Beware of Cookie Cutter Systems

As we all know, every business is different. Each business has its own unique challenges when it comes to ensuring complete protection and safety. Unfortunately, we’ve seen numerous examples of people believing they were protected by “one size fits all” systems, when all they really do is provide a false sense of security. This year, one out three businesses will go bankrupt from theft. More than $3 billion dollars in damages will be assessed from business fires Are you able to take the risk that a cookie-cutter system will be able to defend against all the unique problems you face in your day-to-day business?

There are a number of factors that must be taken into account when designing a security system that works for your business. What are the local ordinances and laws that require compliance? How many employees do you have? What other types of buildings surround your business? Hospitals can require certain types of security systems, while manufacturing facilities will require a completely different system.


Many larger security companies are willing to give you a quote on a security system sight unseen. We’ve seen so many problems arise because of this. Many times, these systems won’t work when you need them to – an incident won’t be recorded because a camera was not pointed the right way, or storage was full. Vulnerable entrances left unprotected. Valuable property not monitored properly. There is often fine print that will lock you in to high cost monitoring for extended periods of time, coupled with pricey charges if you need to end your contract early.

Surveillance systems are not the only part of a comprehensive security system though. At Perfect Connections, we believe a complete security system also includes fire protection, access control, burglar alarms, and carbon monoxide detectors, along with 24 hour monitoring. Fire alarm codes differ from town to town. Each company’s access control needs will be different. Burglar alarms and carbon monoxide detectors add important layers to any security system, protecting your property and employees.

With today’s technology, these systems can not only be monitoring 24 hours a day remotely, but can also be viewed with any smartphone or computer. Automatic notifications can be sent to alert you when something at your business happens. Climate controls can be set remote to help save costs on heating and cooling.

When you’re looking to install or upgrade a security system at your business, remember to make sure you’re getting a system that fits the needs and challenges your business faces on a day to day business. While a cookie cutter system may be a bit more affordable than a custom security system, the extra protection and peace of mind you get from knowing that your security system is tailor-made for your business is well worth the investment.

Important Summer Security Tips

Summer brings many wonderful experiences – long overdue vacations, day trips to the beach, holidays spent with family and friends, and lots more. But did you also know summer brings the highest risk of break-ins?

Here are some helpful tips to make sure your home is protected during the summer months.

  • Don’t Advertise That You’re On Vacation – As tempting as it may be to brag on social media about your upcoming vacation, thieves are becoming more clever and may be watching your posts. Be careful what you post online – anything that lets people know you’ll be aware from your home for an extended period of time is an invitation for someone to break in.
  • Timers – Technology today can help with many tricks to help make it appear as if you’re home. Timers can be set on lighting systems to turn lights on and off, both inside and outside your house, making it appear as if the house is occupied while you’re away. You can even have your radio or television turned on and off remotely.Vacation-Google
  • Pause Your Mail/Newspapers – The post office will hold mail deliveries for up to 30 days. A quick trip to the post office will ensure that stacks of mail don’t pile up at your house while you’re away, which is a big sign that no one is watching the house.
  • Helpful Neighbors – Ask neighbors that you trust to pick up your newspaper / mail (if you choose not to have it paused). Give them contact information if they don’t have it to use in case of emergency, and ask them to watch out for any unexpected packages that may arrive while you’re away.
  • Sliding Glass Doors – A metal rod installed in the track of a sliding glass door makes it more difficult for any potential thieves to dislodge the door and get inside.
  • Garage Door – If you’re going to be away for an extended period of time, disable the power to your garage door and manually lock it.  This closes down one more potential means of entry for any would-be burglars.
  • Landscaping Tips – If you’re going to be away for a longer period of time, arrange to have your lawn cut. Make sure your bushes and hedges are trimmed as well – the smaller the number of potential hiding spots, the lower the chance of someone breaking in.

In addition to all these tips, one of the bonuses of a home or business security system is the added functionality of environmental controls. With an integrated system, you can remotely control your thermostat to make sure you’re saving as much as possible on your cooling bill.

Tips for New Home Owners + Tips To Add More To Your System

Helpful Security Tips For New Homeowners

There is no doubt that moving into a new home can be exciting; however, between getting all your belongings moved in, unpacking and getting organized, it can be quite easy to overlook security in the new home.

Thieves work where there is an opportunity. They will prey on people or locations they believe are “easy targets.” With movers coming and going from the space and the homeowners being distracted, a burglar can easily take advantage of the situation.

Prior to settling into your new home, take some time to address a few security concerns. Some tips that can help to keep new homeowners and their belongings safe include:


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Change the locks – this should include window locks. You never know how many other copies are “out there.”
Perform a security audit – walk around and try to think like a criminal. Address any issues such as broken fences, bushes near the house or windows or doors that do not shut securely.
Install a security system – monitored security services are perhaps the best way to help keep your home secure.
Install plenty of outdoor lighting – motion or sensor lights are great at deterring would-be intruders.
Get to know the neighbors.


Moving into a new house is a huge occasion, but you cannot ignore the security issues that may be present. Be sure that you take note of the tips here to keep your new home and yourself safe and secure.


Helpful Additions You Can Make To Your Home Security Alarms

Your home is your castle. For most people, protecting it is a top priority. One of the best investments you can make to provide superior protection for your home, belongings and family is a home security alarm. Modern options are far more advanced than the security systems that were available as little as a decade ago. Getting to know some of the new features and advancements offered by these security systems will help you see why they are such an invaluable asset.

Remote Access Viewing – One of the most helpful additions that you can add to your home security alarm is a set of cameras. With the advances in modern security technology, it is now possible to access the video cameras in your house from anywhere in the world. This will allow you to view your home – no matter where you are – to make sure that everything is safe and that no one has broken in.

Increased Electrical Safety – Another helpful feature offered with modern home security alarms allows you to determine whether or not any electrical components, such as a stove or outlet, have been left on in your home. This will help to improve the overall level of safety in your home.

Added Fire Safety – Yet another beneficial thing that you can add to your home security system is smoke detectors and sensors. In most cases, these are very easily added to your system and they can provide a lot of added safety. When a fire is detected the alarm will sound and if you are paying for monitoring, the proper authorities will be contacted. This will help to increase the response time and it will help to reduce the damage that you have to your home in the event of a fire.

Installing a modern security system or upgrading your existing one just makes sense. It will provide you with peace of mind that your home and family are safe and secure.