive custom security system will not only help prevent break-ins and fire damage, but protect and improve the functionality of your home and family. Today’s technological advancements have significantly enhanced the capabilities of home security systems. Many systems can be controlled and monitored remotely from the convenience of your smartphone or mobile device. In fact, here at Perfect Connections, Inc. we work with interactive services like to provide seamless and convenient home automation. Industry manufacturers and engineers have come a long way from the now antiquated door shaker security measures that followed the end of World War I. The door shakers were a posse of watchmen that would travel door to door giving each one a jiggle to make sure they were locked. Imagine leaving the safety of your home and family up to a door shaker nowadays? Whether you are in the midst of new home construction or concerned about your current residence, consider what security measures can and should be implemented.

When deciding between security systems companies, remember no two security systems are the same, as they shouldn’t be. They should be customized to fit the needs of an individual. If you hire a company that insists on using the same system they’ve used everywhere else, you might be getting duped. Not everyone has the same needs, and every home is different, therefore the security necessities between homes are going to vary greatly. Your security systems provider and installers should already know this, and they should be able to provide comprehensive solutions to your homes’ vulnerabilities. As a customer be sure to do your research. Personal referrals are helpful and online reviews can sometimes help weed out the non-experts. Once you’ve narrowed your search you’ll want to have the company you choose perform a security assessment. The assessment will show you what you’re lacking and how to better equip your home.

Features & Benefits of a Home Security System

Combining smoke and carbon monoxide detectors with motion detectors, surveillance, window and door sensors, energy management, and burglar alarms will create a more cohesive system, and put your mind at ease. With motion detectors you can be alerted when someone, or something, is moving in a particular room, or when doors and windows are being opened and closed. Motion detectors can even be set up to communicate with the security cameras in your home to catch a glimpse of what is moving. For all of the animal lovers, pet immune motion detectors are available helping to avoid false alarms from your furry friends.Cat and dog-Tim Dorr

While motion detectors pick up what is going on inside your home, window and door sensors will help provide perimeter protection, helping warn you before intruders are physically inside your home. Both sensors/detectors can trip your alarm system giving you enough time to get somewhere safe and/or alert the authorities, while simultaneously driving the intruder away. The benefits of an energy conscious system is that its’ cost effective and less wasteful. Being able to manage your home climate can save you from a sky-high utilities bill, especially in extreme weather conditions.

One of the best ways to keep track and understand what is happening in yours or a loved one’s home is surveillance. By installing home security cameras you have the capability to record and monitor internal and external activity. Cameras are a great way to deter potential intruders or vandals and keep track of who is coming and going. Recording and monitoring services can be a helpful resource in tracking down a suspect in the event of a successful break-in. Surveillance will provide peace of mind that can’t be obtained by an alarm system alone.

The Connected Home

Now that you have your custom security system installed and you fully grasp its functions,wouldn’t it be convenient to see and control what is happening while you’re away? With the Connected Home-Home Automation and integrated security systems now you can. In today’s high-tech society many security systems now have remote access capabilities. Maybe you’re at work and your kids are expected home before you, with remote access via your smartphone, tablet, or mobile device, you can be notified of their safe arrival with a snapshot or video clip. Perhaps you forgot to close your garage door before leaving for vacation. No worries, with the tap of your mobile device, it’s easily closed. Maybe you’re concerned for the well being of a loved one living on their own, but you don’t want to hinder their independence, problem solved. With a mobile app like the one offered by you can check on your family member’s activity without being intrusive. You can even control the temperature of your home from Home Automation-from our websiteafar. Imagine your driving home from a long weekend mid-winter and you had set the temperature somewhere in the 50’s in an effort to conserve energy; mid drive you can access and change your home climate to avoid the bone-chilling wait time it would take to warm the house. This type of technology is not only convenient but continuously evolving. Including home automation as in integral part of your security system makes life easier and with improving technologies it’s bound to only get better.

See what Perfect Connections, Inc. can do to help protect your home and family. We have been securing homes since 1992. Our team can provide a personalized solution to help put your mind at ease.

If you live in Central or Northern New Jersey and would like information on any of the topics discussed above, please call 800-369-3962 or simply CLICK HERE.

Image Credits: Image #1 by Tim Samoff-Filckr-Creative Commons, Image #2 by Tim Dorr-Flickr-Creative Commons